Meet the Core Team

This is old and needs to be updated, but I don’t have the time right now… Jordan and Lexie both left Spirit Kingdom LLC over a year ago. A new day is coming! <3

Allow us to introduce to you the team at the heart of Spirit Science. You see, Spirit Science is an organism, and just like a cell it has a nucleus, a mitochondria, a cell membrane, a vacuole and even a ribosome. Each of the parts working together in harmony to create the whole, which expands far beyond its own membrane wall to reach and connect with millions of people all over the world (thats you!). 

Spirit Science has and will always be entirely self-sustained, free of investors and corporate interests. In fact, Spirit Science isn’t even a business at all. It exists as a video series and website you see before you (and hopefully one day… some laboratories!!), and we are working very hard to keep it that way forever.

Jordan & Ray ~  The Artist & The Engineer


Whilst Jordan started Spirit Science in 2011, he and Ray met in 2012 and they started creating together at the tail end of that year. Together, they have built much of the infrastructure that is at the core of Spirit Science.

Most people who follow Spirit Science know Jordan for his Youtube videos, voicing Patchman and drawing the Spirit Science cartoons… but not many know about Ray.

patchreRaymond is a networking genius by trade, a brilliant creator of connections.  He grew up working for major computer companies, designing and orchestrating the construction of their large data centers.

His expertise, resilience and passion brought forth many different jobs and opportunities that generated many substantial rewards. Eventually, he found himself with plenty of money and not a single person who he actually connected with on a real, human level. He found people only interested in using him for the resources he had, not who he was.

That is until he met Jordan, and  that honest and genuine connection and friendship sparked the inspiration to create once more, and together they started a project called the Spirit Kingdom.

Raymond is one of the sole reasons that Spirit Science exists and functions in the way that it does today. He has put a tremendous amount of effort into keeping this site up and running, making sure that everyone stays focused on the big picture, keeps our spirits high and so much more.

Our Story

spiritkingdom1From December 21st, 2012 to Mid 2014, we worked diligently towards our goal, establishing a core infrastructure based around compassion, respect, and honesty that could result in millions of people coming together to make a difference all over the world. It’s an incredibly big vision, and to describe the details here would be a little bit much, but we will say it’s like trying to invent a global, interactive MMORPG in real life.

We had a lot of trouble with it, because we envisioned it happening without needing “employees”, instead we envisioned family members – where everyone could come together to create, and share in the resources that we all created together.

spiritkingdom2This proved difficult, as over and over we were met with resistance to the idea. People seemed more interested in paychecks than they were in being a family.

The strain built up, despite having some help online from some wonderful individuals, the workload kept getting bigger, without seeing the forward motion that we wanted. There was more messes to clean up than there was success and relief; it was clear we needed help. We wanted family, connection… and then we met Lexie.

Lexie & Rebecca ~ Support Like No Other

patchlexDespite her youth, Lexie had that look in her eyes of wanting the same thing we did. Growth, awareness, family, to evolve the consciousness of the planet and not giving a damn if she got paid for it.

Lexie quickly merged with us and took a large load off of us. She learned how to manage the Facebook pages, and started to capture our story on video.

She’s learning how to be a stable support for our family. In many ways, she has sort of become an apprentice to Rebecca, who has always been there since the very beginning as a support for Ray; because she’s his mom!

patchmomSince the beginning of his life, Rebecca has always supported Raymond in all of his endeavors, even through all the crazy up’s and down’s life threw at them.

They travelled to Renaissance fairs together, cooked for thousands of people and made amazing clothes for everyone along their adventure.

An incredibly industrious gal, Rebecca is always there when help is needed, and is always the first to jump to help in any project that we work on. She has become an invaluable member of the team.

She also loves cats and is helping to lead our cat project called the Daily Kitty, you can check it out on Facebook here! 

 Growth & Opportunities

As we continue to move forward and grow, one of the decisions that we’ve made is that while we are a fraternity, and we will be a fraternity, we are planning on creating several methods to get involved on a much larger scale… We have some big dreams, and we’re going to need every able bodied person to come aboard the ship and help, whether its advanced stuff like building hydrogen engines and designing spirit centers, all the way to growing gardens and supporting people in community environments.

Julio---SpiritCenterVortexFor a long time, we rebelled against the idea of actually starting an official corporation and hiring employees. We always saw ourselves doing it more family style, as we described above. And while we have met some folks who actually have been able to be a family with us, we want to include everybody in this, and at this time it doesn’t appear as though a civil structure exists that allows massive people to participate and work together without tremendous paperwork, IRS tax garbage and stuff like that… So we’re going to have to build it ourselves.

So far what we’ve come up with is a trinity-combination between the Fraternity (The Council of Light), a Non-Profit Corporation (Spirit Kingdom) and a For-Profit Corporation (Guidepost of Light), all of our own design and owned by the Council of Light (The Fraternity). We may have to hire some employees after all, but I can personally assure you that if we do have to have some offices, they will be the most magnificent places to work on the planet, until such time when all places on the planet are just as beautiful, because that is essentially our goal.

Stay tuned! One love everyone! Thank you for reading.

With love,
All of us at Spirit Science

239 thoughts on “Meet the Core Team”

  1. Hi there, I write about the spirituality of Islam to help people connect to the higher consciousness. I show how the spirituality and philosophy of Islam can help heal a person and better a person’s life. I have written a book that explores Islamic spirituality in depth. I would like to contribute to this blog by writing articles as I feel there is not much written on the spirituality of Islam. I feel this is the write blog as I’ve written on topics that’s been touched by this blog- but from an Islamic perspective, bringing in new ideologies. I look forward to hearing from you. :)

  2. I have watch like 10 of the videos in the las few days. They are very intresting things to thing about. And olso the cartoon Patchman is funny ! .
    RED ALERT !! But I would like to suggest to use the first opening in the videos to come, cause it´s much more neutral and inviteing than the second one with the EYE. Couse for those who don´t know the eye symbol it is most likely for them to close the video befor it starts. The first opening with patchman is much more appealing and simple for the mind to be open to the ideas shown on the videos. And shorter too. XD

  3. How can I apply for a position with your company? I know I will be excellent, but i do not see an job listings

  4. Fact Correction: In the Spirit Science 5 video it is mentioned that the reason why Egyptology Specialists do not accept that the Sphinx is 8,000 years old is because most of them are Muslims, and that the Quran says that creation started 6,000 years ago.

    Firstly, that is FALSE. The Quran mentions NOTHING about how old creation is, and Muslims believe that the age of creation is GOD’s business, and could be trillions of years old.

    Secondly, most Egyptology Specialists are NOT Muslims… most are Europeans of Christian and Atheist ‘beliefs’.

    1. I think that is simply referring to the association of the Christian doctrine on the age of the universe. If Muslims believe in the same God, it would stand that the age of the world before be the same. However I am not sure if the Qur’an differs in its depiction of the Pentateuch. I believe all they are saying, if the aforementioned is true is that Egypt being a Muslim nation, would find a lot of issue with dating something beyond that timeline. If it’s true, it would be hard for thousands of people to not get upset so Egyptologists may not want to rock the boat no matter their personal religion

  5. Hi,

    I came across your site ( and I’d like to find out about the possibility of purchasing some advertising space.

    Please let me know if this is something you’re interested in and we can discuss things a little further.

    Thanks for your time.


  6. I have come on to something big and i would like to talk to the spirit sience team about it
    It is very importnant
    I dont know i know it yet but i was hoping you could help me figure it out
    It is information about life that you should know of you dont know it allready but please contact me as soon as posible *

  7. After watching your Human History movie – I thought back on two films that have always left me without answers. In Hellrasier (1984) according to movie the puzzle box to me acts like a synthetic merkaba, opening “doors” to pleasure or pain depending on the; 1. Individual, 2. The strategy that solved the puzzle box. Note I do understand this is just THEORETICAL. Lastly The Prince of Darkness (1987) which has some mentions of doorways, extradimential beings, and other topics you’ve covered in the human history movie. Odd huh? QUESTION: Jordan, do you think based on your previous videos there’s a connection in the knowledge your sharing and what’s being portrayed in these two horror films?

  8. Hello to everyone who reads this, I will go by my true name which is Osiris, i am in a human and i live in New Jersey My goal here as of now is to awaking as many people as possible especially those on the verge of awakening still clinging to there human level barrier, I am trying to talk in simplest of terms so anyone can understand but if you believe your inner person is from a realm that is described as fantasy rather it be from a book, movie, video game especially, its imperitive you begin your awaking and letting that person come out, I speak to those who may be find home in a certain book/movie/game , you may be from that world which branches onto a much larger wolrd, why it’s imperitive for this group of people is you are from spira, a different diminesion on the galexy closest to us, the Andromeda galaxy, both galexies are coming closer together hence are connection with that dimension becomes greater,there will be a time i dont know that people from there will be forcibly awakined and if your human vessel is not prepared your inner person may drown in his own mana if he is a high level, if you feel you are from either a fairy world aka Disney/ DC comics realm, final fantasy world, ect ect, please contact me I will help you, say your someone who watches little mermaid everyday and does not know why your just in love with it, your person may be a mermaid which resides in the fairy realm. Any examples of this inadvose you message me, any and all questions

    1. I am frank from Kenya, everything that happens in my life is strange and unique. Can you help me know who am I.

    2. The same feeling of not belonging, of futility, wherever I go: I pretend interest in what matters nothing to me, I bestir myself mechanically or out of charity, without ever being caught up, without ever being somewhere. What attracts me is somewhere else, and I don’t know what that elsewhere is.

  9. Hello to everyone who reads this, I will go by my true name which is Osiris, i am in a human and i live in New Jersey My goal here as of now is to awaking as many people as possible especially those on the verge of awakening still clinging to there human level barrier, I am trying to talk in simplest of terms so anyone can understand but if you believe your inner person is from a realm that is described as fantasy rather it be from a book, movie, video game especially, its imperitive you begin your awaking and letting that person come out, I speak to those who may be find home in a certain book/movie/game , you may be from that world which branches onto a much larger wolrd, why it’s imperitive for this group of people is you are from spira, a different diminesion on the galexy closest to us, the Andromeda galaxy, both galexies are coming closer together hence are connection with that dimension becomes greater,there will be a time i dont know that people from there will be forcibly awakined and if your human vessel is not prepared your inner person may drown in his own mana if he is a high level, if you feel you are from either a fairy world aka Disney/ DC comics realm, final fantasy world, ect ect, please contact me I will help you, say your someone who watches little mermaid everyday and does not know why your just in love with it, your person may be a mermaid which resides in the fairy realm. Any examples of this inadvose you message me, any and all questions

    1. I am frank from Kenya, everything that happens in my life is strange and unique. Can you help me know who am I.

  10. at the very bottom of ur facebook page you have an advertisement that has the heading a new rule in Dearborn with a picture of a cop arresting a female in a bikini which is very misleading. i click on the link and its talking about car insurance in michigan. Please review ur page. This type of material is misleading harmful to people of my community.

    1. Mouhamad,

      Those advertisements are not from Spirit Science, the are automatically generated based on your own search history on YOUR computer. If you want to see less of them, stop searching for girls in bikinis.

      My recommendation is that you continue searching for girls in bikinis. Women are beautiful creations, and there is no reason you can’t appreciate that.



  11. I can’t even begin to explain how much finding this site and the videos means for me. Since I was young enough to comprehend life and death I have always believed in reincarnation. As I got older and obtained more knowledge I was able to link a scientific explanation to how it is not just a belief, but a very real possibility. Despite not ever having any comment to disregard my explanation in the belief of reincarnation, I was always described as weird for having a scientific reasoning behind it. In fact, I even had many who believe in God who told me I was not right. I was told that to believe in something like this I was to put 100% of faith and belief into it with no other reason behind it than “because I do”. This was never enough for me. After watching your videos, it gives me that much more scientific evidence to support my theory. Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. Our physical bodies cannot be described as matter as they are particles and atoms; they can be injured and the physical body can die. I believe our souls; our spirits ARE matter! They cannot be destroyed simply because the vessel has died or become old. Thank you for your wealth of knowledge and the understanding that I am not as crazy as people may think I am.

    You talk about connections between 2 things that seem so far apart there is no way they can be one and the same i.e spirit and science. Have you ever looked at Newfoundland, Canada? Or been there? It holds a lot of similarities with the lost city of Atlantis. It too is an island. It’s hard to say if it was there all along and it just took sailing East thinking we would eventually land somewhere across the Atlantic, or if it rose to the surface like Atlantis. The people there are the friendliest I have ever met. There are still problems and bad apples, as is all of Earth right now, but I never felt more at home than I did in Newfoundland. Everyone there makes you feel at home and welcomed. Newfies are some of the nicest people I’ve met. It was there that I met my boyfriend’s aunt, who is a Paegan. She is the one who helped open the door for me to all of this. I have been hooked ever since the flood gates opened. Is it possible that Newfoundland is or is becoming the “new” Atlantis?


  12. Please take me off your notifications. I have blocked hit stop notifications etc… Now I’m getting 3 x’s the notifications

  13. Hey guys!!!!..
    Truly outstanding work is going on here!..
    And i definitely appreciate your efforts & wisdom…
    Literally just discovered the YT channel, and have immersed myself in discovery the last day or so…
    I have a question about, well… Air.
    Jus re watched the SS ep.20 ( water)…..
    It follows, well at least how i think i understand things from that episode, that water is the bringer of life. It’s conduit. It’s manipulator. I Get that. But…
    If that is true, doesn’t that mean that without Air, the conduit of water and ALL life that exists, there wouldn’t even BE water?..
    I think i might be suggesting there be a SS episode on the AIR as a total being, in conjunction with the water episode(SS 20)…
    I’m not sure.
    But, thank you guys so much.
    Your work is obviously much needed, and instantly applicable.. At least in my everyday experiences.
    You’ve helped me MONUMENTALLY on my journey…or should i say OUR journey.
    Thank you.

  14. Hi Guys!

    I’m a big fan of your work and also I’m a spiritual teacher.
    I was looking for the simplest way to awaken and enlighten people and myself of course.
    I realized that enlightenment is physical not mental process and that you can get there using only one thought!

    That thought is forgotten. Forgotten in a way, that it is not physically active in your awareness.
    It’s actually very simple :-)

    I made this video that explains everything.

    Please watch it and share it. Maybe it will help someone to wake up ;-)

    All the best!!!


  15. hi. first off i enjoy your work immensly. it feels nice to see and feel what you guys are doing.
    one thing though. i strongly believe you guys are making a mistake as to one of you recent posts about astral projection. your posts reach out to a lot of people unfamiliar with themselves and the world around them. for those of them whom are curious enough to try to experience astral projection… well.. to be blunt its dangerous. i dont mean to say that you try to put people in harms way. there are things out there ( in astral planes) that are extremely deceptive and seek out those who do not know how to protect themselves. they will cause euphoria to the uninitiated and latch on for a feeding freezy.
    there is a reason that technique was taught to initiates.
    personnaly i believe it was wreckless on your part of releassing this method instead of giving access to this information to those who dig through your work as a result of practicing the other most important aspects of being alive and centering themselves.
    ive said my peace and i hope you actually read this and consider trying to attenuate the issue
    thank you for your time.

  16. Please help me… There was an article here yesterday, 10-things-you-need-to-know-when-in-a-relationship-with-a-gemini, and it is gone now. Can you please help me to find it again?
    Thank you!

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