3 Steps To Healing Emotional Wounds After A Break Up

What do we see when we look around at how people are taught to deal with breakups? They completely cut out contact (forever in some cases), they try to force themselves to not feel sad or depressed by drinking or partying, they feel next to no self-worth for a while, and they have a permanent scar inside them from the memory of being hurt or betrayed by that person.  Some people spend years, even decades together and expect to heal themselves using the conventional breakup model that has been fed to them by pop culture and society.

We force ourselves to move on without fully understanding what happened, and then we feel a weird dissonance inside of us for a long period after that because there was absolutely no clarity or transparency with what happened.  Let me propose a much better model that I have been using for my current breakup:

1) Be close to one another

When you are with someone, you become a part of them.  When you break up with them, act as though you are still a part of them.  In an energetic sense, they really are still a part of you.  If it is necessary to do so, be there for each other, support each other, lend a listening ear, and give each other permission to fully communicate how you feel at every level.shutterstock_321111989

Just because you aren’t in a relationship anymore shouldn’t make you enemies, no matter how awful the other person was to you or how badly they hurt you.

Your parents and friends will tell you “you need to stop communicating with them”, or “you need to just move on and forget about everything”, but deep down you want to support them with their heartbreak and you want them to support you with your heartbreak.   Continue reading

Cracking The DaVinci Code: Understanding How Everything is Connected

Do you remember the movie Men in Black, where the aliens are rolling around marbles and when the alien picks one up, you see that there are millions of galaxies inside each one?

Hold onto that thought.

In 1901, Richard Maurice Bucke released a book titled Cosmic Consciousness and in it he explained that everything is composed of an all-encompassing immanent God.

Meaning that the universe itself, is a living organism and each planetary body has its own consciousness that is linked to the cosmic consciousness of the all.

golden ratioThroughout his work, you are opened up to the patterns. Once you see the pattern you begin to understand where you are in existence.
It starts with the Golden Ratio that you would find in flowers, pine cones, and sea shells and moves on to roots of trees, thunderbolts of lightning, and tornadoes.

This understanding can be applied to the microcosm and macrocosm for you science minded folks. As it signifies seeing the same patterns reproduced on all levels of the cosmos. From the largest scale to the smallest scale, the macrocosm represents the universe and the microcosm represents the small sub atomic at even metaphysical levels.
Let’s think on that for a bit and move on. Continue reading

10 Natural Antibiotics That Our Ancestors Used Instead Of Pharmaceuticals

The excessive usage of antibiotics in the past years reached its maximum. Due to this, many “super bacteria” appeared – bacteria that are antibiotic resistant and evolve faster than scientists are able to find medicine against them. It is estimated that in the future bacteria will be at the top of the food chain.

The antibiotics sold in pharmacies have been developed in the 40s. Before that, people used only natural medicine, i.e. food or herbs which helped in the fight against virus infections and common diseases. The global holistic medicine still uses many of these natural antibiotics. Continue reading

The Imporant Health Benefits of Burning & Using Frankincense

frankinFrankincense is an aromatic resin obtained from the Boswellia tree, which grows throughout Asia and Africa.

Most of us are familiar with frankincense from religious ceremonies when a piece of the white aromatic resin is put on a charcoal fire.

Frankincense is one of the oldest fragrances.

It was traded 5000 years ago in the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, where it was valued as high as gold.

The frankincense route runs from southern Arabia to the Mediterranean, and it is one of the oldest trade routes in the world.

People in Egypt used it for embalming mummies.

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The Science of Crying: Why It’s Healthy & Necessary For Personal Growth

Did you know that human beings aren’t the only animals that feel sadness? Almost all animals express sadness, depression, and loneliness in their own way.  In fact, almost all mammals mourn the loss of their offspring.  But human beings are the only type of animal that are taught self-expression should be tamed or suppressed.  Girls are told to stop being so “sensitive”, and boys are told to “be a man” and toughen up.  Boys are taught that crying to much means they are a sissy, and girls are told crying too much makes them crazy.

We aren’t told that crying is actually essential and is something we should do more of if we feel it’s what we need to do to express ourselves.  We develop resistance to crying, which causes emotional suppression, which causes psychological and physical complications.  We bottle up our emotions and expect them to take care of themselves, when the cure to our problems is sometimes as simple as allowing ourselves to actually feel deeply for a moment.

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How to Cleanse Negative Energies by Smudging

Since humans have existed on this wonderful blue and green planet, smudging and the burning of incense has been used as a way to cleanse and purify the energy of spaces. While its practice has been most associated with that of indigenous people, religious and secret societies, and hippie or new-age subcultures, its use and its benefit belongs to all people, the way water and oxygen do, and can be used a way to provide greater comfort and ease within living spaces and shared environments.

Smudging is neither voodoo, nor magic. It requires no belief system or breaks from known cultural tradition. The decision to smudge, burn incense or not is a practical one, really. It’s simply a matter of how free and clear of negative energies do you wish the spaces you spend time in to be.


Smudging is the burning of sacred herbs, with sage being the most commonly used. The smoke produced from its burning, or the burning of incense is what naturally cleanses and purifies an area of negative energies. When it comes to smudging or burning incense, it’s all about the smoke, not the flame. Smoke cleanses in the same manner as water, by dispersion and elimination.

Negative energies are pervasive in our civilized society and are found in most living areas, work environments and shared spaces. Negative energies, unlike what is portrayed in the movies, generally consists of self-judgments, judgments of others, fears for the future, regrets from the past, hidden resentments and emotional suppression. Most people, whether they are aware of it or not are prone to these thoughts and activities.


And even if you feel that you’re not prone, you can unknowingly become affected and influenced, once you have walked into, and spent time in a space where another person has. This is because we are all affected and influenced by the quality of energy we encounter on a daily basis, and while we like to imagine we are in control of our state of mind and emotions, energies experienced within a shared space, can and will influence you. Continue reading