8 Traditional Beliefs That Have Now Been Proved By Science

Our ancestors had the same needs and desires as people in the modern age, the only difference is how we achieve them. People have always gotten sick, needed comfort, tried to push the limits, and understand the world they live.The tricks, practices, and intentions of purpose that societies practiced hundreds, or thousands of years earlier … Continue reading 8 Traditional Beliefs That Have Now Been Proved By Science

Taking Love To The Next Level: The Secret to an Oxytocin Intimate Connection

Sex is one of the most common ways we feel deep euphoric bliss in our lives. It creates a feeling of pleasure, liberation and euphoric release, releasing bio-energy within our body. Of course, sex can also cause a lot of problems in our lives. There can be negative consequences associated with sex when it is not engaged in or perceived in a … Continue reading Taking Love To The Next Level: The Secret to an Oxytocin Intimate Connection