6 Simple Yet Effect Steps To Remembering Your Dreams

 It is widely known that, if you can not remember your dreams then it is harder to have lucid dreams. The next step focuses on increasing the memory of remembered dreams.

Maybe you are one of those lucky ones who remembers most of your dreams, but if not, don’t be discouraged. There are many tried and tested methods for developing memories of dreams. There are also many helpful tips for improving memories of dreams, so with a few weeks of practice you’ll be remembering more and more dreams.

To begin with, the real question is whether you really want to remember your dreams? Do you subconsciously block your memory because you’re afraid of what you could see? These are legitimate questions that need to be asked in the first place. Be honest, because you have to commit yourself to increasing the memory and because it is important for what you want to achieve.
sleep-naked-min1. Awakening without moving: After waking up, do not open your eyes. Do not move. Lie perfectly still.

2. Be slow. Give yourself time to remember your dreams. Do not wake up thinking about the things you have to do that day. Do not allow your mind to be flooded with thoughts because your dream will begin to fade or disappear completely. Let your mind stay focused on what you just dreamt.

3. Let your mind wander. Let your mind wander through the mental picture that you have. Once you recall part of a dream, relax and let the rest of the dream come together.

4. Wander through the list of dreams in your head. If you have absolutely no initial memory, begin to scroll through the list of dreams in your head.


This list should include the people you know, activities, places, food, smells, music, anything that can stimulate fragments of dreams that float to the surface.

Allow the mind to wander through this list and ask yourself whether a certain person or a certain place were part of the dream.

Movement is often in dreams, so try to remember it. Did you walked, climbed or you flied?

Emotions in dreams are also very dominant, so think about your mood. Were you happy or you were scared, confused or surprised? It is just a matter of remembering one important clue, after that, it will be easier to find the path that will lead to memories.

polls_dream_a_z_0251_876673_answer_2_xlarge5. Think and ask yourself backwards. Try going back to a memory from the point that you can remember. If you can remember one part of the dream, ask yourself how you got there, or how certain objects appeared there.

Did you find them they were given to you?

One fragment will usually lead to another.

The dream will begin to take shape and your memory of dreams will be driven by the question of what you already remember.

6. Different positions during sleep. Try all the possible sleeping positions before you find the one that brings maximum impact in terms of memory.

solid dream sleeping conditions

If you wake up on the right do not move until you remember all that is possible, and then do the same thing when you wake up on the left, or when you wake up at the back.

These 6 basic steps came from my personal experience. It took me some time until I’ve mastered all of them.

They have worked for me so far, but that doesn’t mean that it will work for you. Using these steps is absolutely safe, since they have no impact in health, therefore, go ahead and try them, you have nothing to loose and a lot to gain.


Svetozar Stojanovski


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