The great thing about synchronicity is that it is never about whether you believe in it or not. It is an experience and once you have experienced these events, you understand this to be a real functioning level of intelligence that you are creating. A sign from the ‘matrix’ that you are on the right path.
Synchronicity, a term coined by Carl Jung is known as a ‘meaningful coincidence’ that takes place in our everyday life and characterized by a phenomenal event that occurs that is out of the ordinary spectrum of reality.
For example, you may be thinking about someone and immediately you see a sign or symbol of this thought that can be perceived in your physical reality. Whether it be a vehicle, a license plate, a photo, a phone call, or the actual person.
This cognitive thought process manifesting into reality, is known as the law of attraction. However, the biggest thing we are missing here is this: There are no meaningful coincidences or happenstances and what we are seeing is the return of our own creative manifestation of thought, directly affecting our physical reality. Continue reading