Did Scientists Just Discover a 5th Natural Force That Explains Dark Matter?

Science is constantly finding new discoveries. Some could be exquisite like a mysterious marine creature. Some could be controversial like a new health study that counters all previous claims. Some are just plain weird.  Yet this scientific revelation is different. It shifts our perception of reality.

Everything we thought we know about the Earth is about to change.

The Fifth Force of Nature


Researchers have uncovered an unknown subatomic particle, which is defined as a unit of matter or energy which is the fundamental makeup of all matter. (1)

There are four basic subatomic particles already known, and they are called the four fundamental forces.

These particles are what configure the universe as we know it.


The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature

  1. The Strong Nuclear Force – the strongest of the forces, as so named. It forms nuclear particles by holding the quarks together.
  2. The Weak Force – short-range force within the nucleus of the atom that predominates in neutrino interactions and radioactive decay. (2)
  3. The Electromagnetism Force – the existing force between two items with an electric charge. We see this all the time with magnets clinging to each other, and this is the force that allows us to move and interact with objects around us.
  4. Gravity – the attractive force between all objects with mass. For instance, the sun’s gravity keeps the solar system revolving around it. (3)

Number 5: Dark Matter

According to NASA, this invisible substance called ‘dark matter’ formulates 27% of the universe.

“…This discovery of a possible fifth force would completely change our understanding of the universe,” says Jonathan Feng, the lead author on the study, “with consequences for the unification of forces and dark matter.”

Feng and his team analyzed the results of an experiment done at the Hungarian Academy of Science, which had discovered evidence of a ‘dark photon.’ This is a particle that is believed to construct dark matter.

The ‘X Boson’


Through further research, Feng concluded that the Hungarian did not find a ‘dark photon’, but rather a ‘protophobic B boson’ which has feeble interaction with electrons and neutrons. (4)

“There’s no other boson that we’ve observed that has this same characteristic,” says co-author Timothy Tait. “Sometimes we also just call it the ‘X boson,’ where ‘X’ means unknown.”

The Scientists’ Conclusion…

The researchers determine the X boson, and the fifth force within it, to be related to the electromagnetic, weak, and strong nuclear forces. However, it is also probable that this new fifth force is connected to the dark sector.

“It’s possible that these two sectors interact with one another through somewhat veiled but fundamental interactions,” Feng says. “This dark sector force may manifest itself as this protophobic force we see as a result of the Hungarian experiment.

“In a broader sense, it fits in with our original research to understand the nature of dark matter.”

…For Now

This study is still in its exploratory stage, but if other labs confirm it, the mysteries of dark matter will be revealed.

“There are many experimental groups working in small labs around the world that can follow up the initial claims,” Feng says. “Now that they know where to look.” (5)

This article was written by The Hearty Soul. The Hearty Soul is a rapidly growing community dedicated to helping you discover your most healthy, balanced, and natural life.


(1) Cox, E. What Is a Subatomic Particle? – Definition & Mass. http://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-a-subatomic-particle-definition-mass-quiz.html

(2) The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature. Quirky Science, Specialty Science Articles. http://www.quirkyscience.com/four-fundamental-forces/

(3) Howard, D. The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature. http://study.com/academy/lesson/the-four-fundamental-forces-of-nature.html

(4) Feng, J. Fornal, B Galon, I. Gardner, S. Smolinksky, J. Tait, T. Tanedo, P.Protophobic Fifth Force Interpretation of the Observed Anomaly in 8Be Nuclear Transitions http://arxiv.org/abs/1604.07411 Published on 25 April, 2016. Last revised 15 August 2016

(5) Dickerson, K. A Potential Newly Discovered Subatomic Particle Could Prove a “Fifth Force” of Nature. Science.Mic. https://mic.com/articles/151666/a-potential-newly-discovered-subatomic-particle-could-prove-a-fifth-force-of-nature#.KS1rw0XEa Published August 16, 2016.

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