Category Archives: Jocelyn Daher

Claim Your Deepest Desires with Tonight’s Super Moon in Aries

The full moon is a time for the most potent access to manifesting your dreams. It is a time when your thoughts and emotions become magnetised to attract the exact reality that matches what you imagine. Think about how the ocean is affected by the full and new moon, the alignment of the sun and moon create a potency that change the pull of the tides on the planet. Humans can be up to eighty percent water, just think of how that affects our internal processes! Not only is this a full moon but a super moon meaning that it is closer in Earth orbit than usual causing a stronger magnetism and appearance in the sky.

shutterstock_428350072This cycle the moon is in Aries, if you don’t know anything about this type of energy it is the spark of life, the electromagnetic energy that illuminates everything around us! In astrology, Aries is a fire sign, symbolic to when life enters the womb; when the seed merges with an egg to weaving into a living, breathing, heart beating being. The ram is the animal associated with this sign and the power is in the strength of the spiralized horns, the sacred structure that can withhold huge force upon contact, the energy of forward moving momentum that Aries creates.

We are in the Hunter’s Moon which follows the Harvest Moon, the changing of the seasons is a time when we have gathered all of the resources from the previous cycle,we must leave what we have acquired and feel comfortable with and release into the unknown. Picture this time as transitional, Spring and Fall are the times to shift gears; when the energy of openness, of newness is available to set a new intention. This time of year is like the womb in ovulation ready to be fertilized, there is the emptiness yet availability of creation.

Rather than when we move into Summer or Winter, seasons that are more about the process of growth of the ideas and intentions we have planted in the Spring or Fall. Summer is about the expansion or growth process which expends energy and Winter about the falling away or letting your energy become nourished. The harvest time from Summer is the time you are collecting what you have sowed in the Spring time and then as we reap the fields of all the growth to let all of the old revelations die away to open to the new. Although this energy is disappointing to some because it is not about tangible results, there is potency in this energetic sedation because there is access to the “parting of the veil” or the realm where all potential lies.

This time period is similar to the primordial sludge that the caterpillar must disintegrate into to become the butterfly the spirit of this time is about endless and undefinable possibility. Floating in the realms where all life returns to and comes from, that connecting wisdom, the endless mystery of the moment to come. I picture it as a time to reach into the deepest layer of your essence, the time to remember why you have come here, why your ancestors came, where they succeeded and fail as well as what you want for your future self.

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Will You Step Through The Lionsgate Opening On August 8th?

There are many aspects to this stargate and I am going to be going through the significance of this event as well as how to utilize this time to it greatest ability. If you are listening this is the perfect time to ignite your energy power generator!

For thousands of years, this time of year has been told to hold a huge influx of energy that comes through around August eighth of each year. This portal has been called the infinity portal or the Lion’s Gate, an energetic activation of the numbers 8/8, August: eighth month, in the sign of Leo the lion, on the eighth day of the year.       [shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111573″]

The Month of the Lion

shutterstock_379107568Right now we are in the astrological sign of Leo and this lion is a natural leader when all aspects are balanced. When the Leo is in it’s center and balanced it expands not only a quiet and powerful confidence like that of a Lion but also a generous and magnanimous heart.

The planet that is also linked to Leo is the Sun and the Sun is starting to go into it’s accelerated ignition. Scientist Nassim Haramein talks about his theory about the true meaning of the Mayan calendar’s 2012 event actually being the completion of a solar cycle that takes hundreds of thousands of years come full circle. Continue reading

The World is Not Falling Apart; The Veil of World-Wide Corruption is Lifting


We are here to watch it all come down and there is a ray of hope in and amongst this storm!

Praying for the World, holding the vision <3

I have been on fire these past couple of months with everything happening around the world. The old world most of us have grown up in, that we found familiar, appears to be going up in flames. As I watch this blatant inferno, my mind immediately starts to label it as a crumbling wasteland of utter chaos. As I invite that notion in, it swirls around my brain bringing forth the question, “ What can I do? What can we do but to watch it all crash to the ground?”

I can feel (along with most likely many of you who are reading this article) that we have been in the midst of a dark agenda playing out for hundreds of years causing the deterioration of humanity in the form of our inherent human consciousness as well as our beloved Earthly environment.


In my opinion, the darkness is a natural fluctuation in time (seems foreign, even removed to say), we are very much still in the Dark Ages!

Yes, we may have moved away from visibly decapitating people for speaking their truth but we are still very much in the infancy as a mass “civilization” waking up out of solely the physical planes into the higher uses of consciousness.

I am not speaking of superhuman intuitive powers like telekinesis, teleportation via the mind (remote viewing) or mind reading (although I believe, those are abilities we were and are very much capable of) but I am more speaking of the simple ability for example, to know that although we are in this physical body, we are animated by and connected to spirit itself! Continue reading

Your Guide on How to Thrive This Year – During 8 Planets in Retrograde

What Does 8 Planets in Retrograde Actually Mean and Why Should You Care?

This planetary positioning hasn’t happened in our solar system for over ten years, 

here is your guide to thriving during this pivotal time. 

When a planet goes retrograde, it visually appears to orbit around Earth backwards, but isn’t actually. It just appears this way in our solar system, and therefore in astrological charting. If you are a sensitive or intuitive person, then you have been feeling within the last six to ten months the major shifts not only on the planet by seeing the uprising of people demanding equality but also within your personal life!

When any planet moves into a retrograde position, it is a time that most people in the esoteric community have a strong negative connotation attached to it because it usually preempts a time of change; they talk about it being a destructive time!

For example, Mercury in Retrograde: you are instructed not to make any major decisions, not to travel, and not to make any big new purchases or sign any contracts. These periods of time when a planet goes Retrograde last about a month to six weeks but since all of the planets have decided to go virtually at once, the strategy of just waiting out the storm is really not an option.

You can follow those old rules if you would like but these influences from all of the planets are not going to go direct until December of 2016!  Since July of 2015, starting with Venus, we have had and will have, every planet within our solar system go retrograde! We haven’t seen this many planets going retrograde in almost 10 years!

That is why I am here to give my opinion (take it with a grain of salt) and be your humble guide to the universe on how to survive emotionally and thrive physically, into a new resonance!

shutterstock_396419296The first step is to understand what retrograde energy is actually trying to communicate to your personal energetic field and auric system. Within everything in the entire universe, is an in breath, and an outward breath, inhale and exhale, creation and death. One energy is about expansion and the other is about implosion or going back to source.

When planets are direct they are in the Yang or the masculine-creation phase of energy; it is penetrative, action oriented and externally experienced. This form of collective consciousness supports you to work with other people, to be seen in front of others and be exposed to comfortable environments that are familiar enough to dominate with your belief structure. This energy often encourages you to engage in an outward experience.

When a planet is retrograde, it is the in the Yin or feminine-transformation version of when a planet is direct in our solar system, meaning it is a time for a more introverted and more independently experienced form of reality. This is a time that if you are used to getting guidance from external factors or finding your value or worth through other people, places or things; these illusions will become extremely tangible and will manifest externally in your environment.

I think it is also difficult during this time because Planetary Retrograde positioning is a feminine energy in a realm and paradigm that is based off of masculine energy! Meaning retrograde energy wants you to live at the pace like you are on vacation at a tropical resort but most of us live at the pace of living in New York City. I know you have heard that “the divine feminine and masculine is wounded” if you are in the “new age” community (whatever that means) but this time is not only affecting the sensitive or intuitive community (although you will be more aware of it), the general human populous will be feeling these influences to slow down and look within as well.

These influences are a general shift in consciousness that affects all people whether they realize it or not. When a planet goes retrograde, it makes you more conscious of your thoughts and emotions. For example: If you are the type of person that has been running from seeing your true feelings about your life because you haven’t been listening to your passion, busying yourself with a nine-to-five job.

You preoccupy yourself externally with thinking that possessions, food or addictions are going to cover the endless gaping hole inside of you. This is the time these planetary influences are going to rip down the veil of illusion and little by little reveal every suppressed aspect of yourself because it wants you to heal and live out your truest desires.

This influence is here to reveal that you are a spiritual being in a human body that has incarnated on a mission to heal past life, false beliefs that are fogging your dharma (your mission) and keeping you from living life in peace, love and harmony. I feel that our solar system is strategically aligning itself, just like the lungs facilitate the inward breath and the exhale, to lead humanity to it’s own enlightenment overtime. This energy time period is a gentle time to let go, to look within, to release and renew our lives and the way we live them, to help heal ourselves and humanity.

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Never Have Enough Time? You May Be Deficient in Life Energy

When people say they don’t have time, what they are really saying is they don’t have energy. All of life comes down to energy. I know what a lot of you are thinking this is the cop-out most people use to not hang out with someone else but even if that is the case that itself comes down to energy dynamics because they don’t have the energy to give to the person they are not wanting to share energy or”time” with. I am not talking about why someone else says this but more so an intimate look at what would cause you to say, “I just don’t have the time.” Most of the time this is a response that is wistfully said after someone challenges you to do something that you have been longing to implement in your life or that you just can’t imagine doing because of how exhausted you are, even if you know it may be good for you!

The truth though is that we all have the innate ability to thrive, to access an abundant source of energy if we put the right components together to support our process. Everything in life is about energy cycles, whether it is the weather, the seasons, your breathing, your heartbeat or your sleep and waking cycles; all of life requires an ebb and flow. In ancient sciences there was a rhythm to this flow and a way to help facilitate with ease where our life energy naturally moves through.

Yet the core truth of all of the universe is that at the center of all ancient or modern science is one rule called the Law of the Conservation which states that the sum of all the energies of the universe, actual and potential, is unchangeable. Meaning that all of the energy that has ever been present will always be present. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, energy move in form, through form and out of form and energy always will be and always has been. [shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111573″]

Although this energy is ruled by a Law of Conservation we measure energy by the way it shifts and changes. Kinematics, potential energy, thermal physics, electricity, magnetism, cosmic radiation, waves and optics all are measured through movement. So are the subtle and esoteric energies measured within the body, through movement or lack there of. Whether it be Chi (from the Chinese, Ki (from the Japanese) or Prana (from India) even the meridian and chakra systems all are measured by a sense of flow or movement.


So if you are wanting to have more energy in your life, it would make sense that there is lack of movement. There is stagnant energy or blocked energy within the mind, body or spirit and this causes a drainage or leaking of your essential life energy.

Whether it is a person, an environment or a personal false belief that is draining your time or energy. You are literally giving away life force to something that does not serve you. I am going to try to facilitate the flow and the movement by offering a few ways you can assess where the blockages or lack of movement may be.

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3 Ways to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Negative Emotions

If you have opened to read these words, I completely bow and honor you, who feel the world with their heart first and then the mind. This is an integration and collaboration for the new world and fifth dimensional reality to arise. I see you, I feel you and I am so excited you are here, thank you infinitely!

I will start this off by saying the word Empath gets swung around a lot in the psychic realm or alternative community, it is built almost seemingly from the mystics but there is a very fine tuned science and brain chemistry to define an Empath and the neurology associated with such people.

One day I will write more about that science but for now… Empaths are the people with the power to feel other people’s emotions. The saying runs true, it is both a blessing and a curse to feel the world through the heart of someone who carries the world within it. In my opinion, this is the attunement of the new age. Being able to feel another person’s heart is a gift that is being given to so many to help change the planet! Congratulations, if you can relate to this article, you have been selected as a bringer of transformation. Can you feel it?  [shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111573″]   

shutterstock_192906149For thousands of years we have not had the ability to interconnect with so many beings at one time and for the first time the majority of the planet with a computer screen facillitator, can read and become educated about the strange world they would have mentally shut out. We are entering a time on our planet where it is no longer needed to protect ourselves or separate ourselves for survival but the exact opposite is need for our survival, to join our hearts together as one to help heal the planet we have separated ourselves from.

We need to feel the person next to us to give them the few words that come with ease and grace so we can to help them on their healing journey. We need to feel deeply within to be able to see the destruction of the planet and hear the voice that will tell us the solutions. Feel to reconnect your cranial antenna (your pineal gland and pituitary) to the circuitry of your brain that will truly connect you to the entirety of the universe. But wait wasn’t this article supposed to be about not feeling or not absorbing other’s feelings? Yes, yes, just wanted to lay some groundwork of why what you are experiencing is truly incredible.

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