6 Uplifting Affirmations To Practice Daily

Speaking and thinking affirmations every day can help you to get through the hard parts of life. There are a lot of affirmations out there that are recommended, however, they may not all work for everyone.

That goes for this list too. These are six affirmations that really work for us. You can use these, or you can take someone else’s recommendation, or you can think of some yourself! What’s important is that you truly believe the words that you are speaking.

1. Thank You, I Have Everything I Need.


While it’s important to try not to compare yourself with others as far as your goals in life go (their achievements are their own), the contrary is true when observing those who may have less.

When you’re thinking that you don’t have everything you need in life, step back and really take stock. Continue reading

The Science Behind The Purr: How A Cat’s Purr Can Heal Humans

Cat’s have been apart of humanities history dating back as far as ancient Egyptian times since 9000 BC. In fact, in 2004 when a Neolithic grave had been excavated on the island of Cyprus within the Mediterranean Sea, they had found a skeleton of a man as well as an African Wild Cat that had been buried with him. This means that man and feline interaction had been going on even previously than we had thought.

It’s no wonder that cats have been apart of humans everyday life, they require so little in order to take care of. Just by providing them with a place to stay with some food and water, cats have no other additional needs other than you playing laser pointer with them from time to time. Otherwise, they spend their time grooming themselves, hunting, sleeping, and the occasional “I’m going to knock everything down in the house today.” Continue reading

6 Negative Emotions You Stop Experiencing When You’re Spiritually Open

Opening up to spirituality is one of the best things for your overall physical health and well-being. Also, you will notice magical things happening in your life.

While it’s easy to see what you gain from harnessing your inner god or goddess, what you lose is as important, if not more so. In this article, we want to discuss the things that are shed when one is awakened spiritually. These are all natural feelings, and we shouldn’t expect to never experience them again, just that we not are equipped with the tools to better handle them.

Don’t think that just because you are a more enlightened version of yourself, the road has ended for you. We all have a life to live, experiences to gain, and a destiny to be had. We will experience trials, but here are six feelings you’ll experience a lot less.


o-COUPLE-FIGHTING-facebookThe road to spirituality is a very conscious path. It enables us to be present, to live in the now, and to take a breath when the going gets tough.

Anger, on the other hand, is a reaction brought on by your subconscious. You’re not carefully considering a response here. Continue reading

5 Reminders On Staying Positive When Surrounded By Negativity

With the unfortunate truth that is some people just cannot find any means to be positive whatsoever, do not despair. Your positivism is more than valid when it comes to these circumstances. Even if it’s a negative family member or friend, there’s a lot to take into consideration as to how you want to live your life with that person or people.

Here are 6 reminders on how you can stay positive even around excessively negative people.

1. Only You Can Make You Happylove what you do

The biggest reminder when it comes to negative people is that only you can make you happy. This means that regardless of what anything that anyone says to you, that you are the voice of reason within your own head.

You decide on what makes you happy and what makes you sad. No other person can make you feel this way but yourself.

So the next time someone says something terrible to you, just remember that their opinion has no validation unless you want it to.

2. Focus On Yourself

When dealing with negative people, sometimes you must refocus your thoughts and actions all on you. Don’t do anything for the other person that is making you feel miserable. You matter most when it comes to your happiness and don’t deserve to be treated in such a way that makes you feel less than who you are. Continue reading

10 Powerful Affirmations To End The Day On a Positive Note

Let’s face it, we will often dwell over what we perceive as failures and ‘could haves’ at the end of the day.

Whether you didn’t find time for the yoga routine, ate unhealthy food that left you feeling miserable, or just plain forgot something important, not every day will be marked a ‘success’ by the high standards we often hold for ourselves.

Here are 10 affirmations to help you overcome the past (hey, you can’t change it!) and get ready for a healing sleep and brighter tomorrow!

1. I Am Worthy of Self-Love.The-Four-Myths-of-Self-Compassion

If you don’t love yourself, who will? Sure, you’re feeling down, perhaps sluggish or lacking self-esteem.

But say these three words to yourself anyway:

“I love you.”

2. Beauty Surrounds Me.

If you had a day full of experiences you think were negative, when you close your eyes at night think of everything that is good in your life. You probably have friends and loved ones that you can lean on.

Continue reading

5 Important Reasons Not to Take Life too Seriously

Most of us are brought up believing that life is serious, and that the decisions we make are very important. But this theory makes life pretty dreary! Here are five aphorisms that might allow us to better enjoy the journey and trust that good things are coming.

1. Our Time on the Earth is Limited, Be Happy!

If money can’t buy us love and happiness, then why do we strive so hard for it? Sometimes we are overtaken with what we perceive as our duties and responsibilities, but really there is only one: the responsibility you have to yourself.

Of course this will sometimes involve others! However, ultimately, personal fulfillment is the key here. If you find yourself in a situation that is hard to just ‘let go,’ try the glass-half-full approach.

Sometimes the situation is just not serving you, and it’s time to move on. We’re just blips on the radar of time anyway, and our decisions will have very little, if any, impact on life in the long run. The average lifespan in the US is about 660,000 hours long and we spend about a third of that time asleep. Life is short, live it!

2. The Universe is Unimaginably Large, You Are Quite Small

In fact, we are only now starting to really comprehend what’s out there. However, we do know that space is full of galaxies and stars that are huge on a scale that makes our local ones look pretty insignificant.

We don’t know how we got here, and maybe never will.

Who knows, there are probably civilizations out there thinking that they’re the only ones on the block, living their own lives that they think are very important.

This is all the more reason to love each other and enjoy the time we have.

3. Worrying Doesn’t Do You Or Anyone Else Any Good

Sometimes life throws things at us that are difficult to handle. You may find yourself in new and uncharted territory.

Instead of worrying about it or focusing on how difficult it is, embrace it! It’s a new experience, you will learn from it and get better. Try to go with the flow. If you are being ridiculous, try to laugh at yourself!

If you find yourself failing to get a good night’s sleep or focusing on problems rather than positives, try meditation. It can help you turn your brain off, and if you’re negatively focused, this will help you to gain some perspective.

Problems have this funny way of breeding more problems. You don’t have any, your life is beautiful!

4. Your Work is Not Your Life

Everyone at some point hears about the inherent morals in hard work. Well, the truth is that if it’s too hard, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it. When life is too hard, that means you’ve come up against a rock and are failing to go with the flow.

This isn’t to be confused with taking on a good challenge.

Climbing a new mountain in life can be extremely rewarding and healthy, in contrast to the fatigue that comes with ‘hard work.’ If you’re feeling overwhelmed, step back and take a deep breath.

This is all it takes to fix a bad day at work sometimes. If you find that work is consistently bringing you down, it may be time to peruse the help wanted ads.

5. Life is Absurd, and Ridiculous

We tend to worry and care a lot about things that don’t matter, such as what other people think.

We put on uncomfortable clothes to go to work. We miss the joys of bringing up our children because we’re too busy videotaping and photographing for posterity, rather than just living.

We do things that make us miserable because we’re convinced that we have to. We yell at people who are driving slowly and safely.

We argue and fight because we’re convinced that we’re right, instead of being satisfied that everyone is unique and has an opinion. If you can take a step back and laugh at yourself, then you’re a step ahead.