The Science of Intimacy: How Making Love Benefits Your Health

Did you know there are a multitude of reasons why sex is good for your mind, body and spirit soul? Humans are meant to connect physically, but sexuality has a lot more benefits that go beyond physicality.

It’s good for your immune system.

Researchers at Wilkes University in Pennsylvania found that students having sex one to two times a week had a significantly higher level of the antibody immunoglobulin A.

It improves women’s bladder control.shutterstock_423591556

The female orgasm involves contractions of the pelvic floor muscles, the same muscles involved in peeing, and strengthens them.

It lowers blood pressure.

Multiple studies have been documented suggesting that sexual intercourse, specifically, lowers systolic blood pressure.

It relaxes your system after a release and takes stress off your muscles.

It’s great for your heartshutterstock_401072437

Sex is a form of cardiovascular exercise which can raise your heart rate and burn about 5 calories per minute.  It can help keep your testosterone and estrogen levels even.

In one study, men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to die of heart disease as men who had sex rarely!

The list goes on, so get to it!

Original Article

This Study Found That Alcohol is Worse for Mental Health Than Psychedelics

A study by the Research Council of Norway has concluded that psychedelics do not link to mental health problems or suicidal behavior.

A study of roughly 130,000 adult citizens in the United States found no “evidence that psychedelic use is an independent risk factor for mental health problems.”


Of the 135,095 randomly selected people, 19,299 of them had used either lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), psilocybin or mescalin, and no links were found to “increased likelihood of past year serious psychological distress, mental health treatment, suicidal thoughts, suicidal plans and suicide attempt, depression and anxiety.”

Overall, the study concluded that “it is difficult to see how prohibition of psychedelics can be justified as a public health measure.” Continue reading

5 Signs of An Intimate Soul Mate Connection

Have you ever wondered why it is possible to walk into a room and immediately been drawn to someone you don’t even know? Like there is a magnetic force field between you, drawing you in, bring you closer and closer until finally without even knowing it, you are lost in conversation full of sexual charge.

5 Intimate Qualities of An Enlightened PartnerWe all possess powerful, electrical and magnetic forces within us. Alike to a magnet, we exert a force of attraction to others and between lovers, this magnetic energy is amplified, as we fixate on what it is that we are attracted to.

When we can learn to embrace this powerful energy, we can wield it to elevate our consciousness through the sacred act of sex.

An enlightened partner is aware of this and will use this same magnetic energy, to elevate the experience to heights you never thought possible. As if they are reading your mind, your sensitive spots, likes and dislikes without speaking a word.

If you are an un-enlightened person or someone who is not in tune with their own energy, you may be unaware of what is actually happening. Continue reading

10 Amazing Stories Of People Who Died And Came Back; This is What They Saw:

As this video shows, there are aspects of near-death experiences which can’t be answered by science alone. Yes, ahead you’ll find all the bright white lights, tunnels and dead relatives you’d expect to find, but some things are a bit more disturbing.

As you’ll see, there are incidents of people learning things during their near-death experience which they couldn’t have possibly known about beforehand. In addition to some incredible personal accounts, the resulting questions which remain unanswered make these cases even more enthralling.

How do you explain people visiting worlds and locations not yet discovered? How can a child recall visiting with dead friends or relatives who the child never met or knew existed? How can prophetic experiences which eventually come true be fully explained? Yes, ahead you’ll find some truly amazing near-death experiences which stand out from the ‘usual’ occurrences.

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While we may not know for sure what happens after we die, there are many examples of people who believe they have come close to the afterlife. Badly hurt in accidents or suffering from incurable disease, some people have recalled temporarily leaving this world and experiencing a taste of what awaits on the other side. Continue reading

11 “Not-So-Secret” Secrets to Living Longer

The wish for longevity is undoubtedly one of the most common amongst people. How we can achieve, not only long lasting, but at the same time fulfilled life, until the very end? The authors of magazine “Prevention” are trying to come up with answers to this question, which answers are generalized down below.

Quitting detrimental habits

Quitting smoking and alcohol abuse can greatly extend your life and it’s proven to do so. And at the expense of saving money, you can rewire your brain and kick the habit, to be able to start to focus on what truly matters on life.

Red Wine

Experts have long argued that the prudent use of red wine (100-200 ml per day) is beneficial for proper operation of our cardiovascular system. The main thing is to drink high quality red wine and know when to stop after the first glass.



Never forget about sport activities. Physical activity is one of the main bets for health and longevity.

It helps maintain a healthy body and spirit. It’s not so important which one you will choose when you’re older – morning jogging, gymnastics on the carpet or billiards.

Life is all about movement – do what feels right to you.

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The Dark Side Of Quinoa No One Talks About

Quinoa comes from a grain like plant and it is a form of seed originating from the Andean region of South America, with Peru and Bolivia being the largest producers. It was allegedly discovered by NASA back when they were searching for the ideal food for their long therm space missions.

It comes with an amazing list of of high quality nutrients in it. Nutritionists call quinoa “The Complete Protein” because of its high content of protein in it (between 14%-18%) and the fact that it has a perfect combination of 10 essential amino acids crucial for our bodies development and overall health.

It’s a very good addition to your diet due to its low glycemic index meaning it maintains its energy release through a longer period of time and keeps us full longer. Other then protein, quinoa is packed with vitamins and minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium etc. Especially if you’re a vegan or a vegetarian quinoa is a great addition to your diet.

Why is Quinoa So Expensive? 

wuinoa popularQuinoa has become a “hip” super food and people are embracing the “Inca’s Gold” with lightning speed. If you gone to the store, you’ve probably noticed the price of quinoa can be extremely high.

In fact, since 2006, quinoa sales has tripled, and the high demand has lead to the price being tripled too.

The demand for quinoa in the western society became so high, that the farmers who were producing it weren’t able to keep up and thus the price went up. The price went up to $8,000 per tonne. Continue reading