7 Toxic Thoughts That Are Getting In The Way Of Your Happiness

1. Seeing yourself as a victim.

Victim consciousness is a delicate thing. We are all creators of our reality even if we don’t understand it. To take responsibility for something is having the ability to respond. A victim is only a perspective that you choose.

2. Thinking everybody else is doing better than you.

“If only I had the money she has, I’d be happy.” Deep down, you should know thats not true. The material life can suck us up in its vortex – but keep looking through the illusion. Appreciate what you have, you can never know what’s going on behind the other door.

toxic thoughts

3. High expectations.

High expectations are the ultimate happiness killer because you can never know what other people have prepared for you. The less you expect – the lesser the chance you’ll get disappointed. Be grateful – you have a lot more than most people on this planet. Continue reading

Cosmic Marriage: Why so Many Traditional Marriages Fail

Your true partner has already been decided; it is set above. It is already a commitment, without even knowing, it is an event set to happen by you.  The cosmos knows. Your soul knows. Your gut instinct knows. You have been partners many lifetimes before. There is nothing ‘ new’, it feels like you have been married a hundred times before. The other person knows what to say or not say, to evolve the process.

You will always come back to each other, or stick together in some way because of the enormous magnetic pull to each other. As they say in the movie Avatar ‘ I see you’. Those words are more then ‘I love you’.

The words have many more dimensions behind it. ‘I see your soul.’shutterstock_291850706

I love your soul, with all aspects that goes with it. Everything. The whole package. – This is the ‘I see you’. 

Many people do not find it appealing anymore, to marry the traditional ways. We say vows we do not feel in the heart, sign a ‘contract’ for an institute and spend a lot of money on a sacred ceremony that transcends the need for material.

Relationships of the Past

There is a time and place for everything. You cannot change someone’s feelings, and you cannot ‘ make it work’, when it has already been broken and the other person is not fighting for love. It takes two to Tango, It is a lover’s dance…

Someone who does not want to be in their power (commitment to themselves) will never be able to commit to you.
On the road of your past relationships and affairs, you learned who you are,  what you need to shine, bloom, blossom and stay strong in a world, that has so many challenges.

You learned about your personality and your ego-aspects. You learned how to be a strong person, and how to make a future partner a powerful and strong person by the vibration you are able to send in a connection based on Truth. That is how you love in a way that makes the other person stronger, not weaker.

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How To Transform Your Relationship Into A Spiritual Communion

We all want magical relationships that inspire us to grow into better people, but here is the truth.  The Universe isn’t going to just drop something in your lap because you want it.  You have to meet the Universe half way and create it for yourself.  If you are bored with your current relationship or plan on entering a relationship with a new person, don’t be afraid to take a hold of the direction you wish the relationship to go.

You are the driver of your experience in life, and thankfully this means that you get to choose the life you want to live.  Maybe all you want is a person you can spend time with, and it doesn’t have to be anything extraordinary or grand.  That is totally fine. But some of you want a taste of what a relationship can be like when two conscious evolved individuals come together with the intention of creating something magical.

Here are some super essential ways that you can either create a spiritual partnership in your current relationship or start one with a future partner:

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Why Relaxing Is The Most Productive Thing You Can Do

When we think of qualities and attributes will get us to where we want to be in life, we normally think of things like motivation, ambition, determination, persistence, work ethic, and productivity.  Working 6 or 7 days a week, getting up early, planning, and prioritizing are things that we typically think of when we think of success and productivity.

But what if all of this was only partly true, and that the best thing you can do to be productive in life is actually the complete opposite of all of those things?  Relaxation is something that often gets equated with laziness, but in reality it is one of the most productive things you can do for yourself and your career.

Relaxation allows you to actually get more done by preventing burn out, be more creative by preserving mental energy, keep your mind focused on one thing at a time to improve quality of work, and it allows you to enhance your own energetic state (which is the best thing you could produce).  Here are some more reasons why relaxing is the most productive thing you can do:

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Studies Discover How Our Universe Grows Just Like A Brain

We often speak of the universe being a reflection of ourselves, and point to how the eye, veins, and brain cells mirror visual phenomenon in the natural universe. As above so below right? Well check this out. How about the idea that the universe is a giant brain? The idea of the universe as a ‘giant brain’ has been proposed by scientists and science fiction writers for decades, but now physicists say there may be some evidence that it’s actually true (in a sense).

The Study

According to a study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, the universe may be growing in the same way as a giant brain – with the electrical firing between brain cells ‘mirrored’ by the shape of expanding galaxies. The results of a computer simulation suggest that “natural growth dynamics” – the way that systems evolve – are the same for different kinds of networks – whether its the internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole.

When the team compared the universe’s history with growth of social networks and brain circuits, they found all the networks expanded in similar ways: They balanced links between similar nodes with ones that already had many connections. For instance, a cat lover surfing the Internet may visit mega-sites such as Google or Yahoo, but will also browse cat fancier websites or YouTube kitten videos. In the same way, neighboring brain cells like to connect, but neurons also link to such “Google brain cells” that are hooked up to loads of other brain cells.

“The new study suggests a single fundamental law of nature may govern these networks”, said physicist Kevin Bassler of the University of Houston. “”For a physicist it’s an immediate signal that there is some missing understanding of how nature works,” says Dmitri Krioukov from the University of California San Diego. Continue reading

How Changing Your Beliefs Actually Changes The World Around You

I always tend to see a basic fault when I hear people talk about hoping for change in the world. It’s the idea that we see the notion of change as something happening outside of us, driven by some faceless group of elite scientists, inventors and leaders coming up with some revolutionary idea that would set the world on a different course.

The fault with this notion is that it comes from the same mould which gave form to the problem in the first place – separation. We feel that we are separate from all the atrocities happening in different corners of the world; separate from shady global deals done in the interest of the few; separate from the marvelous work done by selfless peacekeepers and volunteers; separate from the bloodied hands of our previous generation and the problems of the next generations.

We think that we are helpless, innocent and powerless in the face of all this and that the change we expect ‘has’ to come from others, individuals, collectives or nations.

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