3 Steps to Protecting and Cleansing Your Aura From Negative Energy

Today’s article is going to teach you in details how to protect your aura from negative energies and how to cleanse your aura when negative energy affect you.

But before we get to the nitty gritty stuff, let’s cover the basics.


What Is the Human Aura?aura

The human aura is a field of energy that is so subtle yet so radiant that surrounds us. It is an extension of our physical body.

Auras are related to the electromagnetic field of the human body and serve as a visual measure of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states.

Our auras are ever-changing as it’s completely affected by everything that we do or think. The aura is also affected by other energies such as the surrounding environment, the forcefields of the solar system, and the energies of other creatures such as humans, animals, plants, etc.

Think of the aura as your energetic signature; you have a written signature that represents your physical form, your aura represents your energetic form.


Why Should You Protect and Cleanse Your Aura?

auraYou shower and take care of your physical body daily, and your spiritual body is no different.  Protecting and Cleansing your aura is important to your spiritual hygiene.

I recommend that you do that on a daily basis, as I mentioned earlier your auras are effected by everything around you so pay attention!

I personally clean my aura twice a day – once upon awaking, and then before falling asleep at night.

Protecting and cleansing one’s aura is a simple practice that only takes a few minutes a day and is well worth doing!

And now we going to get into the fun stuff!

Below, I am going to share with you 6 powerful ways to protect and cleanse your aura; 3 ways to protect and 3 ways cleanse.

So let’s get cooking!


How To Protect Your Aura:

1. The Protection Bubble Technique:

the aura This is my absolute favorite way to protecting the aura.  Its simple and very effective.  You can do it anywhere and anytime.

I do this every single morning right after I get out of bed. Here is how it goes:

Take 3 deep breaths. Get centered and connected to the Universal Powers.

Now imagine a bright white light shining from “The Divine, The Universe, God, whatever you believe in” down to the crown of your head.

Now Imagine that light spreading and covering your entire body from head to toe. You are now protected by a pure white invisible bubble.

Set your intention to have a GREAT day, request that the bubble act as your shield protecting you from negative energies.

I go a step further and put a bubble around everything that’s important to me, my family, my dog, my house, my car, virtually everything and everyone that I come in contact with.

It makes a HUGE difference.  Give it a try!


2. Using Hematite Crystals:

Carry a piece of Hematite crystal with you.

Hematite is one of the best-known crystals for protecting against negative energy.  It’s relatively inexpensive, and you can find it easily either online on Etsy or at any jewelry store within your community.


3. Find an Energy Healer: 

heart-light-1Working with an energy healer who has the knowledge and expertise in that field can help you clear any blockages you might have. Also, it removes the guess work; these healers have dedicated their lives to learning the craft and they do amazing work.

So book a session with an energy worker; they are not that hard to find, trust me. Just Google energy healer near me and you are most likely will find somebody.


How To Cleanse Your Aura:

1. Smudging:

Inevitably, some negative energy will penetrate your aura despite your best efforts but that’s ok, you can rid negative energy from your aura by smudging.

Smudging is a Native American practice that utilizes the use of white sage to cleanse any negative energy.

I do it whenever I feel cranky, whiny, angry, etc.

I also recommend that you smudge when you are exposed to people who are known drain your energy; we all know that one person who can literally darken a room just by walking into it.

So get your smudging on!


2. Staying grounded. 

Last week, I wrote an entire article on how to stay grounded using crystals. Go here to read the article.

Being grounded means your energy is connected to Mother Earth.heaphones-33

It’s important to be grounded because when you are not grounded, then you are floating around in the ether with other energies that might be negative, toxic, or simply put, energies you don’t want to mix in with.

There are countless ways to get grounded.

Simplest way is to stand barefoot on the grass; that’s the quickest way to ground yourself and be on the same energy as mother earth.

Another way is to hug a tree! Yes, I know it sounds cheesy to those who are closed to the idea. Trees are amazing beings that will ground you and eliminate any negative energy within you, sometimes within just a few minutes. It’s worth a shot!

Lastly, another awesome way to stay grounded includes carrying crystals such as Jasper or Hematite.


3. Using Sea Salt Baths:

A Sea salt bath is a delightful and easy way to cleanse your aura of negative energy.

Sea Salt has a cleansing and purifying effect on your aura and the magnesium in the sea salt helps multiple functions in your body as well.

So feeling drained, then immerse yourself in warm sea salt bath and let your energy get restored.

meditation-shower-bath-waterfallOk, by now you have many ways at your disposal that can aid you in protecting and cleansing your aura!

You certainly don’t need to do all of them everyday but it’s good to know about them.

Give them all a try, and then determine what works best for you.

Most of the ways I shared with you are either free or very inexpensive.

I recommend using the bubble protection technique every day as a foundation for good protection.  Then experiment with any of the other 5 ways to supplement your protection effort.

So let let me know if the comment section if you doing any of these already?  What has works and what’s not?


Till we talk again, may protection and love surround you and all that are important to you!




Zane Baker is a Master Success Coach & Inspirational Speaker. He’s also the Co-Founder of The Valhalla Mind Institute & The My Daily Zen Transformational Programs. Zane serves over 150 thousand subscribers & followers with his free newsletter & personal growth advice on his Facebook page. His top rated meditation track is available here “The Vision Quest”.

You can follow more of his work at www.ValhallaMind.com.

4 thoughts on “3 Steps to Protecting and Cleansing Your Aura From Negative Energy”

  1. I already use white bubble teqnique before Tarot reading.its helpful but good to know that i can use on my dearones to clear thier negativity too

  2. i have been told that i have red and black energies sourrounding me and i need to cleanse my aura. i believe the ones you have mentioned here above would definately help me. i am not sure what is the red and black energies around me and what do they signify?

  3. how to I cleans my area at work? everyday I have to sit by people that are unhappy and all ways negative?

    1. Maybe you can place a sea salt in a clear bowl on your desk space.ineven heard you can mix in a little pepper. You can us the light white technique. You can purchase the crystals mentioned. Obsidian is another crystal that blocks negative energy.

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