It’s been a while since I wrote an article… It seems only fitting that I come out of my writing coma in order to divulge in one of the biggest secrets that absolutely nobody knows about… And those who do, are ridiculed for even considering it.
It’s a HUGE secret, i mean, BIG. I mean like, so big that the only thing that would rival it in scope would be Aliens landing and talking to us about our ways.
And this one seems more likely that it will be revealed first.
The Apocalypse… Do you remember from an early Spirit Science cartoon, we discussed that the Apocalypse was the lifting of the veil? A great secret or truth becoming known to mankind?
apocalypse (n.)
late 14c., “revelation, disclosure,” from Church Latin apocalypsis “revelation,” from Greek apokalyptein “uncover, disclose, reveal,” from apo- “from” (see apo-) + kalyptein “to cover, conceal”
This Apocalypse has yet to reach the masses, it will likely be several years before this truth surfaces as a fact. Nonetheless, it is the truth, and it will destroy all of our religions at once, unless they are able to adapt to the harsh reality that a great civilization existed on earth a long, long time ago.
The secret i’m about to tell you is the last great secret of Spirit Science. Well.. certainly there will be more secrets that will be unveiled in the future… but this is the big one. Everything else is actually really anti-climactic.
Read on fellow learner, and consider the following:
Whatever remnants of the lost civilizations of Atlantis are frozen under approximately 1-2 vertical miles of Ice of Greenland… and the ice is melting.
You see, when Atlantis sunk, it didn’t actually sink. It froze.There was a disaster, a huge one, there was likely a HUGE tidal wave, if not multiple ones. The disruption that occurred caused the entire continent to freeze over, preserved for a time when we would rediscover it again.
It was almost completely encased in ice. And while it is still likely that many of the man-made things were destroyed, however, there is still ample amount of evidence hiding under that ice, waiting to be rediscovered as global warming melts the ice away, revealing our ancient past.
Who knows what ancient technology awaits us under the ice? What I know, without a shadow of a doubt (which truly I can only attribute at this time to deep, spiritual knowing… and a logic that just says “All of the pieces fit”), is that Atlantis existed on a continent of its own, and that continent is what today we know as Greenland.
Are there actual objects and lives frozen in-tact? Or is there just remnants of ancient giant ruins and rubble? That is what we will have to wait and see. However, I wouldn’t be surprised… in fact, I’m expecting it, that when Greenland thaws from Global Warming, the entire world is going to find out that we had a huge, advanced civilization over 13,000 years ago.
And the technology that we find may just be what is needed to save mankind from our global disaster…. Maybe. ;)
I think it will still take collaboration and community to save us, though.
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So what evidence do I have to support these bold, bold claims you may ask?!
Good question!
No, the ice hasn’t thawed enough to have any physical evidence actually. We have some other items at our disposal. From the word of Thoth on the shape and description of the continent of Atlantis, to the fact that observing the tectonic plates geologists have mapped that the continent of Greenland used to be much farther south than it is today, smack in the middle of the atlantic, most often propertied as to where Atlantis existed before it disappeared.
Do you remember this picture, from Spirit Science 12 – The Atlantis Movie? In this movie we use this diagram of the continent, which was described by Thoth to Drunvalo, and drawn in the Flower of Life books. Other drawings, equally similar, exist in much older texts, spanning back as far as plato.
And then, and only then, mankind will have the evidence it needs once and for all to see that it in fact is far older, and far wiser, and has a far more intricate history than ever imagined before.
It will be undeniable, and the global discussion will take a rapid 90 degree turn into understanding our true origins.
It will not be able to be covered up by any government or corporate conspiracy… And it will be the sign of a new era of mankind to begin.
That’s all I got, enjoy the research, and not to mention talking about this with your friends.
If they call you crazy, don’t worry. You’re not.
— I am authorized by myself to state that despite these bold claims as hard truths, they are still only but theories in my head… but its one of those things that I just have a feeling on that is TOO REAL for me to not make a post about its legitimacy. Sorry, I know thats typically not how science works… THOUGH, that’s also how science progresses. Einstein made a lot of claims before he actually demonstrated anything, and he was right about the things he saw.
Anyways, till next time!