Researchers At Yale Find That Friends Share Similar DNA

Friends are great. You share so much with them: interests, likes, perhaps even your latest crush! But now scientists are finding that best friends share much more than social and psychological traits – they even share genes!

Scientists at Yale and University of California, San Diego have found that we share a considerable amount of genetic material with our friends – close to 1% of the assembled DNA. It may seem small to many but in genetics, this value is practically off the charts! For some perspective, you also share 1% of your genetic code with your fourth cousins. This is when you share a great-great-great-grandparent. So, it looks like we seek out close friends who resemble our family.


To figure this crazy factoid out, scientists examined around 2,000 people in a racially and ethnically homogenous area. Usually, this
is not the greatest way to conduct scientific studies, but in this case it is good because it rules out a tendency to befriend people who share the same race. Continuing with the control group, they looked at around 1,300 pairs of friends and examined 1.5 million markers of gene variation within them.

Consequently it was found, the highest genetic similarity we share with our friends pertains to the sense of smell. This might explain why our friends are always in love with our impeccable taste in fragrances! On a technical front, this discovery led researchers to say that it may very well could be the sense of smell that brings people together into the same environment and thus into social contact. Continue reading

This is What Happens When You Take a Vow of Silence For A Week

A vow of silence (mauna) has one main focus — to awaken awareness. Cultivating awareness, means being in the present moment at all times and experiencing each and every action with full consciousness.

If you are drinking a coffee, you don’t drink the coffee while reading a newspaper, all the while your mind is thinking about what tasks the day holds for you. You drink the coffee and are conscious that you are picking up the cup. You lift it to your lips, you feel the sensation of taste, you put the cup back down and your mind is fully in the present moment and the task at hand. By living in the present, you increase your awareness. It is like switching off your auto pilot and removing yourself from routine life.

A vow of silence further enhances this awareness and gives you the shake you need, to finally break the mold. Known as a spiritual awakening or state of enlightenment.

1. You Change the Definition Of Yourself

Without others we have no definition of ourselves. We determine who we are by the perception of others. When you take a vow of silence, you can no longer prepare your response and react to the circumstance. When you can no longer think and talk your way through situations, you have no choice but to let go of your societal mask.

This mask is the “you” that you were told you were. The role that you play, in the game you were playing.

2. You Enhance Your Perception

Your senses become overflowed with energy. This energy was chewed up by thinking and speaking and so when they open up, they take on a new tremendous intensity.

Sunsets will appear more vivid, flowers become enchanting, and the whole world comes alive. The stars look brighter and your connection is deepened, as you delve into your miraculous and spontaneous sense of being. Continue reading

How To Grow Spiritually While Your Partner Is Not

“Spiritual growth” has nothing to do with the knowledge, and everything to do with wisdom.  Communication, compassion, understanding, emotional intelligence, honesty, and transparency lie at the heart of spiritual development.  Believing in aliens, channeling, channels, crystal healing, chakras, or the afterlife will certainly expand your mind and influence the way you look at life, but I think we can all agree that this information is useless unless it impacts our behaviour and changes the state of our heart and mind.

Keeping in mind that spiritual growth has nothing to do with what we believe and everything to do with the state of our consciousness and heart, it helps us look at our partners from a more grounded perspective.  Let’s go over 4 ways to deal with growing spiritually while your partner.

1) Keep love as the foundationshutterstock_401072437

The best thing to do is allow your spiritual maturity to translate it into wisdom, understanding, and positive energy within the relationship.  Keep love and acceptance as the source of your interactions with them, as opposed to judgment, expectation or resentment for not being for not being the way you want them to be.

Not everyone is going to believe what you believe, and not everyone cares to experience the same things you want to experience.  Understanding this and releasing yourself from expectation will prevent yourself a lot of tension within the relationship. Continue reading

The Powers of The Placebo Effect: Transforming Biology With Belief

This article was originally written and posted at/by Collective Evolution.  Posted here with their permission.

Did you know that we can change our biology simply by what we believe to be true? The placebo effect is defined as the measurable, observable, or felt improvement in health or behaviour not attributable to a medication or invasive treatment that has been administered. It suggests that one can treat various ailments by using the mind to heal. For example, if two people have a head ache and one takes tylenol while the other is given a pill that contains nothing (sugar), both could report that the pill was successful and the headache is gone.

The difference is, the one that was given the pill which contained nothing still believed that they were given a tylenol that would alleviate their headache. In doing so,  their headache was cured because of what they believed to be true. This has happened on numerous occasions, many studies have shown that the placebo effect is real and highly effective.

The placebo practice is known, but widely dismissed in medicine. The placebo effect should be a major topic of study in medical schools. Unfortunately drug companies study patients who respond to the placebo effect with the goal of eliminating them from early clinical trials. It bothers pharmaceutical manufacturers that in most of their clinical trials the placebos prove to be just as effective as their chemical ridden drugs. Examining the placebo effect would give rise to a whole new category under science, which would probably be consciousness.

This is why it’s not examined thoroughly, the power of our perception and its ability to create our reality and even change our biology would open the door to a multitude of other questions, possibilities and potentialities for the human race. These potentialities would most likely wipe out many industries on the planet, from health all the way down to energy. These concepts are also heavily examined and illustrated by quantum physics.


The placebo effect should be the subject of major, funded research efforts. If medical researchers could figure out how to leverage the placebo effect, they would hand doctors an efficient,energy-based, side effect-free tool to treat disease.

Energy healers say they already have such tools, but I am a scientist, and I believe the more we know about science of the placebo, the better we’ll be able to use it in clinical settings – Bruce Lipton, Ph.D (3)

A Baylor School of Medicine study, published in 2002 in the New England Journal of Medicine, (1) looked at surgery for patients with severe and debilitating knee pain. Continue reading

Inner Child Work 101: How to Integrate Your Shadow Aspects

During the first 6 years of our lives our programming is being set. Psychologically, this programming will determine how each of us deals with life, our level of confidence and how we define what love looks and feels like.

The relationship with our parents and caretakers is the single most important connection we establish, as this first understanding becomes the definition of love. Whether the home is filled with tremendous love or lack there of, even the happiest households still birth children who harbour feelings of pain and rejection.

As you become the adult you, the inner child stays with you compartmentalized into your psyche holding the pain, rejection and programming you were born into.

Until these emotional wounds are healed, they will continue to manifest outwardly and can create all sorts of problems. You may find that you continually live the same scenarios in life, such as finding partners who mirror your original household upbringing, yet are not healthy for you. Continue reading

If You Truly Knew What You Were Capable Of, You Would be Doing THIS:

For centuries Daoist Masters have been harnessing the energies from within.

Using the Yin-Yang, positive and negative energies. Masters of the Art, harness this electric current by pulling the positive energy from the sacral  and the negative energy from the root chakra (Hui Yin). Alchemizing the energy at the sacral chakra, the (Shenjue or Xia Dan Tian).

This energy circuit known as the small heavenly circuit, does not directly translate to the inner flute in Buddhism (as depicted above). However, it is known that the area  just below the naval is the meridian energy center, where all energy is alchemized and all energy is collected and received.

This Master has meditated everyday since he was a young child and has studied this art for 18 years. His discipline has paid off, as he has gained the ability to project electrical energy from his body. The energy is hot enough to burn you at a single touch and high enough, to start a fire with a single hand.

It takes discipline and meditation to awaken this gift and requires extreme control of your every emotion. Once the energy is unleashed, the electric current is so potent that it can be become dangerous, if not used properly.

Qi or (chi) energy is collected by standing straight with legs at shoulder width. Place your right hand flat 3-4 inches from your sacral chakra and begin moving it in small circles gradually growing larger until your largest pass is at your forehead. (For men begin your circle downwards towards your feet and for ladies begin your circle vertical towards your heart)

Slowly begin decreasing the size of the circle until your hand is once again creating small circles at your sacral. It is best to collect Qi in the early morning hours between 7-9 am as well as in the evening 7-9 pm. Continue reading