This Interesting Study Shows How Sugar Is More Addictive than Cocaine

43 cocaine-addicted laboratory rats were given the choice of cocaine or sugar water over a 15-day period: 93 percent, or 40 out of 43, chose sugar.

in 2004, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a document called “TRS 916,” acknowledging that less than 10% of your daily calories should come from added sugar.  They say “less than” because many scientists believe 0% added sugar is necessary.  Our bodies produce enough glucose from starch and carbohydrates received elsewhere.

The WHO suggestion is as follows:

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This 16th Century ‘Colossus’ Sculpture Hides a Wonderful Secret

This half man, half mountain known to the locals in Villa di Pratolino, Tuscany as ‘Appennino’ stands over 35 feet tall and holds a wonderful secret.  The colossus sculpture was erected in the late 1500’s by the renowned Italian sculptor Giambologna, who designed the mountain God to house several hidden rooms that serve many different functions. It is said that his left hand holds flowing water from an underground stream and is rumoured that there is a space inside of his head that was made for a fireplace. When the fireplace is lit, smoke bellows from his nostrils!


This miniature model reveals the rooms inside of the colossus. Continue reading

3 Ways to Help Reduce Fear, Stress and Anxiety

Screen Shot 2015-09-07 at 7.49.07 AMWe could all benefit from some more peace and calm in our lives. Most of us have experienced how stressful situations can make our hearts pound through our chest, our faces grow red, and to top if off, make our palms sweaty right before we have to shake hands with someone important.

These are natural reactions to situations where we feel out of control or anxious. It is the fight or flight response we got for Christmas some time ago from the ever so funny Evolutionary Santa. Our bodies are pumped up and ready to either fight or run for our lives, with the help of some powerful stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Sadly, neither fighting nor fleeing is a viable option when you’re holding your speech at your wedding.

Luckily there are some tools you can use to reduce the severity of your fear response. You won’t be able to short-circuit your entire biology, however. Some fear will always be your companion. You can reduce it. And the first method is…

Accept Your Fear

173_neuronsWhat?! I want to get rid of it. But, acceptance is the first step to change. It sounds like a paradox, but when it comes to fear your resistance is only fueling it. Fear can be understood from a perspective of neural pathways linking some situation or thing to danger or bad feelings. Continue reading

How Deep Breathing Literally Changes The Structure of Your Brain

423239982212190208What if you could change your state of mind, just by changing your breathing?

A study on deep breathing [1] found that it made the participants more relaxed and that it affected the brain waves of the participants. This has implication beyond just lowered stress and increased well-being

The study used electroencephalogram (EEG) to measure the effect of deep breathing on the 16 participant’s brain waves.

The breathing lasted four to six minutes with six breaths per minute. The deep breaths consisted of four seconds of inhaling with the diaphragm, two seconds holding the breath and four seconds of exhaling.

The deep breathing increased the amount of alpha, theta and delta waves.

What does this mean, you might ask.

wavesofsoundNormally we’re in the beta state. It is when your brain waves have a frequency of 16-31 Hz (per second). In the beta state we’re attentive, thinking actively and alert. It ranges from actively calm, to stressed out or mildly obsessive.

Deep breathing is an effective way of lowering your brain wave frequency to the range 8-15 Hz. In the alpha state you’re relaxed and reflective. Stress levels are substantially decreased as compared to the beta state. The alpha state has been widely recognized as an optimal state for learning. Continue reading

3 Things You’re Not Being Told About the Law of Attraction

“There are only two kinds of people. Those who believe that they are a victim of the world and those who understand that they are the world.” – Alan Watts

Most people are unaware of how powerful they truly are and even if they’re aware of the concept, they haven’t a clue on where to start or how to create the life they deserve. Too often we get stuck in repetitive thought patterns. A cycle of negativity that has been wired into our brains; manifesting the idea that everything in the world is happening to us, rather than creating a world where everything happens for us.

3 Reasons the Law of Attraction Isn't Working For YouTake miracles for example. It is easy to believe that when a miraculous or unexplained event occurs, that it is nothing more than a random act. This, because we are wired to respond to the external. Giving our power away, we react to an event as an external happening rather than taking responsibility for our own creative manifestation.

In a study conducted by Richard Davidson, a world-renowned Neuroscientist from the University of Wisconsin. His research found that our thoughts consistently have a direct impact on our everyday situations, as we manifest the ideas we choose to visualize and hold our attention upon. Affirming the long known spiritual philosophy, that we are perpetual participants and co-creators, of our own everyday reality.

Davidson collaborated with Tibet’s Dalai Lama, who provided eight Buddhist monks (some of his most accomplished meditators) to take part in EEG and fMRI brain scanning. Continue reading

How To Rapidly Expand Your Consciousness Without The Use of Psychedelics

“The door to the soul is unlocked; you do not need to please the doorkeeper, the door in front of you is yours, intended for you,  and the doorkeeper obeys when spoken to.” -Robert Bly

What if you found out there was a key that would enable you to open and close your doors of perception at will, void of psychedelics? What if you found out you not only held the key, but you were the key? Would you unlock the doors, or keep them shut?

Well, you are the key, and whether or not you choose to enter through the doors is a choice that, although invisible, is life changing. You are the vehicle for the trip, consider this but a mere travel summary.


And for a detailed itinerary?  Well, that can only be fetched by you -not the part of you reading this, but the altered dream state part of your consciousness that will travel beyond the doors of perception to the wildness of the world where there is a livingness to all things- as it can only be found in a place with exclusive access. A place where you can travel, but no one may follow -not even the conscious, waking state version of yourself scanning these very words.

If you have experimented with psychedelics, you most likely know what it is like to sense the type of “livingness” to all things of which I speak. Even if you haven’t used psychedelics, though, you almost certainly have still experienced this same livingness to all things in the world around you to a noticeable degree at least once, but probably various times as a child -a moment where the world around you took on a shimmery glow, colours suddenly appeared brighter, sounds louder and clearer, physical sensations amplified and, most notably, you could FEEL the world around you.

I am not referring to the physical, touching type of feeling, but to the intangible, energy sense of feeling where you could almost feel the luminosity of the world around you within, and you and the luminous rested in harmony as if you were one. You were present, your perceptions altered, your senses heightened. In short,  your sensory gating channels opened to some degree, a process more commonly referred to as opening your doors of perception. Continue reading