5 Of The Best Natural Remedies For Cleaning Your Lungs Of Nicotine And Tar

No matter how aware people are of the harmful ingredients in cigarettes and how they are the number 1 cause of lung cancer, they still can’t quit smoking. Well if you recognize yourself in the sentence above, the least you can do is clean your lungs of nicotine and tar build up and decrease your risk of infections.

There’s no magical formula that will cleanse the lungs instantly, but here is a list of foods that works best at throwing out the nicotine and tar.clean your lungs of nicotine

Corn is a food that contains beta-cryptoxanthin, which is believed that can protect you from lung cancer, because it is a powerful antioxidant. However, consume only organic, fresh corn.

Selenium is a very powerful antioxidant. Brazil nuts contain the highest source of selenium compared to other foods, so eat it as much as possible.

Onion is also a good lung cleaner. Onions can be of great help to prevent many diseases, including lung infections. In the case of people who already have cancer, it prevents the growth of new cells.

ginger-and-lemon-teaGinger as a natural medicine and food, helps to defend against malignant diseases. This is another strong tool to relive you from the toxins in your lungs. You can consume ginger root tea, because it facilitates breathing. Also, you can eat a piece of ginger with a meal. Continue reading

3 Ways To Go With The Flow & Create Magic In Your Life

We all want health, wealth, love, and happiness in life.  But what are we willing to do to get these things?  What is the recipe for creating happiness in life?  The truth is, sometimes all you have to do is get out of your own way and allow more of the energy of the Universe into your life.  It’s sometimes less about what you do and more about your state of being and consciousness.

To go with the flow means to be aligned with Life and the contents of the present moment.  Some people think that “going with the flow” means be a push over, being passive, or being lazy, when in reality it means being proactive and receptive to whatever life throws at you.  It ultimately boils down to working WITH reality, instead of working against it.  And it’s only when we begin to look at Life as something that is on our team can Life begin to look at us like we are on Its team.

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Our Children Are Awakening!

Our Twin Flame evolution is a sometimes testing journey, and we often have to dig deep into our own internal resources for strength, understanding and wisdom to enable us to continue.  Our children are also affected as we grow, and as parents we need to understand whether our children were created with or without our twin, they play an integral role in our journey back to One.

01 Meditation children - crystal rainbow indigoIt is very common for our children to have similar symptoms to that of awakening, and as a parent and light worker it is becoming more and more apparent the roles our children play in the balancing of energies.  It is as if they too are undergoing a transformation; our children are showing signs of headaches, cold/flu symptoms, sore throats, coughs, aches, pains in muscles and stomach upsets.  These symptoms normally pass very quickly usually within 24 hours – but of course you should seek medical advice if they show signs of ongoing illness.

We shall explain to our children what is happening to us, and to share with them our own understanding – It is not meant that you should give them an in-depth view, just something that gives them the confidence to share how they are feeling too.  It is common for children to align themselves with the twins, for they too are part of the twin family; they may also begin to distance themselves from one of their biological parents.  Therefore it is very important there is a channel of communication between them as you go through your own ascension and healing towards re-union.

Encourage your children to share their dreams, ideas and experiences and you will be amazed how they are able to understand what is happening, as if they remember – don’t forget they too are part of the soul agreement made with the Divine.  In some cases they may be communicating with your twin in higher dimensions, which again is another sign of your Twin Flame journey.  Our children are super in-tune these days, as many of them are crystal or indigo’s – they are super sensitive so we must be open and honest with them.  They are cleansing and clearing their own baggage from this lifeline journey and familial lineage – they will be contributing in some way to the energies of the twins, helping the twins back to One.

indigos2-450Children are an important part of humanities evolution, now with so many Twins waking up, it is important that they share with the future generations the journey they are on, teenagers will probably not buy-in to the phenomena. Be patient, find a way to communicate; it is very difficult sometimes to talk with our children about something so deep and spiritual, now is the time to try and reach out to them and make a difference.

The Twin Flame journey is all about truth and growth – having a positive impact on humanity, when we start our missions it is essential we are able to communicate this with all generations, and what better place to begin the training/practice with our own children.  They too are messengers of love and light, the more they know and understand, the more they can touch the lives of others.  Multiplicity at its simplest form, from the grass roots up – Love is contagious, this is the only thing we should be spreading around the world.

With the energy shifting so quickly and so many DNA codes being unlocked, we’re all undergoing intensive ascension symptoms. It is advisable to increase the amount of water you are drinking to 2-4 litres per day, if possible take the time to take a long sea salt bath as well.  We’re crystallizing so quickly now so the more water your body has the easier the process will be.

427197_374650595885774_296386597045508_1681043_430327049_nIf symptoms in your children are apparent, make a journal entry and keep tabs on it – you will see some patterns appearing.  If you are in contact with your twin, share some of this with them, or simply ask how the children are (if they have them).  If the symptoms do not go away or escalate as always, it is advisable to seek proper medical attention and care.

As a parent of 3 children, and father to 6, I am fully aware of the effects on my own children. I have encouraged them to tell me when they feel unwell, or are struggling and about their dreams – now it is second nature to them to tell me.  Mostly they suffer from sore throats and headaches, with the occasional upset stomach, and the symptoms disappear within 24 hours, or transmute into a combination of all three!  It is important that they feel us close to them, it is important we can understand them, and for that reason I encourage all twins to take note of these words, after all our children are helping us without them really knowing or understanding.

Team Spirit , Namaste!

Article Author : Deane Thomas

How to Have a Constructive Argument: Why Fighting In Relationships Is Healthy

We all want to have happy, healthy relationships with people we care about.  But it seems that we have fallen under a false belief thanks to media and culture that fighting in relationships is a sign that your relationship is “toxic”.  Because we think fighting in relationships is a bad thing, we avoid it or tell ourselves we have to leave the relationship if fights start to happen.

This makes a lot of people feel bad about the relationships they are in, and leads many people to ending relationships prematurely because they have been convinced that fighting is necessarily a bad thing. What if it is actually more toxic to be in a relationship where you never fight…ever?  What if butterflies and rainbows aren’t always the best for developing a long-term sustainable relationship?

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Living With Social Anxiety: How To Overcome Fear Of Interacting With Others

We all know what it feels like to be nervous to speak in front of a room of people. This is a very normal human response.  But there of some of you reading this who are like me who know what it’s like to be nervous to make eye contact with someone, let alone have a conversation with them.

It’s normal to feel too scared about going to a party by yourself, but for some of you it’s normal to feel too scared to want to go out at all.  Social anxiety comes in varying degrees for different people, but it’s something we all experience at some point or another.

There is a lot of feel-good motivational content out there that is designed to boost your confidence and fill your head with positive thoughts to help deal with anxiety, but from personal experience I have learned it is best to dissect and take a deep look into what causes anxiety to arise within any given moment.  Once you identify the causes, you can begin to work towards solutions.

It’s important for you to realized that your social anxiety is not your fault. You aren’t “crazy” or “too shy”.  It’s literally your brain doing you a favour. The job of social anxiety is to protect you from pain and suffering.  It serves as a defense mechanism against potential threats, and it has been put in place by your brain to prevent a re-occurrence of something that happened in your past.

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The Science of The Heart: Our Hearts Actually Have It’s Own Intelligence

We all know the difference between good vibes and bad vibes, but what is really happening at a scientific level when we talk about “vibes”?  Or what about when we know someone is a bad person and can feel it in our gut, only to later find out that they are abusive and manipulative?

While there is an energetic and spiritual side to this question, there is also a hard scientific explanation of what is occurring when we tap into the vibes of other people.   With the development of new scientific instruments, intuition is now something being studied using the scientific method.

The electromagnetic field of the heart

The heart generates a powerful and measurable electromagnetic field.  Magnetocardiography is the science of measure the field that is produced by the electrical activity within the heart.

It’s mainstream scientific knowledge that the resonant frequencies of the field of your heart interacts with the fields of others around you.  This effect is super strong within the first several feet in particular, but has been reported to be measured even at a distance of hundreds of meters.

Most of us know that the heart holds an energy system of its own and is one of the 7 main chakras within our energy field, and that our heart centers can interact with the heart centers of others.  But it turns that it’s more than just an energy center for emotions, spiritual health, or even nervous system activity.  The heart almost acts as a second mind with its own sense of awareness.

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