5 Transformations That Happen When You Start Loving Your Body

Do you remember what it was like to be a kid with boundless amounts of energy? You would run around a field just for fun, flailing your arms enjoying yourself tremendously, caught up in the simple pleasure of just… being alive!

Free and happyWhat happened to that?

Unfortunately, this isn’t the case as we get older. Not very often do we see adults running through a field in this manner and if we did it would look pretty out-of-place.. Too bad. There wouldn’t be any shame in it!

Some say, that over time our bodies seem to just get worn down, yet on the contrary, I know both men and women twice my age who are at the peak of physical fitness, leading me to believe that it’s not so much about a ‘physical breakdown’ as it is a mental and emotional one.

When we think that our bodies are old, worn down, and beaten up, then naturally our bodies will appear in the same manner. And when we can change our thinking, love ourselves more and appreciate our bodies, then these five amazing things will happen.

1. Instant Energy Boost

Changing our thinking pattern sets off an immediate chemical reaction in the body; flooding you with what feels like added energy. This is because it is proven that our attitudes about life direct our thinking and our thoughts produce emotions. Quite simply, when you think better, you will feel better! Continue reading

Experiencing A Kundalini Awakening? Here’s What To Expect Next:

If you practice any type of meditation regime, then you are aware of the historical account of Buddha, sitting in the lotus position in front of a large Buddhi or Fig Tree with a snake wrapped around his body and the snake’s head resting atop of him. This account not only is a true story, but encompasses many other religious teachings on both a physical and spiritual level.

kundalini11A Kundalini awakening signifies a revolutionary step into expanded consciousness, as the coiled serpent energy that resides at the base of your spine is activated and begins to make its ascent upwards towards the crown chakra.

Once the Kundalini is awoken, its aim is to ignite all of the chakras in the body. Flooding the practitioner with immense energy and allowing the seeker to break down all preconceived notion of duality; giving them the ability to understand and experience ‘that in which is within, so is without’. Meaning, that everything we experience is a product of our own imagination and that, we are in complete control of our universe, because we are the universe.

The activation of the crown chakra signifies that the kundalini has completed its travel, surging upwards into the mind and will be experienced as the comprehension of seeing a large fig or buddhi tree. The mind is now firing on all cylinders and the brain acts just as this large tree, within its circuits.

5 Things You Need to Know About the Tree of LifeThis projection of consciousness, appears to be an external happening, as if being taken somewhere out-of-body and arriving at the tree of life or better known in the shamanic practice as “The World Tree”. However, the best kept secret is that it’s quite literally, all in your mind and this because the universe is mental.

The task is then to hold this level of activation and to exist in the realm of consciousness, where no thought or experience is neither inwards or outwards, but all is one. Continue reading

The Two Most Powerful Realizations That Will Set You Free, Yes Really

Number 1: Plan A works, period.

If you must have a Plan B, it should be that Plan A works. Think of it as if there is no plan B, because it detracts focus from Plan A.  A backup plan is nothing more than a plan for failure.

That doesn’t ever really seem to compute with people. I mean they ‘hear’ it, agree, even cheer, but it doesn’t seem to make it through the computer all the way and out to the ‘output’ devices.

You see, your power is nearly infinite. Really, it is.

A a good friend posted this on facebook today.

With his permission I share it with you here:
Kevin BujisEarth We Are One

” I have no more time for people complaining and telling me things cannot be done. Everything is possible. Thoughts become things.

free burst

What you hold in your head, you will hold in your hand. When we place our focus on our desires and the outcome we desire, its exactly, and I mean, EXACTLY what the Universe will deliver.

Yes, the Universe Listens to EVERYTHING you say. You hold doubt in your heart, then it will give you reason for doubt. You hold strength and determination in your heart, the Universe Will, and Must bring you what you were determined to receive.

The entire Universe is an Organic Machine. You ask and you Will receive. It can be no other way.

So the next time you say to yourself, this is costing to much, or this cannot be done, or its not possible, or many people have gone before and failed, then I know who you are looking up too. Continue reading

Five Alien Species That Are Already On Our Planet

Aliens are real.

Many species have and still are visiting our planet, many of them want to see us grow. Wether or not you truly believe in aliens, understand that fundamentally everything is made up of the same structure of geometries.

You and I and everything are fundamentally made up of the same geometries of creation. Something like an alien, a conscious being that exists outside of time, a fairy or even a thought, idea or concept are, at their core, a different expression of the same energy.



Image: www.starseeds.net

The Lyrans are believed to be our oldest ancestors, with some believing they were the first beings to organize a civilization in our galaxy.

Billy Meier, Swiss author and source of many UFO photographs, was one of the first people to speak about Lyrans, stating that they shared their origins with him.

He says:

“They have described their ancient ancestry, and consequently ours, as originating in a far sun-system in a star group near what we now know as the Ring Nebula of Lyra, for which we have called them Lyrans in the same manner as we refer to human beings from what we call the Pleiades.” Continue reading

The Government is Suppressing Free Energy Technologies; This is How:

Have you ever wondered what the world would be like if better and cleaner energy sources were widely available and affordable to all of earth’s people? If so, you’re not alone, as the quest for a better energy existence has been the focus of many ingenious inventors, scientists, experimenters and even corporate and government scientists for generations.

We know it’s possible, but for some reason, though, society just can’t seem to get beyond 23.6 or so miles per gallon on average, highway. The gap between what science is clearly capable of and what is available to the consumer mass market is extraordinary, and here really is no need to be using up the world’s fossil fuels at building nuclear plants as if there were no tomorrow, but we do.

The truth is there for those whom have eyes to see. Tremendous market forces and capital involved in government and in the energy and automobile industries make it practically impossible for any promising energy device or technology patent to emerge as a viable and accessible alternative in the real marketplace, and not just appearing on YouTube or at trade shows as prototypes. Alternatives do exist, but why are they not more broadly available?

In addition to the more famous cases such as Wilhelm Reich, and other scientific geniuses like Nikola TeslaRaymond Rife, or Linus Pauling, many lesser known inventors have patented or attempted to patent functional energy devices that just never seem to make it to the public.

How exactly are advanced energy technologies and energy devices actually suppressed? One could argue that the suppression of energy technologies is a necessary evil by government, as Gary Vesperson has here:

“An understandable reason for suppressing certain types of energy inventions is that the knowledge behind them is also capable of producing tremendously destructive advanced electromagnetic weapons such as the “death ray” apparently invented by Nikola Tesla. Continue reading

This Study Might Make You Think Twice About Who You Share Your Sexual Energy With

Scientists have discovered that a sizeable minority of women have Y-chromosome gene sequences in their blood. This is interesting because as you may know, Y-chromosomes are the chromosomes that belong to men, so ladies, what are they doing there, and where did they come from?

An obvious answer would be from pregnancy with a male son, since every woman who has been pregnant still carries cells from her fetus within her bloodstream. Cells from the pregnancy will reside within the mother’s bloodstream and organs for the rest of her life, even if the pregnancy was terminated or if there was a miscarriage.

There is a name for this so-called condition, it is called microchimerism (1), which is named after the Greek chimera, a mythical, monstrous fire-breathing animal that is composed of the parts of three animals (a lion, a snake and a goat). So that explains things for women who have given birth to sons. But what about the women without sons that still carried male cells in their bloodstream?

The Study


This called for a study (2) that was done by immunologists at the Fred Hutchinson Caner Center in 2004. In the study, they took samples from 120 women who had never had sons. Continue reading