Sensory Processing Disorder: The Science Behind Being An Empath

I knew all my life that I was “sensitive” and could pick up on things that others did not.  I also knew that my body didn’t handle sensory stimuli the same way other bodies did.  I could easily become overwhelmed by itchy clothes, too much noise or strange smells.  High emotion in a room could send me over the edge. 

Sometimes if too much input came at me all at once, it would send me into a full blown panic attack. But it wasn’t until I began studying Sensory Processing Disorder that I really came to understand that being a “empath” isn’t just some woo-woo label that New Agers made up to make themselves feel special. I learned that my nervous system is actually wired differently than most humans.  Yes, it’s actually a scientific reality.


I like to think of Sensory Processing Disorder as science’s explanation for what’s been known by mystics as the “Empath”.  In this space, science and mysticism come together beautifully.

Revolutionary occupational therapist, psychologist, and neuroscientist A. Jean Ayres, Ph.D., explained Sensory Processing Disorder as a “traffic jam” within the brain.  This traffic jam keeps parts of the brain from receiving and interpreting sensory information properly.

Someone with SPD receives sensory stimuli just like other people do: smelling, seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, balance, and the sense of where the body is in space, but when the sensory signals reach the brain, they get scrambled.  Not only does the brain interpret information differently, but the person with SPD may in fact actually be accessing MORE information than the average person. 

Getting flooded with so much additional information can sometimes lead to behaviors that seem odd to other people, even inappropriate.  In reality, those behaviors are completely appropriate given the experience that the sensitive person is having – which may not be the same experience everyone else is having.  In other words, he is literally experiencing reality in a new way.

The Gifted Empath

From here forth, I will refer to Sensory Processing Disorder as Sensory Processing DIFFERENCE because in my view, it’s not a disorder.  It’s a manifestation of human evolution.  Empaths, Sensitives and those with Sensory Processing Differences may well have abilities that regular people often marvel at, including the ability to sense subtle sound, light, and energy vibration, emotional subtlety and even mystical phenomena.  In recent years, we’ve seen a rapid increase in the numbers of children born with SPD.  In my opinion, this is a sign that the human race is progressing toward a superior state.  The ability to take in much larger amounts of sensory data is an evolutionary leap for our species. Continue reading

Never Have Enough Time? You May Be Deficient in Life Energy

When people say they don’t have time, what they are really saying is they don’t have energy. All of life comes down to energy. I know what a lot of you are thinking this is the cop-out most people use to not hang out with someone else but even if that is the case that itself comes down to energy dynamics because they don’t have the energy to give to the person they are not wanting to share energy or”time” with. I am not talking about why someone else says this but more so an intimate look at what would cause you to say, “I just don’t have the time.” Most of the time this is a response that is wistfully said after someone challenges you to do something that you have been longing to implement in your life or that you just can’t imagine doing because of how exhausted you are, even if you know it may be good for you!

The truth though is that we all have the innate ability to thrive, to access an abundant source of energy if we put the right components together to support our process. Everything in life is about energy cycles, whether it is the weather, the seasons, your breathing, your heartbeat or your sleep and waking cycles; all of life requires an ebb and flow. In ancient sciences there was a rhythm to this flow and a way to help facilitate with ease where our life energy naturally moves through.

Yet the core truth of all of the universe is that at the center of all ancient or modern science is one rule called the Law of the Conservation which states that the sum of all the energies of the universe, actual and potential, is unchangeable. Meaning that all of the energy that has ever been present will always be present. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, energy move in form, through form and out of form and energy always will be and always has been. [shareaholic app=”share_buttons” id=”5111573″]

Although this energy is ruled by a Law of Conservation we measure energy by the way it shifts and changes. Kinematics, potential energy, thermal physics, electricity, magnetism, cosmic radiation, waves and optics all are measured through movement. So are the subtle and esoteric energies measured within the body, through movement or lack there of. Whether it be Chi (from the Chinese, Ki (from the Japanese) or Prana (from India) even the meridian and chakra systems all are measured by a sense of flow or movement.


So if you are wanting to have more energy in your life, it would make sense that there is lack of movement. There is stagnant energy or blocked energy within the mind, body or spirit and this causes a drainage or leaking of your essential life energy.

Whether it is a person, an environment or a personal false belief that is draining your time or energy. You are literally giving away life force to something that does not serve you. I am going to try to facilitate the flow and the movement by offering a few ways you can assess where the blockages or lack of movement may be.

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How To Reconnect to Your Inner Divine Feminine Energy

The Age of Aquarius will manifest our divine feminine energy. We will be able to re-connect to that lost and persecuted spirituality which brings the chaotic world back in balance.

Religion, Politics & Astrology
The re-emergence of female energy is evident in the world at this time and it is quite obvious. Take a look at everything from the music industry to religion and even politics.

Men are dressing more feminine, women are running for governmental office positions and we are starting to see our intuitive potential more clearly.


These are all signs of the changing energies influenced by the Age of Aquarius. We are exiting the astrological age of Pisces (the last 2,000 years or so) which was dominated by male energy and war minded consciousness.

The Number 13

There is a lot of propaganda surrounding the number 13 and how it is “evil”. It is actually quite opposite in fact. The number 12 has been used for the last 2,000 years because it represents the sun (the zodiac, Jesus and his followers, the Gregorian calendar…etc.) which is male energy.

The moon on the other hand exudes female energy and is associated with the number 13. The reason for this is simple. Take a look at our 12 month calendar. There are uneven and unbalanced months with varying amounts of days.

Prior to the age of Pisces, we used a 13 month goddess based calendar where each and every month was exactly 28 days long. This represented the menstrual cycle of the woman since it was in the times when the planetary energies were feminine based.

If you multiply 13 by 28 you get 364. The extra day in the current Gregorian calendar was used to connect with the earth to honor our spiritual bodies and life itself.

shutterstock_417640570This was replaced with the male energy 12 month calendar when the religious clergy was formed. They saw the transformative power in feminine energy and were scared of it so they made the number 13 a bad number. This is the type of thing that no one ever questions. We just have this inherited belief that 13 is bad, but why??

The New Age of Aquarius
The Age of Aquarius will manifest our divine spiritual awareness. It will re-connect us to that lost and persecuted femaleenergy which brings the chaos in the world back to balance. The collective consciousness in the coming years is emerging and moving forward.

In this water bearing and progressively intuitive sign, we now have the chance to respect the earth and honor our bodies and sexuality.

It has been nearly impossible for people to be open about this in the age of Pisces. This type of suppression is what causes angry and intolerant people.

Sexuality in the New AgeScreen Shot 2016-07-24 at 7.54.46 PM
Sexuality is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, it can be a very spiritual and physical experience once you allow yourself to live in balance.

It can open portals leading to the universe. Great healing can occur when we align with our sexuality and sexual energy.

The present existence of mankind is embracing the diving feminine energy. This is what can bring balance and help take us to the next level of consciousness.

By: Michael Tamez 

Letting Go Of Attachments: How To Experience True Freedom

“Attachment is the root of all suffering” – Buddha

We all want to be free and feel free, but what does this really look like?  Most people imagine it looks like something along the lines of being your own boss, not living by the alarm clock, or leaving the ratrace.  The truth is, freedom is more of a mental state than anything else, and you can be working a 9-5 job and be absolutely free.  You can also be your own boss and be totally enslaved.

It all comes down to your intentions, your desires, and your level of attachment to particular outcomes.  Are you resisting your heart and resisting life, or are you flowing with them both and embracing each moment?  For the last year and a half, I have been my own boss.  I have also been more of a slave than ever before up until recently, not because of my lifestyle, but because of my mentality.

Here are 5 attachments we need to let go of to experience true freedom in life:

1) Societies expectations

Your dad wants you to get a good education.  Your mom wants you to find a nice girl or guy to marry.  Your teachers want to see you land a 9-5 job.  The media forces down your throat what the “ideal” life is and wants you to spend your life chasing after the “American dream”.  All of these outside influences keep you trapped in a state of mind that is plagued by the constant need to impress someone or live up to expectations that have nothing to do with what YOU really want to do as a person.

Maybe you want to drop out of school and start your own business.  Maybe you want to be single, and you are content without having very much money or material items.  The world around you is constantly trying to make you into someone you are not by imposing their expectations on to your life.  This creates a program in your psychology that keeps you constantly trying fulfill these expectations to feel like you are “successful”, when in reality you are spending your energy trying to make a mark in someone else’s consciousness to gain their approval.  To be free is to live for yourself.

2) Your past

Your past doesn’t define who you are.  Contrary to what people around you may tell you, you are not defined by your sins, achievements, mistakes, successes, or failures.  Anything you have done in your past, whether it is good or bad, will prevent you from evolving if you are attached to it.  If it is bad and you are attached to it, you are going to cause yourself depression and self-hate over something that no longer even exists.  If it is good and you are attached to it, you are projecting yourself out of the present moment and into a memory-stream.

Your past is meant to act as a guide and a compass to serve you, but we are told by the world that we are the sum of our history.  When we apply for a job, we are expected to provide a resume.  We are also expected to provide a kind of resume to the world when we are discussing who we are as a person.  When we see an old friend we haven’t seen in a while, the first thing that often comes up is “What have you been up to?”.

This translates into “What have you done or accomplished within your recent past?”, which keeps us attached to the past and reliant on it for our sense of identity and worth in the world.  Whatever you have or haven’t done in your past, it doesn’t matter and it doesn’t define you.  The only thing that matters is what you choose to do with this moment moving forward.

3) The need to impress others

The need to impress others ultimately comes from our egos, which are products of millions of years of evolution.  It has created a spirit of competition within us that keeps us enslaved to the constant need to outshine other members of our species. The species that are fastest, strongest, and most adaptable are the ones that carry over into the next generation and reproduce, and this is the purpose the ego has served us in our past.

This is not needed in a modern society of rational human beings, but the sense of needing to compete with one another ultimately stems from an archaic part of our brains that is still wired through millions of years of evolution.

This translates into competing for “likes” with other people on Facebook, comparing cars, bank accounts, or physical fitness levels. It manifests in the need to be recognized, the instinct to compare ourselves with others, the need to make impressions on others, and so forth.

Being free from your ego is the key to being free from feeling like you have to outshine other people.  Live for yourself, and be true to what you want in life.  A lot of people work at jobs they hate to buy things they can’t afford to impress people they don’t even know, and this all boils down to being identified with the ego.

4) Fear of the future

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Fear of the future stems from us projecting our attention away from the present moment and into an undesirable hypothetical moment that doesn’t even exist.  Because our attention is consumed with that undesirable hypothetical moment, emotions begin to generate within our energy field that correspond to those thoughts.

There is nothing scary about the future.  The future is only scary of we anticipate failure and pain, and we would only anticipate failure of pain if we lack confidence or self-esteem in the present moment.  The key to overcoming fear of the future comes in two parts.  First, we have to keep our mind and attention concentrated on what is happening within the present moment.  Secondly, we have to overcome any feelings of disbelief we have in ourselves.

The future is nothing to fear. It is just another present moment just like this one.  If we can learn how to tap into the present moment and make it as awesome as possible, our future is guaranteed to be as awesome as possible since the future is just an extension of the present moment.

5) Relationships that aren’t worth it

Relationships come in all shapes and sizes.  Romantic partnerships, friends, family members, co-workers.  Sometimes, we remain in relationships we know we don’t want to be in simply because we don’t want to hurt another person.  In other words, we maintain relationships and friendships with people out of a feeling a guilt.

If you are staying in a relationship that isn’t worth it because of guilt, then you are attaching yourself to an unhealthy situation out of fear.  So many people put up with unhappy marriages and relationships out of fear, forgetting that life is too short to do anything but follow your heart.  Let go of fear and give yourself permission to follow your heart.  Being free means being free to expressive yourself, say what you mean, and feel what you feel, even if it means it may make someone else unhappy.

You are not free in life until you are free from all attachment.  You can still work hard, be ambitious, and be in relationships without being attached and dependent upon a particular outcome to rectify your existence.  Just as much as we pursue money, education, and health we should pursue freedom.   Am I following my heart?  Am I living for myself or for my parents? Am I being true to what I feel each moment?

The Secret of Baking Soda: Can It Be Used To Cure Cancer?

Dr. Tulio Simoncini  is famous for his cure for cancer. He said:

“Cancer is a fungus called Candida albicans, and it can be treated with sodium bicarbonate solution. ”

He is an Italian oncologist in Rome that came to conclusion that all kinds of cancer are fed by candida albicans . This fungus is the root of almost all diseases. In many researches conducted on cancer patients, it is proved that cancer and tumors are made of candida.

Simoncini’s cancer treatment is the simplest of all: Sodium bicarbonate.

 946798_382603771848300_1540780277_n_thumbHe says that cancer and tumors thrive in acidic environment. So to put an end to their comfort we should alkalize the body so that they shrink and stop multiplying. Keep in mind, this is a natural remedy for cancer.

First – Individuals with high acidity in their body are related to bad health and cancer.

Second – Individuals with less acidity and more alkaline ph level are able to fight cancer more vigorously.

Sodium bicarbonate alkalizes your body fast. People who are known to have a hard time digesting takes sodium bicarbonate. It is an antacid that is a main ingredient in many over the counter medicines. It is very cheap and can be easily purchased in any food shop or pharmacy .

Third – The friendly bacteria in your gut control 85 % of your immune system. They are responsible for releasing biotin, B-12, folic acid, vitamin K by digesting your food. They also generate the compound sodium biturate which destroys or makes cancerous cells auto destruct. The friendly bacteria will not be as friendly if the ph level the body (intestine) is acidic. Continue reading

What it Means to Be The Ultimate Mirror: A Heyoka Empath

An Empath is a person who has the ability to understand the emotional state of another individual.  There are many different types of Empaths and many levels of gifts and abilities.  It’s one thing to be an empath, it’s another to be a Heyoka.  

shutterstock_297740546For the Heyoka Empath, there is little available information and yet is the most powerful type of Empath.  Heyoka or “Sacred Clown” is a Native American term and has been loosely translated to mean “Fool or Clown”.

This translation does not give justice to the true meaning of the term.  To say, to act in a manner that is different, backward, opposite of normal, gives us a clearer understanding.

The spirit of a Heyoka is the Great Mirror.  When you connect to a Heyoka, what you see in them will show you what you need to work on to evolve spiritually.  The Heyoka’s mirror is one of emotion, for however you react to them emotionally is their guidance to reflect back to you.

For example, after being with one you may feel anger, feeling them to be arrogant yet the Heyoka’s mirror is showing you your need to be humble.  Or you may feel great love, again the Mirror is showing you the path of self-love. Continue reading