Category Archives: Inspirational

Sure, It’s Easier To Run

i-am-02I just watched a documentary last night called I AM. This groundbreaking work follows director Tom Shadyac around the globe as he sits down with renown poets, business executives, psychologists, and biologists to ask two questions:

18iam-span-articleLargeWhat is wrong with the world?
What can we do to fix it?

The root to which it all boils down to is encompassed in a response given by English writer, G.K. Chesterton, to the initial question, posed to him by the London Times.
Q: What is wrong with the world?
A: I am.

Science today, as explored in this film, is rounding up more and more applicable and indisputable evidence to suggest that the totality of existence is in fact an energetic projection of The Individual Observer, that each of you reading this Now, whether aware of it or not, are in fact 100% responsible for the entirety of your every experience. Some have expressed this to be a daunting concept to accept, though I personally find this to be a most empowering paradigm. That we have the power to create worlds. That with personal mastery of our emotional and mental states, so too comes mastery of creating whatever reality we desire.

Running-awayOften times, we encounter struggles or set backs in life, and it’s as if it’s almost become natural for us to point the finger to a person or situation or group of persons for having caused the problem. Many times we have even chosen to walk away from a particular job or project, dissolve a personal relationship, or any other number of “move-away” tactics, as if separating ourself from “the thing” is going to solve the issue. The reality is, as the mystics have echoed through the ages, that the issue is within us, not “out there” and we have actual, measurable, repeatable evidence of this concept today! How exciting!

Thanks to institutions like Heart Math and Biocybernaut Institute, just to name a couple, Western culture is beginning to wake up to The Reality of what is true about ourselves and how we work, our natural design to exist in harmony with all that surrounds us, and step into authority of our lives by accepting fully the responsibility of our every experience.

change-your-thoughts-and-you-change-your-world18Instead of running from our problems, we now begin to see that there is no problem. There is only a manifestation of some personality trait that we desire other than to exhibit, and so we now become grateful for the encounter with these parts of ourselves, that they have been brought to our attention as an opportunity for personal growth through identifying those parts of our personality and shifting to what we truly desire to be.


The 7 Stages of a Twin-Flame Relationship

Recognition and Temporary Spiritual Awakening

Both twins recognize one another at the soul level and feel as if they have met before. Synchronous events surround the union, the heart chakra open and both souls quickly merge into a third unified energy. Both twins experience an acceleration of spiritual understanding.

The Purpose of the Recognition Stage & Temporary Awakenings Stage: To activate the memory of each soul’s life mission and to help awaken each twin to higher levels of consciousness.


The initial temporary spiritual awakening (illumination) fades. The ego (little self) begins to reemerge. One or both twins may attempt to fit the relationship into the “old model” of love, couple hood and relationship as it relates to their ego desires and learned false beliefs. Inner conflict arises.

false twinTwins ruminate on what they were taught to believe their beloved “should be” and how relationships are supposed to serve them. Both twins feel simultaneously inspired and toppled by power of the union. Doubts creep in, making one or both twins begin to view their beloved critically or suspiciously.

The Purpose of the Testing Stage: To cause outdated mental concepts about relationships to rise to the surface to be cleared.


The crisis of the twin is realizing they must either reject egoic beliefs about love relationships or reject their beloved. Having to shed “little self” or identity based beliefs and desires to embrace a higher expression of love can lead to stubbornness and anxiety.twin flames Continue reading

What does Waking up Really Mean?

What is waking up?  How do I know if I am awake?

If you are familiar with our site and sites like it you may have heard this term “Waking up”.  We hear about all the signs and symptoms of waking up but do we know what it is to actually BE awake?

Lets start with defining what we are talking about and then we will go into what it means on a spiritual level.

If you type “Define Awake” into Google you should see something similar to the picture below.


Lets see how these definitions help us narrow down what we mean when we say waking up or to be awake spiritually.


“Prism” ~ Painting by Mynzah

What does it mean to be spiritually asleep?  If you have watched the Spirit Science series or are familiar with the procession of the equinox you will see that we have been asleep as a planet for a very long time.  What this means is that our level of awareness about the connections all around us has declined to a point where we feel separate from everyone and everything around us.

2. Cause (Someone) to Wake from Sleep

Waking up spiritually, in its more basic terms would be to recognize with your whole being your connection to everyone and everything around you.  This is often referred to as the mystical experience as described by Alan Watts.

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3. Regain Consciousness

Regaining consciousness is to remember that we have always been connected with the oneness of the universe.  This is important because it can help us recognize how the mistreatment of others is no different then cutting off your left hand or to poke out one of your eyes.

awaken 3

4. To become AWARE of; come to the realization of

There are many levels of awareness that come with waking up and ultimately being awake.

  • Some people are born awake and remain awake during their lives. This is very rare but not unheard of.  It is theorized that if a child is nurtured with awareness it will be more aware and able to to stay awake.
  • Catalysts such as events can also cause an awakening within a person.  Powerful transformation doesn’t have to be painful but for some it does come with a lot of pain.  Some people speed up their awakening process when they experience a powerful trauma or are diagnosed with a terminal illness.

The Social Revolution that will Change the Way We Connect with Each Other

[shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111573″]We are amidst the beginning of a Social Revolution. All of this technology, our communities, communication, and connection with each other is changing. We are able to connect with each other around the globe, and as our technology advances, so too will our communications become more intimate, more real and more personal.

I found this video the other day and I felt very compelled to share it with you. The Social Revolution. We are magnificent beings. You are a magnificent being! A creator of many calibers. Just watch and you’ll see what i’m talking about.

Here is a thought for you. What is the greatest computer? Mac? PC? How about NASA’s supercomputers?

No. You see, your body… that is the greatest computer. Your eyes… they are magnificent! Do you really know what you are seeing? Every single second your eyes take in 72 gigabytes of information. The worlds greatest camera! Is that not incredible? All of this data, this code is behind the firewall of our personality.  86 billion neurons evolved to give us our vision of the world all around us.

Friends, family, lovers, the people around you now. All of the people around you right now, they are all up in here. Your brain. They’re all stories, memories, charged with emotion. Your happiness, your sadness, your joy, your frustration. These connections and stories make up you, an ongoing story that goes on until you die. Your memories are your life.

The author of this speech – Dr. Antoine Cartier-Wells, is leading a project to integrate and communicate memories on a bio-electrical level between people. The technology is still very early on, but they have put together a rather unique and interesting game you can check out here.  I believe there are a great many ideas and technologies that have the potential to stand out to human-kind and be “game changing”. This technology is no exception, and just like with the power of Flight, it can be used to Aid, or Destroy mankind. It’s all about the core, what’s the intention?

Based on his speech, it sounds to me like they’re headed in the right direction :)

If the core is right, this could be one of mankind’s greatest assets in connecting everyone in a way that is wholesome, honest, truthful, and real. Check it out, and see for yourself. How do you feel about it?

Why You Should Love Yourself Made Into A Comic Strip

This is a comic I put together with tremendous inspiration by Elijah Ray, a musician from Hawaii who speaks countless truths and flows amazing love through all of the work that he does. The idea was sparked by Ray Kamille, who shared with me the idea he had to turn this song into an animated cartoon. Cartoons take a really long time to make, and I felt compelled to share this with you in a simpler way, which has manifested in its current form, now :)

Thank you for taking the time to read it, and please enjoy :) 


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Listen to the Original Song on Bandcamp by Clicking Here

Over a year ago, we also put together a music video based on Elijah’s work – a video called “Give Thanks”.

Consider it a bonus to reading this post <3

Leave it to Walt Disney to share Sacred Geometry through Donald Duck in this Totally Epic Cartoon!

On June 26th 1959, Disney released a short cartoon documentary titled “Donald in Mathmagic Land.” This video tells the story of our well known childhood cartoon pal Donald Duck, being lead by the True Spirit of Adventure who guides him on his journey through “The World of MathMagic Land.”

Walt Disney explains the creation of this as being for educational purposes when he says, “The cartoon is a good medium to stimulate interest. We have recently explained mathematics in a film and in that way excited the public in this very important subject.”

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