Meet the Core Team

This is old and needs to be updated, but I don’t have the time right now… Jordan and Lexie both left Spirit Kingdom LLC over a year ago. A new day is coming! <3

Allow us to introduce to you the team at the heart of Spirit Science. You see, Spirit Science is an organism, and just like a cell it has a nucleus, a mitochondria, a cell membrane, a vacuole and even a ribosome. Each of the parts working together in harmony to create the whole, which expands far beyond its own membrane wall to reach and connect with millions of people all over the world (thats you!). 

Spirit Science has and will always be entirely self-sustained, free of investors and corporate interests. In fact, Spirit Science isn’t even a business at all. It exists as a video series and website you see before you (and hopefully one day… some laboratories!!), and we are working very hard to keep it that way forever.

Jordan & Ray ~  The Artist & The Engineer


Whilst Jordan started Spirit Science in 2011, he and Ray met in 2012 and they started creating together at the tail end of that year. Together, they have built much of the infrastructure that is at the core of Spirit Science.

Most people who follow Spirit Science know Jordan for his Youtube videos, voicing Patchman and drawing the Spirit Science cartoons… but not many know about Ray.

patchreRaymond is a networking genius by trade, a brilliant creator of connections.  He grew up working for major computer companies, designing and orchestrating the construction of their large data centers.

His expertise, resilience and passion brought forth many different jobs and opportunities that generated many substantial rewards. Eventually, he found himself with plenty of money and not a single person who he actually connected with on a real, human level. He found people only interested in using him for the resources he had, not who he was.

That is until he met Jordan, and  that honest and genuine connection and friendship sparked the inspiration to create once more, and together they started a project called the Spirit Kingdom.

Raymond is one of the sole reasons that Spirit Science exists and functions in the way that it does today. He has put a tremendous amount of effort into keeping this site up and running, making sure that everyone stays focused on the big picture, keeps our spirits high and so much more.

Our Story

spiritkingdom1From December 21st, 2012 to Mid 2014, we worked diligently towards our goal, establishing a core infrastructure based around compassion, respect, and honesty that could result in millions of people coming together to make a difference all over the world. It’s an incredibly big vision, and to describe the details here would be a little bit much, but we will say it’s like trying to invent a global, interactive MMORPG in real life.

We had a lot of trouble with it, because we envisioned it happening without needing “employees”, instead we envisioned family members – where everyone could come together to create, and share in the resources that we all created together.

spiritkingdom2This proved difficult, as over and over we were met with resistance to the idea. People seemed more interested in paychecks than they were in being a family.

The strain built up, despite having some help online from some wonderful individuals, the workload kept getting bigger, without seeing the forward motion that we wanted. There was more messes to clean up than there was success and relief; it was clear we needed help. We wanted family, connection… and then we met Lexie.

Lexie & Rebecca ~ Support Like No Other

patchlexDespite her youth, Lexie had that look in her eyes of wanting the same thing we did. Growth, awareness, family, to evolve the consciousness of the planet and not giving a damn if she got paid for it.

Lexie quickly merged with us and took a large load off of us. She learned how to manage the Facebook pages, and started to capture our story on video.

She’s learning how to be a stable support for our family. In many ways, she has sort of become an apprentice to Rebecca, who has always been there since the very beginning as a support for Ray; because she’s his mom!

patchmomSince the beginning of his life, Rebecca has always supported Raymond in all of his endeavors, even through all the crazy up’s and down’s life threw at them.

They travelled to Renaissance fairs together, cooked for thousands of people and made amazing clothes for everyone along their adventure.

An incredibly industrious gal, Rebecca is always there when help is needed, and is always the first to jump to help in any project that we work on. She has become an invaluable member of the team.

She also loves cats and is helping to lead our cat project called the Daily Kitty, you can check it out on Facebook here! 

 Growth & Opportunities

As we continue to move forward and grow, one of the decisions that we’ve made is that while we are a fraternity, and we will be a fraternity, we are planning on creating several methods to get involved on a much larger scale… We have some big dreams, and we’re going to need every able bodied person to come aboard the ship and help, whether its advanced stuff like building hydrogen engines and designing spirit centers, all the way to growing gardens and supporting people in community environments.

Julio---SpiritCenterVortexFor a long time, we rebelled against the idea of actually starting an official corporation and hiring employees. We always saw ourselves doing it more family style, as we described above. And while we have met some folks who actually have been able to be a family with us, we want to include everybody in this, and at this time it doesn’t appear as though a civil structure exists that allows massive people to participate and work together without tremendous paperwork, IRS tax garbage and stuff like that… So we’re going to have to build it ourselves.

So far what we’ve come up with is a trinity-combination between the Fraternity (The Council of Light), a Non-Profit Corporation (Spirit Kingdom) and a For-Profit Corporation (Guidepost of Light), all of our own design and owned by the Council of Light (The Fraternity). We may have to hire some employees after all, but I can personally assure you that if we do have to have some offices, they will be the most magnificent places to work on the planet, until such time when all places on the planet are just as beautiful, because that is essentially our goal.

Stay tuned! One love everyone! Thank you for reading.

With love,
All of us at Spirit Science

239 thoughts on “Meet the Core Team”

  1. Dear Jordan Pearce, Would you be willing to allow your Patchman cartoons to be used from the purposes of education?? I am inquiring on behalf of the Keshe Foundation and would need your permission in writing to show your work in part, or whole, as part of an online webinar/s, No profit would be made as a result, and all credits go where they are due.. I only ask as I have learned so much from your work I wish to share with others in my group learning environment. If you are not aware of the work of the Keshe foundation I think you would enjoy researching it… Please direct any questions or comments to my email. Thank you eternally, Peace :-)

    1. I can answer any and all questions regarding to spirituality, nothing can go beyond my reach, my purpose here is to help those with questions

  2. I just had a question and tried to send it to you on Facebook in the messages because it is private, yet it wouldn’t let me send it to you. So well its cool I will figure it out. :)

  3. To who ever of this wonderful team reads this message, because I hate seeing people having there lifelyhoods taken from them. And am happy to put in hours to secure what ever devices you currently have setup giving access to spirit science, a page that brings enlightenment to milions and needs to stay active in this world. You guys should be able to see my email.

  4. To whom it may concern,

    My name is Madison Dias and I would like the share my on-going journey to consciousness however, I will sum it up in quote that deeply resonates with me.

    ” You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics looks so petty”
    – Edgar Mitchell

    This is my first time on your website. I have watched a couple of your videos online and thought they were extremely informative. As of recently, I have decided to learn more about my spirituality, which I have been in denial for quite some time. I have really enjoyed my personal growth over the course of the last 3-4 months.

    The main reason I am reaching out is because I decided to purchase alongside many other domains because I truly believe someone with the right knowledge should be spreading the word about chakras and its ability to help us grow as individuals. I am not sure if the spirit science team would be interested in acquiring these domains for future projects. I understand my purpose now unfortunately, it does not involve spreading the word of chakras. However, I will focus on inspiring and empowers individuals to realize their true potential and helping them create their visions into reality. With that said, my goal is to either hold on to these domains or find the right individual/group of people who want to humbly spread self-actualization and help the greater good of humanity. I truly believe spirit science will be able to do so.

    Please see the following website

    Let me know if you’re interested, or if you can help guide me in the right direction.

    Thank you in advance, and I look forward to hearing back from you! Happy St. Patricks Day from British Columbia :)

    – Madison Dias

  5. Hello Spirit Team!

    I’m sure you guys are aware that your page has been recently hacked on Facebook. I’ve noticed nothing has been drastically altered the hacker(s) mainly post stuff irrelevant to the movement. I hope you guys are able to fix this problem here soon, we are all patiently waiting with you! I’ve also noticed Lexies post have been focused on soul encounters/ soul searching and riding out the storm and being there to support another. It has been relative to my current situation a little to much. There’s a Taurus gal I use to date. She has finally freed her self from a toxic/parasitic relationship. I am absolutely ecstatic she has made this move for herself. She makes this Virgo soul feel ignited in a flamming essences! I think I might make her soul feel a similar way. We both have shared a special connection and she sees that too. We’ll always be in each others future. I have a good feeling we’ll be able to walk hand to hand down the same path that were both following. I think it’s pretty cool how this situation relates to the post. The more depth I go into the more similarities you’ll find too. I’m glad you guys have been posting the post you have. It really helped me grasp the situation and I thank you for that!

  6. You guys should monitor your Facebook. There is a link to an adult site on the page. And someone has been posting trash lately

  7. Just wanted to let the Spirit Science team know how much I enjoy the videos and posts. I have for a long time known there is a lot more going on in this world then our day to day grind of work and family. We rarely look up and and no one looks down. I’m almost middle age, middle class, married with kids each day is different. Some are tough and some are happy. I have just started looking into crystals and chakra for inner healing and look forward to finding my next plan of consciousness.

  8. I have a theory of Existence that links Religion, Evolution, and Science. My Blog has my theory published, and I also have it published on my Face Book page. Thank you for your time.

    1. Hi Jacob,

      Your post jumped out at me as I have had a feeling for some time regarding uniting the world through bringing together religion, science and philosophy. I have my own studies and personal research and would very much like to see what you have come up with so far especially as you are announcing it as published. Please can you email me if this site delivers my email address to you. If not please let me know and I will figure out a way to find your work ( its not listed here ) . I tried searching fb to find too many under your name to find your work. Thanks K

  9. I want to say thank you. Thank you spirit science for lifting my heart and leading me to so much good information. I have read the emerald tablets thanks to you and have grow because of it. I’m sorry for videos like “Galaxy of Lies.” It’s sad that people have so much rancor for something so positive. Still, if you have no psychic ability and are filled with anger it’s understandable. Again thank you for your important work and keep it up.
    Signed Christopher T. York

  10. Hello my dear friends,
    I absolutely love your videos. They’ve opened my eyes to the truth within my Self. Thank you for sharing this inner wisdom with all of us. I have such high hopes for the next moment. I was wondering if you guys traveled at all and gave lectures?

  11. Hi, SS Core team.
    My name Lumen. I have been deeply intrigued in your online discussions and recently find myself wanting to be a part of something more. I am an active Spirit Guide in my community. Throughout my life I have always indulged in the study of the Universe and Consciousness, and yes… that means as I child. No, I was not introduced to this lifestyle because of my parents or people around me, it was my own doing, but as I grew older and the law of attraction brought to me people who would inspire me to continue on my journey. I took it upon myself to actively search for a way to send in an inquiry to join the team, to be a part of Spirit Science. You do not know me now, but I’m sure, with love and understanding, we will cross paths one day. I hope our intersecting paths cross by decision rather than law of attraction, but either way… I will part of the conscious shift on this planet. I simply wish to work alongside other like-minded individuals who I can personally connect with only because it makes sense to become closer. Even now, as I’m not a part of your organization, we are still working together from afar.

  12. Hi guys, First of all, i want to introduce myself as one of your biggest Fans. My name is kim and i daily read and enjoy your news, pictures, tests and espacially your quotes on facebook. I just started My instagram Channel ( i know that i am a little late :)) and i want to ask, If i could use some of your quotes. I would attach a link to your social Media or web adress for sure. Kind regards kim

  13. Hi. God loves You. Peace, man. Revealed; The Truth about God, Jesus and The Holy Spirit: Revelation 2:17, The Urantia Book, free, online. Please share with everyone, (without a doubt or Prejudice, Our only True Holy Grail), @AntonKnebenson @GAC8717


    The Word means
    Resources of Love
    From the heart, soul
    And goodness of
    Human kind,

    To Bear Witness
    Of the mind of God,
    The Sacred Heart of
    Jesus, the savior of our world
    Who took your sins
    Without waste, suffering
    Or eternal death.

    Believe in the angels
    Of mercy,
    For there is no darkness
    In the Heart of their love for you
    And you will save yourselves
    From the veil of darkness
    That hides from you
    The True Love of our Father
    God who embraces his Children without fear.
    anger or any spiritual regrets.

    Repent of your hate,
    Jealousy and lust for power,
    Turn away from wars,
    Killing and material competition
    And know that Jesus, our True Messiah,
    Will never leave you in times of Trouble
    For His Mercy will save you to keep
    Your immortal soul.

    There is no True Prophecy today except for Revelation 2:17, known as The Urantia Book, free, online, in all international languages, and prepared for You by Arch Angel Michael J. Christ’s Angels, and the voice of God Channeled to you through the voices of True members of the Church of Christ. Blessings to you, Your Families and all the People you Love. In the name of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

    Giuseppe Antonio Ciano


  14. greetings:
    I recently saw a picture of tesla flying saucer with a link to your site. Do you have a clear picture so the words are readable? or a link to where you got that picture? doing a patents search this weekend looking for info there. Any help would be appreciated. If I can get clear enough information I can build it.

  15. Hi, I have been trying to get in touch for a few years with little success.

    Today feels like a good day to speak my peace.
    As a volunteer in the ascension process, I would like to join you in your goals and hope you understand mine.

    In order to move forward, karma must be balanced. Parallel timelines contain karmic loops that keep people from moving toward their soul purpose.

    In order to help loosen the hold of these patterns, each individual must ask for help. Their healing process will be unique, but the gross categories of healing are quite basic and I have studied for over 15yrs, all plausible methods.
    Art- to each sense. Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, Touch. Once the base senses expand, the energy expands.

    That is the premise of my business venture.
    A ‘school’ or ‘academy’ to guide, guard and protect those whose incarnate purpose is ascension.

    Speak soon

  16. Hi there ,

    First of all, great site! I really took note of the quality, value-adding content on I just took the wizard quiz, and it looks like I’m a water wizard, no surprise there!

    When I came across, I thought it would be a great candidate for our website optimization technology. Ezoic provides the world’s largest ad-testing platform and is part of an elite group of 28 companies working with Google as Certified Publishing Partners. Did you know that by systematically testing and optimizing your ad placements, you can improve earnings 50-250%?

    Would it be OK if I send over some more info?


    P.S. Testing with Ezoic will give you access to premium Google products, and you can test sponsored content as well!

  17. Hi Spirit Team

    I’m reaching out on behalf of Paul Berry at Rebelmouse. Hope you’re having a great Monday.

    Not sure if you’re very or not at all familiar with Rebelmouse.

    We work with brands like, LoveMeow & many more. We are HUGE fans of yours because we frequently help the Higher Perspectives leverage the best sites for greater reach. Including yours. I saw you shared one of their vids recently too. I think there is a huge opp to further increase your reach via publishing and add new revenue streams like our partners.

    Higher Perspectives is one person now reaching 3m monthly visits powering with Rebelmouse, and it’s just one person.
    Maybe next week or the week after next for a brief call or steer us to the best marketing contact?

    See how our clients regularly see 2 – 3x increases in traffic within months of implementation in our Case Studies


    Dave Early

  18. I am sincerely dissapointed in what Spirit science has become. It started out with clear and honest ideas & lessons but lately its mostly commercial waste and copy paste. Your facebook posts rarely have anything to do with an honest quest for truth and spiritual growth anymore, its all about “5 things strong people do different”, “8 things that will make your life more successful”, “10 ways to blablabla”. Its become mostly commercial halfarticles aimed to attract ignorant people seeking “fastfood spiritual guidance” as they mostly don’t take any more than 3 minutes to read and still make an ignorant person feel slightly superior to one who didn’t read it since it contains some mention of chakra or energy or spirit but is essentially a copy of mainstream adds and halftruths instead of genuine self realised truths, thoughts and revelations. In my opinion spirit science as it is now is doing more harm than good to its followers. At least in the beginning it was a copy of Drunvalo Melkizedeks Ancient secret of the flower of life which contained many genuine truthseeking ideas and concepts and were an eye opener for many people including me but you are starting to misuse what Spirit science stood for at its beginnings.
    I posted an elaborate message on this topic to your facebook page several times asking for a reply in private if not publicly or at least to convey my concernes to Jordan and I got ignored up until today. I write this in sincere hopes that this post reaches someone who still cares for what the Spirit science series, the Spirit quest and the pair o dime shift represented and is willing to propose to Jordan and the team to change their ways of commercial everyday xx posts to few posts monthly but those genuine, honest consciousness evolving ones put together with love and effort.
    Thanks to anyone who took the time to read through the concerns of another truthseeker and love to all striving to evolve.

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Seeking Higher Consciousness