The Transformational Festival That Is Creating Change By Setting Up Sustainable Communities

Oh how we love our transformational festivals! For so many of us they have guided and shaped chapters of our lives, inspiring us, exposing our souls to new truths, to incredible workshops, art, beloved friends, community and deeply moving music that stays with us throughout the year. They are called transformational festivals for a reason, … Continue reading The Transformational Festival That Is Creating Change By Setting Up Sustainable Communities

10 Crucial Reasons Why We Need To Keep Our Forests Safe

Forests cover nearly one third of the world’s land area, with nearly all forests inhabited by indigenous and rural communities. Beyond the importance of them as living quarters, forests are sacred to our overall ecosystem, environmental biome, animal habitat, and spiritual relief – to name a few. With the threat of deforestation and environmental degradation, … Continue reading 10 Crucial Reasons Why We Need To Keep Our Forests Safe

7 Things Stopping You From Being Healthy & How to Overcome Them

 There are many methods that we can use to increase our wellness and heal the ailments that we experience on a day-to-day basis. Whether it is through meditation, yoga, Tai Chi or any other form of mind-body exercise, these are all methods that make us healthier in any and every  aspect of our lives. Many … Continue reading 7 Things Stopping You From Being Healthy & How to Overcome Them

The Only “Positive” Outcome Of A Donald Trump Presidency

Alright, let’s get real here. I wanted to write an article on this for about half a year now, but I kept putting it off because political articles always got met with frustration from people who follow Spirit Science to specifically get away from politics. This article isn’t about politics, the policies of candidates or the logistics … Continue reading The Only “Positive” Outcome Of A Donald Trump Presidency

What Are The 7 Centers Of Consciousness?

Humans are naturally complicated. Emotions, thoughts, intention,s, and knowledge are just a few of the infinite formations that make us, us. Through different styles of discipline (meditations or yoga)we can fully acknowledge and interact with with ‘ourselves’.  The more clearly and thorough we are in identifying formations, the more efficiently we grow, both spiritually and … Continue reading What Are The 7 Centers Of Consciousness?

4 Uncomfortable Changes That Happen When You’re On Your True Path

When you’ve worked hard enough to find your path, you’ll find yourself in a ‘cloud nine’ feeling. All that work and perseverance has payed off! You finally can see that glimmering light at the end of your tunnel. Enjoy this feeling, share it with the people you love. Make full use of this feeling of … Continue reading 4 Uncomfortable Changes That Happen When You’re On Your True Path