Category Archives: Learning to Create

3 Ways To Create Long Lasting Positive Vibes in Your Life

Cute Young Girl Hugging Two Teddy Bears

Let’s be honest, the culture that we’ve grown up in can be a highly negative place.  Through all of the negativity that we are exposed to, it can be pretty challenging for us to maintain good vibes. It’s really hard, and many of us have been unwittingly programmed into negativity, and its harder and harder for positive thinking to come naturally for us.

For those who are trying to master the creation process, the negativity of society can really interfere with our ability to be awesome all of the time!  In order to be deliberate creators, we must keep a positive state of mind. This can be tricky when we’ve been trained into a regular state of bad-vibes.

TVOne of the best examples that we have to date is the television itself. Look, it’s not called “programming” for no reason. Turn on the TV and it’s nothing but garbage. It’s difficult to find something that isn’t a nonstop stream of violence, crime, anger or gossip, and worst of all, ADVERTISING!  Constant exposure to these negative thoughts, emotions and actions automatically relate in your mind and start changing the way you see the world. What we surround ourselves with and think about, we become.

The good news is that you can program your mind into a high vibrational frequency just as easily as you could be programmed into negativity. Through exposing yourself to uplifting and inspirational ideas on a daily basis, you will begin to absorb and relate to the positive vibes, and even “emit” them yourself!

It sounds pretty simple, and the truth is, that it is! It just takes a little bit of practice, and sometimes, a little bit of help from a friend.

So, let me be a friend and describe exactly how this is done.

Like Burning Wood in a Fire

We’ve all seen a campfire before, right? Well, most of us anyways. In order to burn the fire and create warmth, we need a few specific ingredients. To start it out, kindling, tinder, some wood… and of course, the spark to ignite the flame.

Cozy home fireplaceBut once that fire is going, you don’t need the spark, tinder, or kindling anymore. The wood is your fuel source, and in fact, if you try and add those other ingredients again, your not going to support your roaring fire in the least. In needs a bigger fuel, more wood.

Now, if your like me, and have spent a lot of time around wood-stoves (our house has a wood stove, so I’m constantly feeding it throughout the winter), you’ll know that just throwing the wood on the fire isn’t always going to do the trick. No, the HOT COALS have to be touching the other wood. This creates a firey-friction of sorts, causing the unburnt log to ignite into flames, and cause the fire to overall get hotter!

Apply it to the Spirit

Much like burning wood in a fire, you need a “spiritual friction” of the right ingredients in order to create the warm heat inside that sustains your good feelings. The right ingredients, instead of logs, is actually #1 meaningful connections. Aka: Friendship. 

Happy couple

The spark, kindling, and tinder are the basis for the friendship that you have, and of course, there are tons of different kinds of logs. Some friendships are based around working together, intimacy, co-creation, and those can fractal to great depths in the possibilities of what can be accomplished.

The point is though, that regardless of what kind of friendship that you have, it is the continuing of feeding the fire, the continuation of the relationship, the deep communications, the shared time together, shared laughter, shared moments, is what continues the spiritual fire burning bright, which allows you to give love to all of those around you, and bask in the warmth of your glowing heart. 

When your Low on Fuel…

Now, lets say for instance that you have a great connection with your partner or friends, but sometimes you have to go to work, and when you do, there isn’t a single person there who you connect with in a meaningful way.

Besides the fact that this is an obvious sign that your job is draining your soul and you should get out, sometimes its hard to do that immediately, and thus you have to find a way of keeping your spirits up while surrounded by mental garbage.

Here are 3 methods you can use to help you get through the day, when you go into the darkness and don’t see light for many hours later.

1. Meditation for a lasting flame

When you meditate, you can compress the “coals” into a hot iron that will stay hot, longer. That compression can even become like a beam of light, to guide you through the darkness to come.

2. Stoke the Fire with Meaningful bits and bytes on the Internet

When your feeling drained, its always a great way to get a bit of release by going on the internet and watching or looking at something to just lift your spirits.. JUST BE CAREFUL WITH THIS ONE!  This is like throwing a big piece of thick cardboard on the fire, it will create a burst of energy for you, but its not a lasting flame. It can also be dangerous, because there’s a lot of sloppy wet cardboard on the internet, and if you put that on your coals it will DOUSE YOUR FLAME! 

What this means is, be super mindful about what you take in. Advertisements will douse your flame. Don’t let that stuff in.


My recommendation? Spirit Science Cartoons!… No wait, even better –> The Daily Kitty. If you’ve ever seen this Facebook page, it’s awesome. I’ve never seen a bad post from them, and that’s probably because we’re the criminal masterminds behind this wonderful magical page. Special thanks to Ray for its inception.

3. Sleep Hypnosis for an overnight fire

Personally, I haven’t done too much experimentation with Sleep Hypnosis except for binaural beats and lucid dreaming, but there is a lot of research to suggest its very helpful in its ability to support a holistic overnight “reprogramming” of neural pathways in order to support a healthy lifestyle.

Tired woman sleeping on the coach at office

Ultimately, if we begin changing our actions, our lives have no choice but to change.

Besides this, you can also maintain good feels when everyone around you is an ass by eating as good as you can, taking breaks with some exercise or stretching, and going out of your way to smile even when your not feeling it. Force it, because pretty soon you’ll realize your actually smiling because your happy, and not because your forcing it. Smiling creates endorphines in your brain, it’s actually pretty amazing.

Anyways, I really hope that all of this can help you on your journey! Thank you for reading!

With love,
Jordan Pearce

Seven Steps to Mastering The Law of Attraction in Your Life

Yet again, another year passes and we all think (at least a little bit) about what the new year will bring.  While losing weight, eating healthy, and quitting smoking are all fantastic resolutions to have, there is one thing that you could do that would make ALL of your dreams a reality, and that is to make it your mission to master the Law of Attraction this year.

shutterstock_307917479The universe responds to your thoughts and feelings and brings you exactly what is going on in your mind.  Unfortunately, most people think and feel as a reaction to the things that are already occurring in their realities.

This reactivity often creates a cycle of anger, depression, hostility or anxiety.  For example, you become angry about something, and this causes the universe to deliver to you something else that makes you angry.  Then you get angry again and the cycle repeats.

Wouldn’t it be better if you could find ways to think and feel positively throughout your day so that the universe could bring you more things to be happy about? If you could find a way to think and feel positively regardless of your current reality, you would be able to master the Law of Attraction and a new reality would emerge that contained in it everything that you wanted.

With this in mind, here are seven steps to take this year to ensure that next year your reality is leaps and bounds beyond where you stand today.

1. Drop the “struggle mentality:” Many of us have fed into the belief that in order to be good people we have to work hard and we shutterstock_211403866have to do things we don’t like to do.  If you hold this belief, the universe will continue to send you hard work and struggle.

Instead of hammering away at projects and work you don’t like to do, make it a priority to enjoy life at least a few times a day.  Continue reading

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Have you ever asked the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” Or (even more confusingly) “why do good things happen to bad people?”

Often we just throw our hands up and say “life’s not fair!”  However, this is an incorrect statement because life indeed is fair. We all create our realities using the same rules as everyone else. It’s just that the rules have nothing to do with being good or bad!

sad-coupleTo understand these rules, the first thing we should keep in mind is that many of us have been raised to believe that good deeds are rewarded and bad deeds are punished. We are programed to believe that if we act as if we are “good,” good things will happen and if we act “bad,” bad things will happen.

Now, this type of programming is used to manipulate our actions so that we will behave the way our parents, teachers and governments want us to behave. However, even though our parents, teachers and governments believe that good and bad can be defined and receive consequences, the universe does not.

The truth is, the universe isn’t punishing or rewarding anyone. Again, I’ll say it again for more effect: the universe isn’t punishing or rewarding anyone. Continue reading

12 Manifestations of a High Vibration

At our core, all we are made up of is energy, and our vibration is simply the movement of our energy through space.  Our vibrations are very important because they are responsible for how our lives unfold.  Through the Law of Attraction, we create our entire lives based on our vibrations.  In the simplest terms, when we have a high vibration we create more of what we want in life.  When our energy is low, we create more of what we don’t want.

It’s good to remember our vibrations are always changing across time, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with having a low vibration, because low vibrations do serve a valuable function!   Low vibrations provide signals to us that our thinking and behaviors are headed in a direction we don’t want to go, and these signals can be very useful if we are aware of them.

However, it’s also useful to know when you have a high vibration, so you can celebrate the moment and make it last a little longer!

So, here are twelve manifestations of a high vibration.  Have any of these things happened to you lately?

1. Being excited to wake up and start your dayWaves-of-Faith-A-Morning-Meditation-Prayer

When we are running at a high vibration life feels exciting.

If you leap out of bed in the morning ready to tackle the day, you can bet you are running on a high vibrational frequency.

Continue reading

7 Signs The Universe Is Trying To Show You Something Through Synchronicity

Synchronicity is a term coined by famous psychologist, Carl Jung.  It is the appearance of “meaningful coincidences” in your life that are unlikely, ironic and sometimes very helpful.  This phenomenon is a “wink” from the universe, a sign of your intuition and connectedness.  If you’ve been experiencing synchronicity, you’ve been in the right place, at the right time.

Though some would say the probability of one of these events is very low, for many people synchronicity happens all of the time.

It is a magical phenomenon that lets us know we are open to spiritual guidance and on the right path.shutterstock_143311846

So, are you experiencing synchronicity? Here are a few common examples that may have happened in your life:

1. Running into someone you were just thinking about, or receiving a phone call, text message or email from him/her.

2. Randomly coming across a product that solves a problem you’ve been having, even though you weren’t looking for it.

Suddenly, an ad on TV or an item on the store shelf jumps out at you as if to say “Here! This is exactly what you need!”

3. Watching a movie or television show that has a story line mirroring your own current issues in life.

4. Hearing a couple of strangers out in public discussing something you’ve been thinking about in your own life. Continue reading

The Two Most Powerful Realizations That Will Set You Free, Yes Really

Number 1: Plan A works, period.

If you must have a Plan B, it should be that Plan A works. Think of it as if there is no plan B, because it detracts focus from Plan A.  A backup plan is nothing more than a plan for failure.

That doesn’t ever really seem to compute with people. I mean they ‘hear’ it, agree, even cheer, but it doesn’t seem to make it through the computer all the way and out to the ‘output’ devices.

You see, your power is nearly infinite. Really, it is.

A a good friend posted this on facebook today.

With his permission I share it with you here:
Kevin BujisEarth We Are One

” I have no more time for people complaining and telling me things cannot be done. Everything is possible. Thoughts become things.

free burst

What you hold in your head, you will hold in your hand. When we place our focus on our desires and the outcome we desire, its exactly, and I mean, EXACTLY what the Universe will deliver.

Yes, the Universe Listens to EVERYTHING you say. You hold doubt in your heart, then it will give you reason for doubt. You hold strength and determination in your heart, the Universe Will, and Must bring you what you were determined to receive.

The entire Universe is an Organic Machine. You ask and you Will receive. It can be no other way.

So the next time you say to yourself, this is costing to much, or this cannot be done, or its not possible, or many people have gone before and failed, then I know who you are looking up too. Continue reading