What Does 8 Planets in Retrograde Actually Mean and Why Should You Care?
This planetary positioning hasn’t happened in our solar system for over ten years,
here is your guide to thriving during this pivotal time.
When a planet goes retrograde, it visually appears to orbit around Earth backwards, but isn’t actually. It just appears this way in our solar system, and therefore in astrological charting. If you are a sensitive or intuitive person, then you have been feeling within the last six to ten months the major shifts not only on the planet by seeing the uprising of people demanding equality but also within your personal life!
When any planet moves into a retrograde position, it is a time that most people in the esoteric community have a strong negative connotation attached to it because it usually preempts a time of change; they talk about it being a destructive time!
For example, Mercury in Retrograde: you are instructed not to make any major decisions, not to travel, and not to make any big new purchases or sign any contracts. These periods of time when a planet goes Retrograde last about a month to six weeks but since all of the planets have decided to go virtually at once, the strategy of just waiting out the storm is really not an option.
You can follow those old rules if you would like but these influences from all of the planets are not going to go direct until December of 2016! Since July of 2015, starting with Venus, we have had and will have, every planet within our solar system go retrograde! We haven’t seen this many planets going retrograde in almost 10 years!
That is why I am here to give my opinion (take it with a grain of salt) and be your humble guide to the universe on how to survive emotionally and thrive physically, into a new resonance!
The first step is to understand what retrograde energy is actually trying to communicate to your personal energetic field and auric system. Within everything in the entire universe, is an in breath, and an outward breath, inhale and exhale, creation and death. One energy is about expansion and the other is about implosion or going back to source.
When planets are direct they are in the Yang or the masculine-creation phase of energy; it is penetrative, action oriented and externally experienced. This form of collective consciousness supports you to work with other people, to be seen in front of others and be exposed to comfortable environments that are familiar enough to dominate with your belief structure. This energy often encourages you to engage in an outward experience.
When a planet is retrograde, it is the in the Yin or feminine-transformation version of when a planet is direct in our solar system, meaning it is a time for a more introverted and more independently experienced form of reality. This is a time that if you are used to getting guidance from external factors or finding your value or worth through other people, places or things; these illusions will become extremely tangible and will manifest externally in your environment.
I think it is also difficult during this time because Planetary Retrograde positioning is a feminine energy in a realm and paradigm that is based off of masculine energy! Meaning retrograde energy wants you to live at the pace like you are on vacation at a tropical resort but most of us live at the pace of living in New York City. I know you have heard that “the divine feminine and masculine is wounded” if you are in the “new age” community (whatever that means) but this time is not only affecting the sensitive or intuitive community (although you will be more aware of it), the general human populous will be feeling these influences to slow down and look within as well.
These influences are a general shift in consciousness that affects all people whether they realize it or not. When a planet goes retrograde, it makes you more conscious of your thoughts and emotions. For example: If you are the type of person that has been running from seeing your true feelings about your life because you haven’t been listening to your passion, busying yourself with a nine-to-five job.
You preoccupy yourself externally with thinking that possessions, food or addictions are going to cover the endless gaping hole inside of you. This is the time these planetary influences are going to rip down the veil of illusion and little by little reveal every suppressed aspect of yourself because it wants you to heal and live out your truest desires.
This influence is here to reveal that you are a spiritual being in a human body that has incarnated on a mission to heal past life, false beliefs that are fogging your dharma (your mission) and keeping you from living life in peace, love and harmony. I feel that our solar system is strategically aligning itself, just like the lungs facilitate the inward breath and the exhale, to lead humanity to it’s own enlightenment overtime. This energy time period is a gentle time to let go, to look within, to release and renew our lives and the way we live them, to help heal ourselves and humanity.
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