Still Using a Microwave? You Might Want To Read This

More than 95 percent of American homes own a microwave! This says a lot about our desires for a quick, convenient meal.

Looking at the bigger picture, this isn’t entirely our fault. Our world has evolved into a fast paced race against time, and it doesn’t help that half the food in the grocery stores are packaged in plastic for quick consumption.

I’ve always been really sensitive to microwaves, I can feel the radiation emitting off of them and usually leave the room if one is on.

Here are 5 reasons why they are worth getting rid of:

Microwaves Zap Food Nutrition

Heating your food in the microwave strips away its original nutrients. The high frequencies emitted from a microwave force the water molecules to rapidly spin, creating friction which heats the food in a short amount of time.

This completely changes the molecular structure of the food itself.

Dr. Joseph M. Mercola, a licensed physician writes that the dielectric heat in the microwave bounces around and is absorbed in the food until it evolves into a sort of ‘dead food’.Microwave-nutrients-food

The nutritional value greatly diminishes the longer the food absorbs the radiation.




Microwaves Destroy Breast Milk And Vitamin B-12

In a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers examined the effects of microwave heating on the loss of vitamin B-12 in foods like raw beef, pork, and milk.

The results of the study show there was a 30 to 40 percent loss of the vitamin when the foods received microwave exposure.

What they found was the natural chemicals in vitamin B-12 became virtually inactive after the microwave heating process.

Researchers tested 22 freshly frozen human milk samples for lysozyme activity and antibodies by heating the samples for 30 seconds on either a low or high power

Breast milk microwaved at high temperatures was found to have greater E coli growth — 18 more times than un-microwaved breast milk.

Microwaving at low temperatures also dramatically decreased lysozyme activity and also promoted the growth of harmful bacteria for babies.


Microwaves Create Carcinogens In Food

If you do use a microwave, never wrap anything in plastic! You can create carcinogens in the food.

The Russian government issued a warning about the health hazards microwave ovens can have on the human body and the environment.


Foods that are frozen and meant to be heated in a microwave were found containing toxic chemicals such as BPA, polyethylene terpthalate, benzene, toluene, and xylene.

The plastic containers used to heat these microwave meals have been found to release the carcinogens along with other harmful toxins into your food which is then absorbed by your body.


Microwaves Can Change the Makeup of Your Blood

In a Swiss clinical study, researchers found that blood changes in individuals who consumed microwaved milk and vegetables.

They found that, with the eight participants in the study, their red blood cells decreased while white blood cells increased, along with their cholesterol levels.Healthy-and-Unhealty-Live-Blood-Cells-Anaylasis

The non-ionizing radiation of the microwave can affect changes in your blood and your heart rate.



Microwaves Can Change Your Heart Rate

A study conducted by Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University found the levels of radiation emitted by a microwave affect both heart rate and heart rate variability.

Microwaves can produce effects on your body instantly due to the 2.4 GHz radiation — the frequency of radiation emitted by microwave ovens.imgres-1

These levels are within federal safety guidelines but that doesn’t really mean anything. We are still getting daily doses of radiation.

It’s been reported that you can experience a dramatic change in heart rate, have an irregular heart beat and chest pains if you regularly eat microwaved food.


With all these studies, and even just the sheer knowing that a higher level of radiation is coming out of a device in our homes, it seems like a good idea to throw them out. Or at least not use them as much.

A lot of food is designed to only be cooked in a microwave and this is no mistake. We are bombarded with unhealthy choices due to convenience.

In the end, it’s completely worth it to take the time to cook full meals. It may be more time consuming but our bodies will thank us for it!



9 Activities Linked to a Longer Life

UCLA biologists have found a gene that can slow the aging process in the entire body when activated in specific organ systems.  While working with fruit flies, these scientists activated a gene known as AMPK that is an important energy sensor in cells; which gets activated when cellular energy levels are getting low.

dna_2759155b“AMP-activated protein kinase—an energy sensor that regulates all aspects of cell function. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a sensor of energy status that maintains cellular energy homeostasis.” – D. Grahame Hardie

In the study scientists found that increasing the amount of AMPK in fruit flies’ intestines increased their lifespans by about 30 percent.  This puts them living around 8 weeks instead of the average 6 weeks.

This is like the average person who lives to be almost 80 to around 104 years.   What is also interesting is that not only do the fruit flies live longer but they were healthier as well.

Now imagine if we applied this genetic technique to someone who is already supposed to live to be over 100 years old?

There is a whole group of people, known as Centenarians, that have lived to be over 100 years old. We have found a short documentary about two Supercentenarians, from the Spice Mountains of South Western India who have lived to be over 110!  Check it out below!

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If you found that interesting there are rumors that a man in China lived to be around 250 years old! Li Ching Yuen was an herbalist who practiced Qigong and said his secret to long life was to possess the following traits in your life:

  • Tranquil mind
  • Sit like a tortoise
  • Walk sprightly like a pigeon
  • Sleep like a dog

In addition to that list here are 9 Activities that are linked to a longer life!

© Copyright 2010 CorbisCorporation1. Being Spiritual–  Having some sort of spiritual practice or belief has been linked to longer lives.  You don’t have to be a specific religion or even believe in God to qualify for this category.  Having a reverence for life and believing in something more than yourself is enough to enjoy the benefits of a longer life.

2. Health or Healing knowledge– As you heard in the video above both of our Supercentenarians were known for their knowledge and ability to heal others.  Perhaps the knowledge of healing isn’t only for ourselves.  Perhaps science will find a spark of longevity in those who take the time to ease the suffering of others. Continue reading

How to Recognize & End Toxic Fights in Your Relationship

Whether you like someone or not there are going to be times when you have disagreements with your friends, family, partners, spouse, co-workers, or neighbors. Here are some powerful tricks to make sure your relationships are healthy and balanced!

1. Bring Up Problems ASAP

Many people will try to walk on eggshells or avoid bringing up how they feel but this will actually cause a lot of extra stress and issues in your relationship.

When you don’t tell someone how their behavior made you feel it is actually a form of manipulation.  It is holding on to the power or energy instead of passing it back so that they can learn and grow.  If people don’t know how they are affecting you then they cannot fix it.

If you don’t catch it in the moment or it is not an appropriate time make sure you bring it up with them as soon as you can.  The quicker you address issues and resolve them the better everyone will feel.

ar134532768120402Have a hard time catching problems in real time?  One trick is to trust your gut.  If someone says something that creates a strange feeling in your stomach that is a sign that something happened that affected you.

When I get that feeling I will make a point to stop the conversation and if they are a close friend or loved one they will typically help me figure it out.

Example- In a calm balanced tone I will say: “Just a min please, when you said that I felt funny.  I am not sure why but I would like to figure it out before we move on so I can understand what you mean.”

Remember that what you say and what people hear is always going to be different.  This is because our mood, focus and perceptions are always filtering information.  Tone and energy can also be a huge factor in how information is transferred between people.

When issues are brought up stay calm and try to see what really happened instead of getting defensive.  I will go more into this later.

2. Be the Real You

It is very common to act different with friends and loved ones than you do alone or in public.  Part of feeling whole and being true to ourselves it to try and make these versions us as consistent as possible.

Be the real you, do what you feel compelled to do.  Say what you are really feeling.  If you aren’t interested in what someone is saying either find a way to truly get interested or find a topic you are both interested it.

Pretending to listen and be interested isn’t being true to yourself and is harmful to the people around you.  Be honest, polite and genuine in your interactions.

3. Treat People the Way THEY want to be Treated

choco_vanilla_swirl_answer_7_xlargeThats right, because we are all different we cannot treat people the way we want to be treated.  We have to learn more about the people around us and treat them the way they want to be treated.

We can’t feed a room of people our favorite flavor of ice cream and expect them to be as happy and excited about it as we are.  We need to reach out and make sure the people around us know that we know them.  We prove that to them by really getting to know them!

There is a very powerful article written by a hero of mine that goes into this topic more.  Check it out here!

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The Best ENERGY Drink of Your Life

Article shared with permission from Author Jenna Barrington.

I had the urge to write about this daily habit that takes 10 minutes or less, but can have an incredible influence on you and your family’s health!


Right now in our world there are a lot of people who would love to feel better about their bodies. Studies show that a good portion of both men and women are unsatisfied with themselves or struggle with self-confidence. This is no secret, and it is apparent that as a society we are searching for better answers than painful dieting and hours in the gym. 

I was first introduced to the idea of green smoothies by Robyn Openshaw when I was a teenager.  I struggled a lot with body image during adolescence, and more than wanting to feel beautiful I also wanted to feel healthy. So I was always looking for the secrets to having a body I felt confident walking around in!

The idea is you find the right blend of fruitsveggies, and greens to throw into a blender that make a delicious smoothie and a powerhouse nutrient-rich boost for your body! The possible and proven benefits to drinking a green drink on a daily basis are awesome!

  • green3Weight loss
  • Mood enhancement
  • Natural detox and cleanse
  • Immune support/boost
  • Huge percentage of daily need for vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
  • ENERGY increase that lasts
  • Fiber that you don’t get from juice
  • You feel ‘light’ verses ‘heavy’
  • Happy cells!!

Green smoothies are great at anytime during the day, but are particularly excellent for breakfast. Our body goes through natural cycles  throughout a day where it focuses respectively on these three processes: Elimination, Appropriation, and Assimilation. In the morning we are typically in elimination mode and our body is focusing on releasing toxins and cleansing. 

imagesEating a heavy breakfast that is cooked can often be counter-productive to this cycle. Think of how it feels if you’re trying to clean the kitchen and before you’re done someone comes in and starts pulling out  food to make a big meal.  It would definitely slow you down or maybe even stop you from cleaning completely. Our body is the same way.

Our body responds the best to living and easily digestible foods in the morning. Living food means it is raw (uncooked) and is thus still full of enzymes and nutrients that aid digestion and fuel your body.

Convinced to give smoothies a try? Let’s address some common hesitations for those that need a push!

Tastes nasty?

The first time I made a green smoothie it was disgusting. I didn’t blend it well so it was chunky and I was a little too ambitious on the percentage of greens that I added.  In general we are used to overly-sweet food, and starting off your smoothie habit with too many veggies can cause you (and your family victims) to tank before finishing the first glass. Luckily our taste buds adapt over time. Try starting with 20% veggies and 80% fruit. Then slowly change it until you’re eventually drinking 50/50. Baby steps!

cat[shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111573″]Can’t get over looks and texture?

I would recommend getting a good blender.  For example try a Blendtec. They are FANTASTIC. Your smoothies will feel like Jamba Juice.  But let’s be real, a good portion of us don’t have that kind of money to throw around just yet.  But don’t let that stop you from changing you life.  Any blender will do the job. Putting the veggies in and blending them for a bit first can help to get rid of chunks making them easier to drink. 

Now that I’ve got a spouse to please, I’ve put a lot more energy into VARIETY. Don’t get stuck on one recipe. Try new things! Mix new colors! If you make your family drink something that tastes too weedy one day, make a really delicious one the next day. Find your favorites and have fun getting creative.

16 People With Real Super Powers

Have you ever dreamed about having super powers?  Most likely if you are anything like me you have fantasized about having extraordinary abilities such as super strength or moving objects with your mind.

We have found 16 examples of people who claim to have developed some extraordinary abilities.  Perhaps we are evolving into a world of zero limits.

1. X-Ray Vision

Natasha DemkinaNatasha Demkina is a Russian woman who claims to be able to see into peoples bodies.  Just like an X-ray machine she is able to detect problems inside of people and diagnose them.

Natasha was a normal kid up until the age of ten according to her mother.  At that age her abilities began to manifest.

“I was at home with my mother and suddenly I had a vision. I could see inside my mother’s body and I started telling her about the organs I could see. Now, I have to switch from my regular vision to what I call medical vision. For a fraction of a second, I see a colorful picture inside the person and then I start to analyze it.” says Demkina

2. Magnetic Body

3_liew-thow-linLiew Thow Lin is a man from Malaysia who can stick metal objects into his body.   Although scientists cannot detect anything going on with the magnetics of his body he is able to hold and balance a unique amount of metal objects on his skin.

3. Super Human Memory:

daniel-tammetDaniel Temmet is able to memorize incredible amounts of information.  For example he was able to recite Pi up to 22,514 digits in five hours and nine minutes on 14 March 2004.

Most Savants are not able to explain how they accomplish their amazing abilities but Daniel is different.  He explains that in his mind every whole number up to 10,000 has its own unique texture, color, shape and feel.  This has helped him to remember things visually much easier then the average person.

In his experience the visual image of 289 as very ugly, 333 is particularly attractive, and pi is beautiful.  Perhaps this is how the frequency of numbers and numerology work with the logical world.

4. No Need for Sleeping:

Imagine what life would be like if you didn’t need to sleep?  I know we would miss out on a lot of fun dreams but what could we accomplish?  Well Al Herpin cant sleepwas a man who knew what that was like.

Al Herpin claimed to have a rare type of insomnia where he didn’t need to sleep and at one point in his life had apparently been awake for over 10 years.  This attracted the attention of medical professionals who investigated further.

They found no bed, or sleeping place in Al Herpin’s home.  He claimed to go to work and then sit in his rocking chair reading until it was time to go to work the next day.  He was found to be in good health and also lived to the old age of 94.

5. Stomach of Steel:

MrEatsEverythingMichel Lotito was known for his ability to eat non-digestable objects without any bad effects.  He was seen to consume glass, metal, rubber and other objects.  Do not try this at home.


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11:11 – The Signs of the Planetary Shift

I’ll bet that if I asked publicly how many people saw 11:11 regularly, we’d probably see a huge sea of hands popping up all over the place. Its pretty common nowadays, there’s something to it, and its about time we decoded it. 

In case you answered that you’ve never seen 11:11, I would remind you that you’re reading a blog about it right now. Welcome to the beginning of your 11:11 synchronistic voyage.  [shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111573″]

There was a time only a few years ago when I hadn’t heard a thing about 11:11. It was brand new to me, until it wasn’t anymore. Interestingly enough, my 1111 synchronicities started right around the time when I began learning about a planetary shift of consciousness… The Shift.

I started seeing 11:11 everywhere. Not just on clocks, but license plates, billboards, phone numbers, random pieces of paper I would come across or on websites on the interweb while I floated about in the digital realm… What was the deal? 

Before I really started to explore numerology, I did some googling and found that it was relatively common. So much so, here’s something Uri Geller wrote about it:
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