Tarot 101: How To Read Tarot Cards Using Your Intuition

Tarot card reading can be a fun and revealing activity to add to your life. It’s a great way to entertain guests at parties, or simply to find some spiritual meaning in your own life. Not to mention, it’s a pretty cool skill to have in your repertoire.

Check out these beginner’s guide for Tarot card reading.

Step One: Keep it simpleshutterstock_208828732

It’s easy to get lost in the complex and mysterious systems that make up the Tarot. If you try to learn all of the systems at once, you’re likely to become overwhelmed.

Make a commitment to yourself to keep it simple and manageable.

You can achieve this by sticking to simple spreads, simple meanings, and simple techniques. As time goes on, your confidence will grow, and so will your readings.

Step Two: Personal Connection

Trying to memorize every single Tarot card and symbol can be a daunting and relentless task. There are dozens upon dozens of Tarot card books detailing the meaning behind specific cards.shutterstock_282838805

Asking your mind to take all that in, in such a short period of time acts similarly to a late night cram study session. You remember the information for a short period of time, but in the long run you find yourself drawing a blank.

 Creating a personal or intuitive connection with the cards is imperative when starting out with Tarot cards. Look to your everyday life for personal examples of the Tarot cards. What card best describes your day today? What card represents your best friend? Make it as personal as you can.

Step Three: Listen to Your Heart

Learning to listen to your subconscious is crucial. There are countless exercises and guided meditations designed to help you to listen, and more importantly, to hear your inner voice. Think of each card as a piece of art. You don’t have to understand color theory and composition to appreciate beautiful art. So why not try it with one of your cards.

Step Four: 1-3 Card Spread

Nearly every Tarot beginner book includes the Celtic Cross Tarot spread. It’s a beautiful 10 card spread but a bit unrealistic for a beginner. Instead, use simple 1-3 card Tarot spreads. You’ll be pleasantly surprised about how much insight you can gain from even just a 1-card reading.

Step Five: Once a Day

shutterstock_317868539The best way to learn Tarot, and to create a personal connection with them is to make a habit of drawing one card a day. Asking the cards different questions every day gives you some much needed practice and adds a little bit of spirit to your day.

Ask the Tarot “What energy do I need to focus on today?” and proactively manifest that energy throughout your day.

Or, ask the Tarot, “What might I experience today?” At the end of the day, match up what happened throughout the day and what you know of the Tarot card you drew.

Step Six: Read the Picture

One of the easiest, and most obvious ways to understand what a Tarot card means is to look at the picture. Ask yourself, what is happening? Why is it happening? What’s the moral of the story?

Afterward, try to relate it back to what you have experienced. What can the story in the card tell you about your life right now? What new lessons can you learn. The biggest asset about this technique is that you don’t have to memorize any meanings! You can simply go with what you see in the picture of the card each time.

Step Seven: Intuition

shutterstock_196145192Intuition is a tarot card reader’s bread and butter. It is not the easiest thing to get in touch with, or feel comfortable interacting with, but it makes Tarot reading a lot more personal and relatable.

If you are struggling to get in touch with your intuitive side, try putting a single card down in front of you and simply take in the energy of the card.

It doesn’t matter how you connect, or if your connection is different than the meaning of the card. The meaning you draw stems from your intuition not a book. Which is often more powerful than the typical regurgitated meanings.

Step Eight: Listening Exercise

The Listening exercise is a great way to decipher what each card means to you.

  • Get a pencil and piece of paper.

  • Pull any card from your tarot deck.

  • Now look at it. Just look at it. Let the card’s imagery draw you in.

  • What do you feel? Describe the colors. Does the image remind of you something? What’s the first thing that pops into your mind?

  • Write down which card you pulled and your initial reactions to it.

Step Nine:  Tips for memorization:

The next time you break out your Tarot cards, follow these seven instructions to help you:shutterstock_379448296

  • First Impression: Notice what your first thought, feeling or reaction was when you turned the card over.

  • Body Messages: Your intuition will often communicate with you through physical feelings, like a tight stomach or tingly feeling in your hands.

  • Say the card’s name out loud: Doing this can sometimes open pathways in the mind, giving you access to new insights and information.

  • Color: Notice the colors in your Tarot card. What does that color mean to you?

  • Action: What is going on in this Tarot card? Are people communicating or struggling?

  • Characters: Notice which figures are present in your Tarot card. What message do these characters bring to you?

  • Symbols: What symbols stand out to you?

Written by:

The Hearty Soul





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