The Nature of the Mind ~ Part 1

       The nature of the mind is both incredibly simple, and incredibly complex. It has an infinite number of ways you can program it, and in todays world, the majority of programs created keep you in bondage. Its purpose is like a rubik’s cube, it is there to challenge us and to encourage us to attain higher states of consciousness that allow us to see deeper, think clearer, and know more.

humanmindpictureAs many of us know, the joy found in solving puzzles is only achieved when we have taken the time to figure it out, and then actually solve it. This applies to the mind as well, except it is a little bit more open. We are all solving this puzzle together, and each of us has a piece.

Of course, we need to listen to each other fully in order to create that harmony, and often, language is the misconstruer of ideas.

Have you ever met someone in the street and had a conversation with them, walked away and thought, “hold on, I just told them ‘a’, and if I told them ‘a’ then they are going to think ‘b’, and if they think ‘b’ then they are going to work out ‘c’, ‘Oh my goodness, I just told them ‘c’?

Woah, hold up a minute, you haven’t told them ‘c’, you simply told them ‘a’. So what happened? It is the nature of the mind to make logical conclusions, however if we are operating within a limited mental data set, then the conclusions that we make may not be so logical.

The mind, with the regular training we all get in todays world, negatively embellishes a situation, scenario or thought process and spirals it out of control until we are all panicky and fretting over nothing. In fact, this happens especially much when the stress levels get higher than what is able to be sustained by the body.

It is in this moment, in the prison that cannot be seen, smelt, heard nor touched that the universe gives us the opportunity to recognize what is really going on, and to overcome.

But the key actually lies in the focus on what you want. If you’re trying NOT to think of something, it just reinforces it. It’s like telling you not to think of pink elephants, you don’t have a choice.

Observing is the first step to see what your mind is actually saying, and why. Listening, paying attention. However, that is just the beginning. One must step into the place of creation in order to actually get there.  You are all 4 elements combined, not just one, or another.

The simple fact of the matter is that we are not the mind nor are we the body; we are that which was never born and can never die. The mind and body are the price of entry for learning in this space/time continuum. Please remember guys, we are not humans pretending to be beings, we are beings pretending to be human.


A Buddhist walks up to a hotdog vendor and says ‘make me one with everything’ he gives the vendor a $20, the vendor takes the money, and then goes to hand him his change. The Buddhist looks at him simply and then waves his hand, saying only: ‘Change comes from within’.

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