Why Science Says Lucky Charms Work & How To Choose Your Own

Lucky charms and superstitions, despite being challenged by naysayers have stood the test of time – and with good reason.

While the objects and expressions vary, from “break a leg” and “fingers crossed” to rabbits feet and four leaf clovers, the science behind the psychological powers of lucky charms have gained mainstream attention. Namely, for their proven ability to boost confidence and expectation, and by extension, performance, and situational outcomes.

 Evidently, superstitious people despite being criticized for ill-believing in ‘magic’ or the ‘supernatural’ may be onto something.

Scientific Proof in Favor of the Power of Superstition

In a study of golfers’ superstition, researchers told half of the golfers on a putting green that they were playing with a lucky ball, and the remaining half that they were playing with a normal one. Amazingly, those with the lucky ball sank 6.4 putts of out a possible 10, nearly two more putts on average than the others.shutterstock_142718032

This proved to be an increase of a whopping 35 percent! This study, while specific in its test subjects and simple in its applications sparked huge interest among behavioral psychologists on the mental power of superstitious beliefs and objects.

In fact, despite mathematicians consistently proving that randomness and chance are the driving forces behind many superstitions, this hasn’t stopped people from believing the opposite.

According to a survey conducted by the Psychology Department of the University of Hertfordshire proved that superstitious beliefs, despite research proving it to be untrue, 77 percent of the subjects were superstitious or engaged in superstitious behaviors.

This study, in effect proved the unparalleled powers of superstition on the human psyche.

The Science Behind Your Lucky Charm

While lucky charms in and of themselves may not hold super powers, the psychological attachment to their luck or positive effects are nothing to sneeze at.


German psychologist Lysann Damisch from the University of Koln attests that the activation of superstitious thought processes prior to a task boost a person’s confidence in their ability to succeed, which by extension, boosts expectations, persistence, and performance.

Studies consistently verify this thesis, proving a direct link between an object’s perceived power and improved performance.

A Psychological Science journal outlined the psychological underworkings the study, stating that personal lucky charms in possession of test subjects will improve confidence due to individuals setting higher personal expectations and goals for their personal performances.

In effect, the “luckiness” or “superstition” attached to inanimate objects is the psychological jackpot for improved performance levels.

Choosing Your Perfect Lucky Charm

In order to maximize its effects, choosing the right lucky charm is incredibly important. While the process of finding the perfect charm may seem trivial or silly to some, finding a charm with deeply held sentimental values and meaning can maximize its effectiveness and longevity.

To boost your likelihood of success, keep in mind the following guidelines for finding your perfect charm:

  • Ignore any unnecessary noise around popular lucky charms and find a charm that appeals specifically to you. Remember, their power lies in the psychological attachment, and therefore, this must come from a genuine organic attraction to the object rather than a list of top lucky charms.

  • Look around you, you may already have the perfect lucky charm within arm’s reach. From family heirlooms to a coin you’ve been holding on to, the perfect souvenir to unlock powerful performance enhancing capabilities.

  • Be aware and stay alert of your surroundings, your perfect lucky charm may just find you. Let your intuition take the front seat and follow your gut because that walk along the beach may be full of lucky charms waiting for you to find them.

 Written by

The Hearty Soul









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