4 Steps to Accepting Your Past Mistakes and Forgiving Yourself

Forgiving yourself can be a tough one because the person who feels angry, and the person you’re angry with is the same person – YOU!  We get stuck in self-judgment.  We can’t let ourselves off the hook.  Maybe we betrayed our own integrity.  Maybe we betrayed someone we love.  We think we are bad and we don’t know how to get over it.

The-Four-Myths-of-Self-Compassion1) See your own innocence.  Close your eyes and imagine your childhood self.  See how innocent that child is?  If they did do something wrong – they didn’t do it on purpose!  Their intentions were pure.

They are beautiful.  Sweet.  Loveable.  In your higher self, take them in your arms and hug them.  Give them some of the love they never had.  Drink it in for a while.

2) Understand and Accept.  Close your eyes and imagine the you who did something you’re not proud of.

From your higher self, look upon that unforgivable person.  Ask yourself, “What motivated the unsavory behavior?  Did it come out of a deep wound?  Did it come out of loneliness?


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3 Natural Ways to Stop and Prevent Chronic Panic Attacks

Fear is a negative emotion unless you are facing an actual threat and need to fight or flee. The usefulness of fear is minimal in daily life, particularly in the form of anxiety. Stressful events can produce short-term anxiety in almost everyone, which disappears after the event. But for an estimated 6.8 million Americans with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), anxiety is a chronic condition they can’t shut off. All of us know people we accept as “born worriers,” but in reality being in a state of chronic anxiety can severely limit their daily activity.

women-worry-101217-02You probably know already if you worry excessively. Almost nothing is free from worry, in fact, if you have chronic anxiety, even the smallest thing can trigger it. You find yourself with fearful thoughts about finances, family, your health, and what’s happening at work. Some days you’d rather hide under the covers.

The first thing to realize is that reality isn’t what’s actually worrying you, but it’s your fixed habit of mind that is causing you to respond to everything with anxiety. Second, you need to look rationally at the anxiety response and concede that you are not improving it by feeling anxious.

This seems obvious to non-worriers, but somewhere inside, many “born worriers” believe they are taking care of situations that others are overlooking, like whether they remembered to lock up the house or turn off the gas stove. Any trigger can provoke worry, so the question is how to prevent this from happening. Continue reading

The Science of Naps: This is Why They Are So Good For You

There’s a bit of irony that surrounds the concept of taking naps. When we’re kids, we’re made to do it even if we don’t want to. Then when we’re older we long for them, but can’t always find the time. The combination of the stress of working and raising children means that we’re busy, and while we need naps more, we aren’t getting them. This is unfortunate, as science is finding more and more that naps are necessary.

o-LAZY-HIGH-SCHOOL-STUDENT-facebookHumans are one of only 15% of mammalian species whose sleep periods consist of one large block of time (monophasic). The rest snag shorter periods of sleep throughout the day (polyphasic).

Science is not clear as to whether or not this is humans’ natural way of sleeping. However, what is known is that we’re not getting enough of it. What’s more is that insufficient sleep leads to industrial disasters, vehicle crashes, occupational errors, etc. This is where the science of napping comes into play. Continue reading

16 Qualities of A Conciously Aware, Modern Day Hippy

The hippy era was a time of spiritual awakening and freedom from conformity. Hippies were known to go against the grain of society’s expectations, and most of them were well awake.

Though consciousness goes much deeper than the list below, here are some clues that may suggest you too are a conscious minded hippy.

You Pay Attention to Your Breath:  The number of times you consciously take a deep breath might be more often than those around you, and not necessarily because you’re stressed, but because you are aware of the importance of breathing.shutterstock_311531093

Alone Time is Perfectly OK With You: Ah yes, there’s no time like alone time. You value your alone time and genuinely enjoy it. Alone time is a break from the energies of the people around you, which can sometimes be challenging to ingest.

You Give Zero F@#ks: You do what you want and you no longer allow others to influence how you live. Your life is led by your hunger to grow and the desire to expand your mind, rather than inauthentic fillers.

You Are Not a Fan of Planning: You’re tired of the question, “So what are your plans for the future?” You much prefer to go with the flow and see what happens.  The word “maybe” is a word you use often. Continue reading

The Difference Between the 3 Kinds of Energetic Bodies

Everything is energy. Our dense, physical bodies are fundamentally made out of tiny spinning geometries that generate energy. Reality is not as it seems, and humanity is finally waking up collectively to fully understand these concepts. There are layers of energy around us, and the more sensitive we become, the more we will be able to distinguish between different energies.   

The Gross Body:

Screen Shot 2015-11-14 at 7.46.22 PMThe Gross body is the physical body that is made up of the 5 fundamental elements  i.e., space, air, fire, water and earth and is subject to a sixfold change ( birth, subsistence, growth, maturity, decay, and death).

This is the dense, physical body we all know.

Physical manifestation resides in the Gross body which of course needs food, water and air to survive. At death the physical body perishes and its five constituent elements are dissolved. This isn’t true for the higher layers of our energetic bodies. They exist at a higher frequency, free from the bonds of physicality.

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8 Uses for Honey That Replace The Need For Modern Medicine

Over the years, we have neglected the use of natural ingredients for health, healing and wellness. We have forgotten that our ancestors managed to make it through life for 1000s of years with practically nothing but themselves and nature. How could humans evolve so successfully over the millennia, yet the modern man relies on everything and anything but themselves?

The Hidden Facts of Our Liquid Gold Honey

This is only 1 ingredient in an endless amount on our planet, but let me run through many of the benefits this has. If you so desired, you have the ability of creating your own everlasting replenishing supply in your own backyard.

Allergies are suppressed with Honey

honey1Honey has a tremendous amount of anti-inflammatory properties and many state it can act as a natural vaccine against many ailments.

How is this the case? Natural honey will contain pollen and when ingested, the body will develop antibodies against this as a foreign substance.

As these antibodies build up, it permits the ability to unleash an effective immune response should an actual harmful intruder invade the body. Continue reading