Hershey, Nestle and Mars Use Child Slaves To Make Your Chocolate

What was one of the better kept secrets of the 21st century is now blown totally open.  The three corporations above are responsible for much of the world’s chocolate influx, 60% of which comes out of West Africa.

In 2000, it was revealed that the harvesting and processing of the cacao plant was left to children, often unpaid and living in slavery.  Imprisoned, forced to go to the bathroom on the roof or in a cup and malnourished, children would either be sold into it for $30 or be kidnapped, thinking they were applying for some sort of paying job.

The rules and regulations are so lax there that there is no government to step in and stop the atrocities.  This horrific state of child slavery is also the perfect cheap labor for candy companies that want to sell you chocolate for dirt cheap prices.  Why do you think it only costs $1 for a chocolate bar? Continue reading

Scientists Can Now Record And Show You Your Own Dreams

Have you ever wished you could remember your dreams more vividly? Or have you ever wanted to record your dreams and watch them later like a TV program or a great movie?

I don’t know about you, but this is always something I have wanted to do! And now researchers have found a way to translate our every thought and dream into a video that can be watched later.

shutterstock_163173239 (1)This innovative device utilizes existing technologies like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and supercomputers to make a video of what a person is thinking about through computational models.

The first ever study in the United States was conducted at Brown University in 2011 and in it, three people were asked to wear an EEG device while they slept. They were then woken up in the height of dream activity and asked what they were dreaming about. The device cataloged all of the brain images and stored them.

The scientists repeated this process 200 hundred times for each person and made a database of all of the images. Once they were awake, the scientists showed them the images and scanned their brains again based on their responses.

The people in the study were then asked to sleep again, and the brain scanners went to work. What happened next was revolutionary, the device was able to predict what the person was dreaming about! Continue reading

8 Steps to Improve Sleep Quality and Beat Insomnia

Are you having a hard time finding sleep at night? Probably you are fond of waking up in the middle of the night, Looking at the clock and longing for the day to come through. Well these are tips to help you beat insomnia as well as improve your sleep.

1. Day time routines – Ninety percent of what we do during the day influences our behavior at night and so does it have an effect on sleep patterns. To start you off you may have a diary where you record what habits cause the lack of sleep. In addition some of the day’s routines that can help improve your sleep are:sleeping breathing technique

Avoid taking naps during the day- If you have to reduce it to 20-30 minutes and these should be taken before 3.pm.

Limit your intake of stimulants- Caffeine alcohol and nicotine in the forms of tea coffee and your favorite wine could be causing you the struggle with sleep at night. Start off by minimizing the amount of each of the stimulants.

Avoid taking late meals- Our bodies need time to digest the food, taking late meals increases strain in our digestive system which affects the relaxing hormone responsible for sleep.

Stick to a regular sleep and wake time- This will assist your body to develop an automatic biological clock for you within which you will enjoy your sleep. Continue reading

How to Test Your Vibrational State By Using These 4 Signs From the Universe

It’s all well and good to know about the Law of Attraction and the importance of having a high vibration.  But how do you know exactly where your vibration is? How can you tell if you are attracting a reality that you want or a reality you don’t want? Below are four quick ways you can test your vibration.

Test Your Vibration With These 4 Signs


1. Do a quick reality check: Look around your surroundings, what is going on? Is someone opening a door for you or is it slamming in your face? Is it a beautiful day outside or is the weather horrible?

You have created this reality with your vibration, so take a quick look around to see where you’re at! If you like what you see, your vibration is running high. 

If you are seeing lots of obstacles and frustrations, your vibration is running low.  If it’s half and half, or just kind of “blah” your vibration is relatively centered between high and low.  

2. Are you seeing repeating numbers? Most repeating numbers (1111, 111, 222, 333) and increasing numbers (1234) are all signs that you are moving at a high vibration.  Continue reading

3 Crucial Steps to Letting Go of An Emotional Attachment

“Unexpressed emotion will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways. ~Sigmund Freud~

When I decided to write about this topic I was conflicted because it was through my own surrenderemotional turmoil and trauma that I experienced spiritual awakening.

Taking my heart past the limit, I was so immersed in my emotional body that my heart couldn’t handle it. The pain and the inner turmoil were so intense that it felt like my chest was being ripped apart and it was on that day when I fell to my knees and surrendered to my pain, that I experienced spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

And so, I was conflicted, as I am living proof that if you take your heart to the limit and let it be your guide among st the trials and tribulations of the world, it will lead to you to the path you ultimately seek.

But then I realized, upon exploring the subject of emotional addiction, that no one should need to take the path, as I did. And that conscious evolution, and enlightenment will come much easier if we all had the proper teachings and tools.

And so, here are 3 Steps to Healing Emotional Addictions and Why it is So Important.

1. Do Away With Distractions

The television, the radio, the magazines and the social media sites (that aren’t teaching you anything). They are an emotional addiction and are there to keep your mind immersed in your body. These outlets want you to continue the cycle of thinking a certain way, causing you to feel a certain way, strung out in a feedback loop of negativity.

Think about your favorite song and how it makes you feel. Each song sparks an emotion within you, this emotion is triggered by a memory, the memory produces a thought and the thought generates a feeling. musicThis all is the grand illusion that keeps you from the realization that you are a conscious creator. It keeps your mind immersed in your body of thinking and feeling and the cycle continues. This is the prime purpose of media. In fact, it is the number one sales strategy.

The more you engage in this cycle, the longer it will take to overcome your own emotional addiction to the pain and suffering in which you are experiencing. Continue reading

5 Ways To Understand Why Everything Happens For a Reason

 “I trust that everything happens for a reason, even if we are not wise enough to see it. When there is no struggle, there is no strength.” Oprah Winfrey

The well-known Greek Philosopher Aristotle, believed that everything happens for a reason, always. And that every experience in your life, was designed to shape you and reform you into the ultimate and greatest version, that could ever imagine yourself to be. The only thing that prevents this, is having the wisdom to see it.

1. In Times of Strugglesad-man-with-umbrella-walking-in-a-lonely-street-digital-art-artw_preview_e2cd

Every negative experience; every time of struggle, can then be viewed as an opportunity for tremendous growth. Alike to a caterpillar burrowing from its chrysalis. When all of its forming and changing is complete, its metamorphism has transformed it into a magnificent butterfly. It has shed its former skin, and flown on the wings of new life and a new way of being.

2. In Times of Healing

Some may find it hard to believe that everything happens for a reason, especially when experiencing grief or loss. At the time it may be very difficult to see the blessing in it, as all that is being felt is pain. But it is through our lowest points in life, where we gain the wisdom and allow for new-found strength to emerge. Without loss we wouldn’t appreciate  gain, without grief we wouldn’t appreciate love. Without death, we wouldn’t appreciate life and without fear, we wouldn’t appreciate love.

3. In Times of Happiness

happinessBy far, the most victorious of all happen stances, when it all comes together in one moment, the AHA moment, as the metaphorical photo finally develops. When we reach the point, after all of the struggles, the self-substantiating realization beams through and we finally see the wisdom behind the subconscious choices we’ve made. Clarity shines through like the morning sun peeking out on the earths horizon. Continue reading