Spirit Quest 30 – 33

Got a little lazy with updating this, my bad! Here are the new episodes of Spirit Quest all rolled into one big video! If your computer is having trouble processing all of the videos, just click on the video and watch them on youtube (by clicking the “watch on youtube” button at the bottom right of the video player).

Spirit Quest 30 – Ice Castle Adventures

On our way to Boulder, we stopped when we saw this amazing beautiful ice castle and had to go “WOAH!”, and give it a look-over. We also met a guy there who was into spirit science, who taught us about how the ice castles all worked! We gave him a rose quartz, he’s a cool cat ^^


Spirit Quest 31 – A Trip into Boulder with a Side of iChing!

On our way into Boulder, we arrived and met up with our friend Bryan, as well as Loraine and Derek! We had some awesome fun good times, and got a lesson on what the iChing is! I didn’t know much before, so this was a good learning experience.

Spirit Quest 32 – The Selenite Tower of Destiny

When we were in Tucson, we bought a box of Selenite wands and took it with us on our quest to give away and sell wherever we went. In Boulder, we decided to make use of them and build a tower of destiny. This happened before and after we held our Spirit Science Gathering.
Spirit Quest 33 – Forest Magic

We arrive in Portland Oregon and run around a forest! We also spot an owl, and just generally have fun. You can have some magical experiences out in nature if you allow yourself the opportunity. Go out and be with nature, she can teach you about yourself, and the universe.

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