The Struggle Of Being An Empath

As an Empath we are constantly catering to other’s to be their strength. We feel as if it is our duty to help people in difficult times or traumatic events. Which is entirely true, there is nothing wrong with sharing your love and helping your friends and family when they are in need. There comes a time in every empaths life that we must stop doing so much for everyone on the outside and start turning inward and doing things for ourselves.

You will come to the realization that it is by no means selfish to protect your energy and align with yourself to make sure that you are serving your greatest and highest good. You will then find out who your true friends are and people that actually care for your well being. Most empaths unfortunately have “Energy Vampires” these individuals solely have a relationship with you because it is beneficial to them. They feed off of your energy, and while they are feeling uplifted, you are feeling drained. The ones the truly care want you to be the best version of yourself for you and for them. Stop compromising your happiness for someone else.

One of the most important things to master is self-love. Many empaths i have encountered always express how important it is to them to make other’s feel good and happy because it makes them feel good! Which again is true but you know you’re on your true healing path when you feel the need to turn inward and love yourself first.  You will experience genuine love when you learn to love yourself and not look outside for your ultimate happiness.

It is so important to take care and connect with yourself. As empaths we some times get into little funks because we are constantly exerting our caring energy to everyone else because thats who we are.  If you’re finding yourself unhappy change your patterns. Stop surrounding yourself with negative energy that lowers your vibration and start loving yourself!

We often forget to release all of the energy that we absorb from everyone and everything all day. Take time, even  fifteen minutes before you go to sleep to meditate and allow yourself to connect to your higher being .  I know it sounds so cliché but all of the answers you need are inside.  Feel gratitude for everything in your life, including the hardships for it is giving you strength to overcome an obstacle later, on crazy path of life!


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