All posts by LJ Vanier

Bizarre Study Finds Drinking 3 Glasses of Champagne A Week Can Help Prevent Alzheimers

A new, slightly strange studies shows that drinking champagne one to three times per week, can help to counteract memory loss, delay the onset of degenerative brain disorders and improve spatial memory.


The study carried out by scientists at the University of Reading suggests that phenolic acids found in champagne help to modulate the signals in the hippocampus and cortex which control learning and memory. Over time, proteins linked to the storage memories of the brain begin to break down resulting in atypical brain aging.

According to the study, phenolic compounds found in grapes pinot noir and pinot meunier, work to alter and improve the number of proteins, thereby increasing cognitive memory.

The research was conducted on two groups of aged lab rats. The first group were subjected to intaking a champagne supplement for six weeks, while the control group were fed alcohol supplements. The findings illustrated that the control group of rats exhibited no measurable changes, while the champagne supplemented rats exhibited improvements in spacial memory.

“These exciting results illustrate for the first time that the moderate consumption of champagne has the potential to influence cognitive functioning, such as memory. ” Professor Jeremy Spencer, Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences


Testing has yet to be carried out on humans but Dr David Vauzour, a researcher on the study, hopes to move forward with his research providing the following statement:

“In the near future we will be looking to translate these findings into humans. This has been achieved successfully with other polyphenol-rich foods, such as blueberry and cocoa, and we predict similar outcomes for moderate champagne intake on cognition in humans.” (source)

Phenolic acids are also present (in large quantities) in tea, coffee, red wine, plums, kiwis, cherries, citrus fruit, wheat, as well as other plants.

by LJ Vanier,

Breatharianism: Using Pranic Feeding to Live Off Energy

Breatharianism, or “pranic feeding” is known as the ability to sustain oneself without food and minimal, (if not any) water. Instead, all energy required to sustain the body is absorbed by conscious breath and collecting life force energy from the sun, known as prana or qi.

Pranic feeding is a practice that has been cultivated for thousands of years and is most commonly found in eastern traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.

Breatharianism however, is a topic that has not seen much attention in terms of its legitimacy in the field of scientific discovery, and while occasional fasting can be beneficial for overall health and well-being, it is a well-known fact that the human body cannot survive without food for more than an estimated 2-3 weeks or without water for more than 2-3 days.Mindful-Happiness_Breath-Meditation-Practices-BurlingtonVermont

Yet, doesn’t there always seem to be an exception to the rule?

In 2003, Prahlad Jani, a Yogi from India underwent vigorous testing after he made the outrageous claim that he had been living without food or water for 60 years. Due to his extraordinary story, a panel of 21 doctors decided to examine Jani, including a cardiologist, a neurologist, an endocrinologist and diabetologist, among others, to determine the accuracy of his claim. Continue reading

How To Focus Sexual Energy To Help Manifest Your Dreams

Sexual energy is the energy of life itself. It is the source of all creation and the essence of the universe. It has always been a quest for humanity, to harness this sexual energy and use it to transform higher states of consciousness.

The desire for sexual expression is by far the strongest and most impelling of all the human emotions, and for this very reason this desire, when harnessed and transmuted into action, other than that of physical expression, may raise one to the status of a genius”- Napoleon Hill

According to Napoleon, the term ‘genius’ can be characterized simply by ones ability to “increase the vibrations of thought to the point where one can freely communicate with sources of knowledge not available through the ordinary rate of vibration of thought”.

1. Set Your Focus


We all require some type of external stimuli, whether this is just a memory or visualization in your head, we all need something to focus on. Instead of your usual fantasy, set your intention on something more creative and incorporate the law of attraction into your practice.

For example, you’d love that promotion at work, or you liked how you created with another person or several people and everything just seemed to flow. Anything, get creative! Set your goal of what you want to achieve… and “birth it into creation” so to speak. Continue reading

12 Ways You Are Unconsciously Lowering Your Own Vibration

“The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it.”- Eckhart Tolle

12. Regrets

Whether it’s a missed opportunity, a bad relationship, a choice we should have made or simply something that made us feel dumb, dwelling in regret consumes a large amount of our time and energy. It has been thought, that the reason we regret so many things is because we have an idealized version of ourselves that we wish to live up to at all times.

To put it into perspective, we all think that we are 100% good people and when we do things that don’t reflect the most positive aspects of ourselves, we deem that we’ve fallen short in some way. But, when we can let go of these ideals and embrace the gravity and reality of life, we then free ourselves from the illusion of “perfection”.

So embrace your dark side, it is where your creativity flows from, accept yourself both “good and evil” and find balance between the two.

11.Blaming other people for your problems

shutterstock_129230165Each person in your life is a teacher. Each experience in your life is a lesson. Living is like looking into a mirror– every teacher is you. Every event and ever relationship reflects yourself. Although we do not consciously perceive this, at some level we all know that life shows us what we need to learn.

Learn the lesson and move on. If you didn’t learn the lesson the first time, it comes back around as a new experience a new person and a new circumstance. It comes right back and lands in your lap again, and says, “here… deal with it”- Excerpt from Ether Into the Nemesis Continue reading

10 Amazing Things That Happen When You Find Your Soul Family

Imagine for a moment, that you could choose anyone in your life, for a specific task. Someone whom you would agree while you were here in this incarnation…. to completely destroy you.

Who would it be?

Choose one or a few whom you would allow the power in your life to serve you the greatest lesson you will ever learn. Choose who you would pick to serve you up harshest blow to your heart. To deliver you into utter humiliation and the complete destruction of everything you hold near and dear to you.

Who would you choose?o-HAPPY-PEOPLE-facebook

Now I understand that this is a tough question and you are probably wondering why I am asking this.

The good news is, if you already know… then you’ve already found your tribe. If you haven’t a clue who you would choose and are wondering why I would pose such a preposterous question– be on the look out, your soul group is out there!!

Soul groups incarnate together with a specific task, a mission to uphold and when we connect with each of them, we collect a piece of the puzzle.

Soul groups incarnate with the purpose of helping each other wake up, to break through the veil and release the illusion of separateness and each soul group works together to achieve this.

It is up to each member to uphold their duty to serve each other. So when you find a member of your soul group… just know that your life is about to go through some radical changes, and major transformations that serve your higher good.

Here are the strongest signs that you should pay attention to:

10. They strengthen your intuition. 

When you spend time with someone from your soul group, your heart chakra begins to activate due to the harmonious subtle energy exchange. No matter the words spoken, you will feel what they are thinking from the heart. Words become obsolete, as if you don’t even need to speak as most communication is on the energetic intuitive level.

9. Immediate Connection

A member of your soul group will resonate with you immediately, you will feel comfortable and secure and will recognize their energy signature. Continue reading

5 Curses To Recognize As Blessings in Disguise

As they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. But, I think we can all agree that this is easier said than done. Sometimes it’s hard to see the blessing in the worst catastrophes and to remain confident that everything will work out, especially when you’ve just been blind sided.

no-place-to-go_8-reasons-women-stay-in-painful-relationshipsWhile changes of this magnitude can serve as a major wake up call or a catalyst to initiate our spiritual growth and evolution of consciousness, when we hit these road blocks, it’s more than difficult to just pick up and say “hey, better things are waiting for me around the corner!”.

It takes time to process, introspect and finally see, that the hand we’ve been dealt, was exactly the change we might have needed.

The purpose of this article is to support you through any hardships that you might be going through. We feel you. We go through them too… <3 We’re all in this together!

5. You lose your job

We all know that getting fired never feels good, but let’s be honest about it, if you were truly and honestly pursuing what you really wanted to do chances are you wouldn’t be kicking your lunch box down the street right now. Sometimes, when we can’t make the decision for ourselves to move on, life gives us a hard shove to get going in the right direction. Take time to reflect on what you appreciated about your previous position as well as the negative and you will find if you are honest with yourself, that it wasn’t the right fit for you.

Now is great time to do some real introspection, especially if you have been in the same role for a long amount of time. You may find a completely new direction and one that serves your true authentic self and let’s you shine.

4. You separate from your partner

51076First off I’d like to say, as hard as it may be for some of you to hear– not everyone is meant to be with us for the long haul. Everyone has a special purpose in our lives, and with each person we are able to share moments which leave lasting impressions that we can take with us along our journeys. At every moment we are learning and growing and we never stop; change is continual and as we change, it only makes sense that the people, experiences and circumstances change along with.

If you are newly single or mentally processing the fall out from a long-term relationship, the aftermath can be devastating. If the relationship has been closed off by one of the partners, the best thing you can do is keep your distance. Early after a breakup the emotions are still running high with both individuals and you’ll both need your space.

When we give ourselves this space, we allow for healing to usher in and a time of reflection begins. Quite often, if one partner has decided to leave, the other may also feel in some sense relieved, as relationships can only flourish when both partners are in harmony. Soon, you may begin to recognize that it was only the familiarity and the attachment to the person which enabled you to continue in the relationship, all the while your spirit was urging you onto new and needed experiences.

3. You lose your house

signs-youre-a-Losing your home is devastating. Without a home base to rest our heads at the end of the day can make us feel lost and unstable. A shift from the normal safe routine, we quite literally feel like we have been thrown out to the wolves, to fend for ourselves. Upon reflection however, you may find that your home wasn’t benefiting you in some way. Either the mortgage was too high, or the area where you lived wasn’t serving you or your families needs. Whatever the cause, when we can find trust in knowing that everything happens for a reason, we find comfort in the understanding that life can be like a tornado, and sometimes that tornado is what it took to shake us out of our stagnant state. It’s best to just let it pick you up, ruffle you up and put you back down where you are supposed to be.

2. You are diagnosed with an illness

The most serious of events to transpire, being diagnosed with any kind of illness quite literally catapults you into a state of shock. While this occurence may not rightfully fit in with a few others on this list, it is included because of its profound impact on emotional, psychological and spiritual well-being. There is nothing more frightening than being told your health is at risk, while at the same time there is also nothing more that would motivate us more to live our life to the fullest. Being told that your time is limited or that you’re physical health will not permit you to do the things you once thought, immediately puts you on this path. The path to experience everything you can in the time you have. The path that opens your heart to forgive and love others in ways you never thought were possible and to appreciate the little things in life, that most others often tend to ignore.

1. You lose someone close to you

Parents reaching out handWhen you lose someone you love, there are no words to express how you feel. There isn’t anything that can comfort a grieving heart and nothing will ever replace that person. You are only left with a gigantic void that pierces so deeply that it permeates to the fibre of your being. Now, we can never say that losing someone is a blessing, however we can say that not having this person truly and deeply highlights our immense unconditional, insatiable capacity for love, that we should always appreciate.

I believe that love is at the fabric of our being,  it is the vibration of creation and without love– life would cease to exist. We can love far after a person is gone and long before they even arrive. Our genuine inherent ability to love with all of our being is so deep, that it transcends space and time and in the end if you don’t believe in life after death, rest assured in knowing that if anything is to go on past our physical bodies when we die, it’s love.

by LJ Vanier, Team Spirit!