FOR THOSE WHO CARE: What Do You Really Want To See On Spirit Science?

Hey you there! Yes, you in the back who’s truly been moved by Spirit Science for what it was, still is, and is evolving to; you haven’t really gotten to see the evolution of this seed. What we’re creating is so much more than just entertainment, digital content, or something to generate revenue. The exact … Continue reading FOR THOSE WHO CARE: What Do You Really Want To See On Spirit Science?

7 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Awakening Has Fallen Off Track

No matter your level of conscious awareness or the level of spiritual enlightenment that you have attained, there will come a time on your spiritual journey where you know and feel that you have made great internal progress and then suddenly.. nothing. Positive thinking has flown out the window, prophetic visions and lucid dreaming have … Continue reading 7 Reasons Why Your Spiritual Awakening Has Fallen Off Track

3 Herbs That Help You Remember Dreams and How To Prepare Them

How many of us remember our dreams? How many of us can control them? People who have lucid dreams know they are dreaming and they have the ability to control their dreams. According to Nick Polizzi of The Sacred Science: The lucid dreamers I know are able to navigate their dreamscape with an awakened mind, … Continue reading 3 Herbs That Help You Remember Dreams and How To Prepare Them

Experiencing A Kundalini Awakening? Here’s What To Expect Next:

If you practice any type of meditation regime, then you are aware of the historical account of Buddha, sitting in the lotus position in front of a large Buddhi or Fig Tree with a snake wrapped around his body and the snake’s head resting atop of him. This account not only is a true story, but … Continue reading Experiencing A Kundalini Awakening? Here’s What To Expect Next:

Spirit Science ~ Astral Projection

Astral Projection is the process of using your mental and emotional awareness to go outside of your body and explore other realms of thought and feeling. It happens differently for everyone. Some people do experience Astral Travel with the level of visuals that is described in this video below. Others tend to experience it more … Continue reading Spirit Science ~ Astral Projection


With all of this new information coming out, its hard to keep track of everything. There’s so much to learn, so much to look at! Where to begin?! This page is an organized look at tons of resources for your learning pleasure :) If you have any pages you’d like to contribute, post the information … Continue reading Resources