FOR THOSE WHO CARE: What Do You Really Want To See On Spirit Science?

Hey you there!

Yes, you in the back who’s truly been moved by Spirit Science for what it was, still is, and is evolving to; you haven’t really gotten to see the evolution of this seed. What we’re creating is so much more than just entertainment, digital content, or something to generate revenue. The exact details of what we’re creating are actually being talked about in real time, right here. 

Unlocking this site is simple, all it takes is the willingness to expand.

We are in the early stages of our seed growing, and Spirit Science has changed a lot over the years. We don’t have teams of people to animate, reply to emails, coordinate workshops or properly engage with our audience!

Spirit Science should be used as a tool, a digital library, the most reliable source of information out there. We’re still trying to create that. We need teams of investigative reporters, doctors, journalists and scientists, spreading the truth for the benefit of mankind. There’s only so much 3 people can do.


So I ask you who desires change,

you who have been moved, helped or completely transformed by Spirit Science,

what do you want to see? 


Spirit Science has changed from a small community, to a large page for the masses. So, what kind of content are you actually interested in seeing?

If you want to know anything on energy, lucid dreaming, kundalini awakenings, soul mates, manifestation, the law of attraction, aliens, the benefits of meditation, how to do this, that, or the other thing; we’ve got you covered.

What’s next? 

Amazing scientific discoveries, medical anomalies, mind-blowing realizations, more proof of psychic ability, life after death, strange government happenings, stories of inspiration?!



[email protected]

Send me articles you’ve found to be incredible. And I mean like a wow-you-had-to-close-the-computer-and-reconstruct-your-understanding-of-life-incredible. They’re out there, and that means something different to everyone, which is the beauty of it!

Please don’t send me something you’ve written that you find amazing. I want something you found that really shifted your perception, made you feel emotions so strongly or compelled you into some sort of action!

For those who truly want to see a better world, this is for you.

Please Fasten your Seatbelts while Spirit Science Changes Polarities: –> The Three Days of Darkness

troanodocumentThe three days of darkness is a concept about the polarity shift of the electromagnetic fields around the Planet. The shift in frequency is so great, that the earth actually passes through a void space in transition between one space, and the next. During this time, as it is written in ancient hieroglyphics (See the Troano Document, or watch the video below), that you experience a blackness for 3 days. Some even say that you lose sense of your body entirely and just float in an empty meditational space with your mind and your mind alone for 3 days…

Now, I know.. This all seems like fluffy gibberish. And It’s true, we don’t have the scientific evidence to suggest the earth will do this anytime soon. That’s a whole part about a polarity shift – you never know when its going to happen. Who knows, maybe the ancients were full of crap, and it’s not going to happen at all, ever! That’s completely possible.  It’s easy to dismiss it as nonsense… But for me, I prefer a “Well lets wait and see!” sort of attitude.

If you would like to learn more about the 3 days of Darkness, check out this video here.

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And watch out… Because regardless of Earth going through a supposed 3 Days of Darkness, we’re going to manufacture one as Spirit Science changes its Frequency!!!

That’s right. Over the next 3 days, Spirit Science will go through a Polarity Shift, starting with 3 Days of Darkness, before beginning a new Era of 1000 Years of Light! Watch and see what takes place, and stay tuned… There is going to be something special on the other side!

Much love!
Jordan Pearce

The biggest secret that absolutely nobody knows about –> And will change EVERYTHING for humankind!!

It’s been a while since I wrote an article… It seems only fitting that I come out of my writing coma in order to divulge in one of the biggest secrets that absolutely nobody knows about… And those who do, are ridiculed for even considering it.

It’s a HUGE secret, i mean, BIG. I mean like, so big that the only thing that would rival it in scope would be Aliens landing and talking to us about our ways.

And this one seems more likely that it will be revealed first.

The Apocalypse… Do you remember from an early Spirit Science cartoon, we discussed that the Apocalypse was the lifting of the veil? A great secret or truth becoming known to mankind?

apocalypse (n.) Look up apocalypse at Dictionary.comlate 14c., “revelation, disclosure,” from Church Latin apocalypsis “revelation,” from Greek apokalyptein “uncover, disclose, reveal,” from apo- “from” (see apo-) + kalyptein “to cover, conceal” 


This Apocalypse has yet to reach the masses, it will likely be several years before this truth surfaces as a fact. Nonetheless, it is the truth, and it will destroy all of our religions at once, unless they are able to adapt to the harsh reality that a great civilization existed on earth a long, long time ago.

The secret i’m about to tell you is the last great secret of Spirit Science. Well.. certainly there will be more secrets that will be unveiled in the future… but this is the big one. Everything else is actually really anti-climactic.

Read on fellow learner, and consider the following:

Whatever remnants of the lost civilizations of Atlantis are frozen under approximately 1-2 vertical miles of Ice of Greenland… and the ice is melting. 

You see, when Atlantis sunk, it didn’t actually sink. It froze.There was a disaster, a huge one, there was likely a HUGE tidal wave, if not multiple ones. The disruption that occurred caused the entire continent to freeze over, preserved for a time when we would rediscover it again.

atlantiswowsaIt was almost completely encased in ice. And while it is still likely that many of the man-made things were destroyed, however, there is still ample amount of evidence hiding under that ice, waiting to be rediscovered as global warming melts the ice away, revealing our ancient past.

Who knows what ancient technology awaits us under the ice? What I know, without a shadow of a doubt (which truly I can only attribute at this time to deep, spiritual knowing… and a logic that just says “All of the pieces fit”), is that Atlantis existed on a continent of its own, and that continent is what today we know as Greenland.

atlantis2Are there actual objects and lives frozen in-tact? Or is there just remnants of ancient giant ruins and rubble? That is what we will have to wait and see. However, I wouldn’t be surprised… in fact, I’m expecting it, that when Greenland thaws from Global Warming, the entire world is going to find out that we had a huge, advanced civilization over 13,000 years ago.

And the technology that we find may just be what is needed to save mankind from our global disaster…. Maybe. ;)

I think it will still take collaboration and community to save us, though.

~ ~ ~

So what evidence do I have to support these bold, bold claims you may ask?!

Good question!

greenlandmeltingNo, the ice hasn’t thawed enough to have any physical evidence actually. We have some other items at our disposal. From the word of Thoth on the shape and description of the continent of Atlantis, to the fact that observing the tectonic plates geologists have mapped that the continent of Greenland used to be much farther south than it is today, smack in the middle of the atlantic, most often propertied as to where Atlantis existed before it disappeared.

Do you remember this picture, from Spirit Science 12 – The Atlantis Movie? In this movie we use this diagram of the continent, which was described by Thoth to Drunvalo, and drawn in the Flower of Life books. Other drawings, equally similar, exist in much older texts, spanning back as far as plato.




And then, and only then, mankind will have the evidence it needs once and for all to see that it in fact is far older, and far wiser, and has a far more intricate history than ever imagined before.

It will be undeniable, and the global discussion will take a rapid 90 degree turn into understanding our true origins.

It will not be able to be covered up by any government or corporate conspiracy… And it will be the sign of a new era of mankind to begin.

That’s all I got, enjoy the research, and not to mention talking about this with your friends.

If they call you crazy, don’t worry. You’re not.

— I am authorized by myself to state that despite these bold claims as hard truths, they are still only but theories in my head… but its one of those things that I just have a feeling on that is TOO REAL for me to not make a post about its legitimacy. Sorry, I know thats typically not how science works… THOUGH, that’s also how science progresses. Einstein made a lot of claims before he actually demonstrated anything, and he was right about the things he saw.

Anyways, till next time!

This Powerful Video Uses The Superstring Theory To Explain How We Are All One

In this powerful video, John Hagelin – Ph.D in Superstring Unifield Field Theory – explains how we are all one. We create our own reality on an individual level, but at the fundamental level our consciousness is the same.

The deepest levels of physics are converging together with what Buddhism and esoteric branches of the other religions has been telling us for a long time – We’re all just consciousness. Consciousness is everything.

“I said, You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you”
Psalm 82:6


As the wave on the ocean is both the wave and the ocean – both distinguishable and inseparable – so are you both God (consciousness) and a human being. Continue reading

15 Anxiety Reducing Meditations To Use in Stressful Situations


When it comes to dealing with day to day life we may find to be very overwhelming at times.

This is the perfect opportunity to find brand new perspectives on how we can treat ourselves better as well as the ones we love. Stress is quite the mind killer and can often lead us to despair.

However, there are 15 stress relieving easy meditations that you can practice every day that can help you figure out the best way to get you into the right state of mind.

Bestselling author Barbara Ann Kipfer of her book Self-Meditation: 3,299 Mantras, Tips, Quotes and Koans for Peace and Serenity, can provide some of the most wonderful advice and insight on how to reduce your stress.

  1. “See yourself as a small child, fragile and vulnerable, and breathe in. Smile with love to this small child within yourself, and breathe out.” Continue reading

21 Positive Expressions That Attract a Better Life


The words we choose to use become the mantras of our life, and the energy we give off with these words influences what kind of a reality the Law of Attraction will bring us.

Positive phrases give off good vibes that attract a better life.  Unfortunately, negative words and phrases give off lower vibes that attract negativity and unwanted realities.

So while some people may be suffering because of the words and phrases they choose to use, you can do the exact opposite and attract a better life.

o-HAPPINESS-facebookUse positive phrases and expressions more often, and more positive things will be attracted to you. This creates a snowball effect over time, causing the good things in your life to grow and multiply.

Using positive words and phrases is an easy Law of Attraction strategy that anyone can use.

With that being said,  here are a few positive expressions you can use to improve the quality of your life.  These are all common, everyday phrases, so it should be fairly easy to add more of them into your conversations.

1. It’s a beautiful day.

2. The weather’s been great. Continue reading