11 Of The Greatest Self-Help Books Ever Published

We all need a little help now and then.  These are, in our opinion, the best books to have around when you need a little advice or uplift.

11. Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life By Martin Seligman

From the ‘father of positive psychology,’ Seligman harnesses over twenty years of clinical research to demonstrate how optimism enhances our quality of life, and how to learn to practice it.

He covers aspects of life such as money, love, sports, health, and parenting. The author also devotes a large segment on how to free children from pessimistic thinking.

This best-seller originally published in 1990 delivers positive-thought strategies that could turn even the most strident pessimist into an optimist.

10. To Have or To Be? By Erich Fromm

Two modes exist in the struggle for the spirit of humankind: the having mode, which concentrates on power, aggression, and possession, the foundation of the evils of violence, envy and greed; and the being mode, which is based on love, the pleasure of sharing, and in productive activity. 

Fromm, a social psychologist, critiques American culture from the perspective of the 70’s when it was written. The main idea is that America had become a culture obsessed with “having.” Not much has changed.  We still tend to think that we can buy happiness, and that our possessions will somehow fulfill us. Continue reading

A “Mystery Human” Species Completely Changes Our Theory Of Evolution

Article originally written and published by www.collective-evolution.com

Evolution is something scientists have observed at several different levels in nature, and when it comes to human ancestry, they’ve been able to collect bits and pieces of the giant puzzle that is human evolution.

It’s important to remember that there is still much we do not know, and the evolutionary tree is far from understood, let alone complete.We do know that some form of evolution (scientifically speaking) has occurred on various levels, but there are still many missing links to our evolutionary journey, and new discoveries made every year are continuing to re-write what we previously believed to be true.

A New Species Discovered?



One great example is a discovery that was made just over a year ago where researchers found what looks to be an entirely new species of hominin that is currently unknown to modern day science. The discovery was made in a Siberian cave. Continue reading

This Study Suggests Early Humans Bred With An Unknown Species

During a recent meeting on ancient DNA at the Roya Society of London, research was revealed regarding analysis of the human genome. This study uncovered evidence that modern humans not only interbred with Neanderthals, but also with Denisovians and an unknown archaic human population.


Ewen Callaway of the journal Nature reports that the genome sequences of Neanderthal and Denisovian man were compared, and the results suggested that there was interbreeding among several groups of hominid in Europe and Asia around 30,000 years ago, which included an as-yet-unidentified ancestor from Asia.

A Complex Heritage.

“What it begins to suggest is that we’re looking at a Lord of the Rings-type world — that there were many hominid populations,” says Mark Thomas, an evolutionary geneticist at University College London who was at the meeting but was not involved in the work. Continue reading

21 Things That Down-To-Earth People Do Differently

We all think of ourselves as pretty authentic, striving to be the best possible versions of ourselves that we can. Each day we become stronger, wiser, more grounded, more loving and confident.

It’s not easy being an authentic person and it takes courage to stand up for yourself and for your own wants and needs. To follow your inner voice and hearts desires can be an uphill battle. Let alone the societal and religious dogmas that have been thrust upon us.shutterstock_263026931

After working our way through we still, are faced with the challenge of finding out for ourselves what we truly would like to get out of this world while were here.
Authentic people, have mastered these traits and stay true to their hearts– no matter how far off the beaten trail it may lead.

1.They think before they speak

Authentic people are not run by their emotions and they know how to assess a situation before giving their input.

2. They speak for what is right; not for what is popular

Standing up for what is right isn’t always easy to do, especially when faced by peers and elders who think differently. It takes confidence and courage to stand firm in the face of scrutiny. Continue reading

This Short Video Scientifically Explains Why Hugging is Good For You

hug-friend-day-38-cute--large-msg-136699832208What is that desire humans have to give someone a hug when they are feeling down? There is a natural knowing to hug someone when they need that physical connection. It turns out humans need social contact such as pats on the back, hugs and hand holding.  Even science has confirmed that this all contributes to both your happiness and your health.

Check out this short and informative video which explains things in more detail :

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Hugs really are rather extremely awesome if you think about them. They’re free, they’re quick, you can do them in public , you can hug people of both sexes,  and you can hug people of all ages . Seriously, if you’re not hugging, you’re missing out.

So, to sum it up by hugging more you can increase pleasure, decrease stress, increase human bonding, and all the while decreasing the risk of common heart ailments – sign me up please!

Ok! Straight after you finish reading this my advice to you is to find a cute animal, someone you love, someone you want to love, or just someone that you think deserves a friendly squeeze and give them a big hug. They’ll appreciate it, and so will you.

Kasim Khan, Team Spirit

No ADHD Diagnosis? Here’s Why Some Doctors Are Prescribing Children Drugs Anyway

The controversy surrounding the medication of children diagnosed with ADD/ADHD has taken a new twist: doctors prescribing drugs for children who are having trouble in school, but not necessarily diagnosed with any disorder.

In his 2012 article for the New York Times titled “Attention Disorder or Not, Pills to Help in School,”

Alan Schwartz reports on the new phenomenon.  Included is not only anecdotal evidence of doctors prescribing drugs for what amounts to a diagnosis of ‘bad grades,’ but also parents self-medicating their children.

One can only wonder if this may aid the continuation of the known trend of recreational abuse of these stimulants among teenagers and young adults.

Square Peg, Round Hole

Dr. Michael Anderson, a pediatrician near Atlanta, gets a spotlight for this piece.  In the article he even goes as far as suggesting that ADD/ADHD are not real conditions, but rather functions of our one-size-fits-all society that leaves behind people who are not built to succeed within the parameters of common standards. Continue reading