How to Use Synchronicity to Become a Conscious Creator

The great thing about synchronicity is that it is never about whether you believe in it or not. It is an experience and once you have experienced these events, you understand this to be a real functioning level of intelligence that you are creating. A sign from the ‘matrix’ that you are on the right path. Are you experiencing synchronicity?

Synchronicity, a term coined by Carl Jung is known as a ‘meaningful coincidence’ that takes place in our everyday life and characterized by a phenomenal event that occurs that is out of the ordinary spectrum of reality.

For example, you may be thinking about someone and immediately you see a sign or symbol of this thought that can be perceived in your physical reality. Whether it be a vehicle, a license plate, a photo, a phone call, or the actual person.

This cognitive thought process manifesting into reality, is known as the law of attraction. However, the biggest thing we are missing here is this: There are no meaningful coincidences or happenstances and what we are seeing is the return of our own creative manifestation of thought, directly affecting our physical reality. Continue reading

7 Signs The Universe Is Trying To Show You Something Through Synchronicity

Synchronicity is a term coined by famous psychologist, Carl Jung.  It is the appearance of “meaningful coincidences” in your life that are unlikely, ironic and sometimes very helpful.  This phenomenon is a “wink” from the universe, a sign of your intuition and connectedness.  If you’ve been experiencing synchronicity, you’ve been in the right place, at the right time.

Though some would say the probability of one of these events is very low, for many people synchronicity happens all of the time.

It is a magical phenomenon that lets us know we are open to spiritual guidance and on the right path.shutterstock_143311846

So, are you experiencing synchronicity? Here are a few common examples that may have happened in your life:

1. Running into someone you were just thinking about, or receiving a phone call, text message or email from him/her.

2. Randomly coming across a product that solves a problem you’ve been having, even though you weren’t looking for it.

Suddenly, an ad on TV or an item on the store shelf jumps out at you as if to say “Here! This is exactly what you need!”

3. Watching a movie or television show that has a story line mirroring your own current issues in life.

4. Hearing a couple of strangers out in public discussing something you’ve been thinking about in your own life. Continue reading

5 Powerful Grounding Techniques to Balance Your Root Chakra

root-chakra-catherine-g-mcelroyHumans have been bestowed with seven centers of energy known as chakras. One of the most important chakras that we must keep balanced is our root chakra.

This center of energy is located at the base of our spines and are responsible for providing us with a stable foundation in which we feel a sense of trust and or security.

This chakra is also our connection to the earth itself, allowing us to be one with our surroundings.

Here are five techniques as to how you can realign your root chakra.

Admit To Asking For Help

By this I mean if you have a certain faith, god, spirit, or angel that you go to for guidance, ask that same spirit for help with realigning yourself. Admitting to yourself that you need assistance from another source of guidance is key to receiving the aid you require. When you feel despair or detached from the earth, call upon your energy of love to help realign your root chakra.

Acquire Gemstones

crystals2Certain colored gemstones are perfect for realigning your root chakra.

Colors such as black, brown, or red are what you should look for when communing with gemstones. Continue reading

18 Signs That Prove You Are Stronger Than You Think

We tend to give ourselves less credit than we deserve. Always expecting more from ourselves and judging our self-worth by the material possessions that we hold. When in fact, true richness is richness of soul. Happiness comes from freedom and freedom is a gift that you give to yourself.

thoughts dnaThere is subtle strength that lies within us all. A higher consciousness that never gives up and is always seeking for the upheaval from the darkness into the light. A raising of our vibration and the constant forming and reforming of our mind, bringing us back to that in which we ultimately seek.

We are all here together on this wonderful journey and it takes strength and courage to follow this path to freedom.

There will always come times, when we do not remember how strong we truly are and so, here is a simple reminder to shine a little light on the way.

1. You embrace life as a journey

You know that life is an experience and one to be lived to its fullest. Every moment is precious opportunity to learn, grow and evolve. Even through the darkest of times, we know that the light is surely to follow and we hold our strength until the light beams from within us once more. Continue reading

3 Powerful Ways to Work Through The Regrets of Your Past

We have all felt since we were young that we need to measure up to something, someone or this imagined version of ourselves that we haven’t aspired to yet and when we fall short, we tend to blame ourselves for the “coulda, woulda, shoulda”scenarios.
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Then dragging these emotions along with us as we continue to navigate through our lives like a ‘big old ball and chain’, known as extra baggage.

When we let the actions of our past determine our future and label ourselves as something that we once were, we withhold the true freedom and happiness we deserve.

And so with each moment in your life where you are holding onto guilt, regret or shame always remember:

1.You are not the person who were in the past

We are not the same people as we were yesterday and the way that we think about ourselves truly determines the outcomes of our future. While a period of reflection can be beneficial, dwelling in the past causes us to repeat the same mistakes over and over again. Continue reading

How to Ground Yourself When Feeling Overwhelmed

Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed out or anxious ever? It’s pretty common in our society today and more and more people are prescribed medication to try to relieve these symptoms. Whether it be from common social conditions or even due to the massive surge of spiritual awakenings. Knowing how to soothe yourself is essential to re balancing.

Personally, I can’t count the amount of times during mine own spiritual awakening, where people told me I needed to get grounded. After much contemplation, I asked myself “how does one ground themselves?”

While the obvious answer is to implore a root chakra meditation, there are a few other ways to easily ground yourself, that will also leave you feeling great!

1. Get Creative

Painting, drawing, and even colouring are some of the best ways to ground. It gives your mind the creative outlet it needs to unleash that pent-up energy you have flowing through you, with no escape route. Continue reading