All posts by Andrea S

My name is Andrea Schulman, I am a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of 'Raise Your Vibration Today.' I teach people about the Law of Attraction and the power of positive thinking . Check out my member website to learn how to create your reality with your thoughts.

Seven Steps to Mastering The Law of Attraction in Your Life

Yet again, another year passes and we all think (at least a little bit) about what the new year will bring.  While losing weight, eating healthy, and quitting smoking are all fantastic resolutions to have, there is one thing that you could do that would make ALL of your dreams a reality, and that is to make it your mission to master the Law of Attraction this year.

shutterstock_307917479The universe responds to your thoughts and feelings and brings you exactly what is going on in your mind.  Unfortunately, most people think and feel as a reaction to the things that are already occurring in their realities.

This reactivity often creates a cycle of anger, depression, hostility or anxiety.  For example, you become angry about something, and this causes the universe to deliver to you something else that makes you angry.  Then you get angry again and the cycle repeats.

Wouldn’t it be better if you could find ways to think and feel positively throughout your day so that the universe could bring you more things to be happy about? If you could find a way to think and feel positively regardless of your current reality, you would be able to master the Law of Attraction and a new reality would emerge that contained in it everything that you wanted.

With this in mind, here are seven steps to take this year to ensure that next year your reality is leaps and bounds beyond where you stand today.

1. Drop the “struggle mentality:” Many of us have fed into the belief that in order to be good people we have to work hard and we shutterstock_211403866have to do things we don’t like to do.  If you hold this belief, the universe will continue to send you hard work and struggle.

Instead of hammering away at projects and work you don’t like to do, make it a priority to enjoy life at least a few times a day.  Continue reading

15 Amazing Things You’ve Already Manifested in Your Life

Because your thoughts create your reality with the Law of Attraction, you are literally responsible for everything you have experienced in life.  You’ve attracted every single person, event and circumstance. Though some of what you have created has perhaps disappointed you, there are many more magnificent things you’ve manifested in your life.  Without even trying, you have already created some great stuff.

Here are 15 wonderful things you have manifested into your life with the Law of Attraction.  Your thoughts, beliefs, expectations and actions have drawn each of these items to you, whether or not you realized it in the moment.  You have many reasons to be impressed by your ability to create wonderful things!

1. Every sunny day you’ve ever experienced.

2. Every smile you’ve ever received from another person.

3. Every beautiful sunset you’ve ever watched.

4. Every starry night you’ve ever seen.

5. Every moment of laughter or comedy you’ve ever enjoyed.

6. Every act of kindness you’ve ever witnessed or received.

7. Every beautiful piece of music you’ve ever listened to. Continue reading

10 Physical Symptoms of a Spiritual Awakening

Have you experienced any symptoms of a spiritual awakening? Chances are, if you are reading this article, the answer is “yes!”

A spiritual awakening is an ongoing process whereby a person becomes aware of their connection to the infinite, and becomes mindful of their spiritual nature.

As spirits, we are eternal in nature.  However, when we are born into these bodies, many of us “forget” our spiritual nature.  We are often raised believing that we are disconnected from one another, and that this life is our only existence.

spiritualawakeningWhen someone experiences a spiritual awakening, they become aware of their spiritual nature, and begin to understand that they are indeed connected, and eternal, beings.   As a result, they will often experience some specific symptoms of a spiritual awakening.

Please note that not all people who experience a spiritual awakening will experience each of the following signs and symptoms, but they probably will experience at least a handful of them.  We each experience our spiritual awakenings differently as we each have different sensitivities.

1. An increased interest in metaphysical subjects and the paranormal~

awaken-728x400-e1404639389566Often people who are experiencing a spiritual awakening will become very interested in metaphysical subjects and phenomenon like crystals, tarot cards, reiki, psychics and mediums.   Continue reading

8 Methods To Raise The Vibration of Your Home & Workplace

8 Tips for Better Vibes in Your Home & Workplace

Positive vibes are not just for people.  Our environments also have a specific vibrational energy.  Because we absorb energy from our surroundings, one way that you can raise your vibration is by working to raise the vibration of your environment.  Better vibes in your work or living space will help you feel happier, healthier and more prosperous.

Here are a few quick tips to amplify the positive vibes in your environment.  Taking a little bit of time to improve the vibes of your space will help you to easily raise your vibration and the vibration of those who live and work with you!

Tips for Better Vibes in the Home and Workplace

1. Setting intention:Waves-of-Faith-A-Morning-Meditation-Prayer

Because intention is very powerful, setting the intention for better vibes in your home or workplace is a method that is easy, effective and fast.  Simply get into a state of meditation, and then imagine your space being filled with love and white light.

It’s a good idea to set your intention for positive vibes in your space at least a few times a year, as over time the home or workspace can absorb negative energy from people and events that take place inside of it.

2. Burning sage:

Burning sage in your home or office is also wonderful way to expel negative energy, though it is a bit more time-consuming.  I’ve seen a number of explanations on how to sage, but this is the one that I use:

01-Sage-SmudgingOpen all of the windows and doors to your space.  Say a quick prayer or set an intention for the energy in your home or office. Light the sage until smoke forms.  Continue reading

21 Positive Expressions That Attract a Better Life


The words we choose to use become the mantras of our life, and the energy we give off with these words influences what kind of a reality the Law of Attraction will bring us.

Positive phrases give off good vibes that attract a better life.  Unfortunately, negative words and phrases give off lower vibes that attract negativity and unwanted realities.

So while some people may be suffering because of the words and phrases they choose to use, you can do the exact opposite and attract a better life.

o-HAPPINESS-facebookUse positive phrases and expressions more often, and more positive things will be attracted to you. This creates a snowball effect over time, causing the good things in your life to grow and multiply.

Using positive words and phrases is an easy Law of Attraction strategy that anyone can use.

With that being said,  here are a few positive expressions you can use to improve the quality of your life.  These are all common, everyday phrases, so it should be fairly easy to add more of them into your conversations.

1. It’s a beautiful day.

2. The weather’s been great. Continue reading

5 Manipulative Behaviors You Should Never Tolerate From Others


If you are trying to create a better life for yourself, it’s a good idea to evaluate the people you are close with to make sure they don’t exhibit any chronic, toxic behaviors.

Toxic behaviors are not only unpleasant to be around, but left unchecked, the negativity they likely elicit from you can snowball and bleed into all areas of your life.  It’s hard to be positive and optimistic when you are in a relationship that isn’t good for your soul.

We all can be a little negative from time to time, so please don’t assume that everyone you are close to must be “perfect” and never do any of these things.

However, if you are close with someone who exhibits toxic behaviors on a consistent basis, you might want to consider removing yourself from the relationship.

Toxic Behaviors:

140228155048-whispering-gossip-horizontal-large-gallery1. Gossip: Avoid relationships that center around gossip. As has famously been said: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”  Quality relationships are based on an exchange of ideas and excitement; this is what helps us grow, evolve and achieve our dreams. Continue reading