10 Important Reasons To Add Pineapple to Your Water Everyday

Ayurvedic philosophy states that decisions we make in regards to our daily routines either build resistance to disease or reduce it.

Let’s take a healthy practice that invokes this philosophy – adding pineapple to your first glass of water every morning. Here are 10 great reasons to do so.

1. Fight inflammation

Pineapple is a great source of bromelain.shutterstock_174614954

Bromelain is an enzyme with anti-inflammatory characteristics that helps the body rid itself of toxins that affect various tissues and organs in the body.

Regularly consuming pineapple can help with mild forms of arthritis as well as various sports-related injuries by reducing the amount of inflammation and pain.


2. Lose weight

The fiber in pineapple means that it takes longer to digest – this causes the body to maintain a ‘full’ feeling for longer, preventing cravings.

Thiamine, found in pineapple, can help boost your body’s metabolism through converting carbohydrates into energy.

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The Leading Cause of Climate Change That No One is Talking About

Since 1995, 1100 activists have been killed for speaking out about animal agriculture. Among them, Dorothy Stang a woman who dedicated her life to protect Brazil’s rain forest and it’s inhabitants. In 2005, Dorothy was murdered while walking to her home by a hired gun of the cattle industry.


In a report released by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, it states that cattle rearing generates more global warming green house gases than the entire transportation sector.

“Livestock are one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems,” senior UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) official Henning Steinfeld said. “Urgent action is required to remedy the situation.”.

Raising animals for food consumption uses 30% of the world’s water, 45% of the world’s land, and is responsible for 91% of the destruction of the rain forest. Among these shocking figures, animal agriculture is also the leading cause of the oceans dead zones, the leading cause of habitat destruction and the leading cause of species extinction.

Hydrolic Fraction for Natural Gas (fracking) has long been thought to be the leading cause of water usage and contamination as it consumes 100 billion gallons of water per year. Yet, when compared to animal agriculture, there is no comparison. Weighing in at 34 trillion gallons per year in the United States alone.


This means that 2500 gallons of water are required to produce only 1 lb of beef. To put that into perspective, that would be as much water usage as showering for 2 months.

Animal agriculture produces 65% of the worlds nitrous oxide (a gas with the global warming potential 296 x greater than carbon dioxide) and it is estimated that by 2050, this industry will see a 80% increase, as the demand for meat and dairy continues to rise. At this rate of growth, it is estimated that the rain forest will be completely depleted in 10 years.

” Without using any gas or oil or fuel from this day forward we still exceed our maximum carbon equivalent green house gas emissions of 565 gigatons by 2030″ – Environmental Researcher Dr. Richard Oppenlander

According to two environmental specialists in a 2009 World Watch report, animal agriculture is responsible for 51% of all greenhouse gas emissions, while the transportation sector equates to a mere 13%.

This begs the question, why is no one talking about this?
green house gas

Our environmental organizations are failing us and they are failing the ecosystem. These groups who are supposed to the saving the world are just standing by. This should be the main focus and yet when you visit their websites, there is nothing to be found on agriculture. Why? because these organizations are like corporations, and profit is a bottom line.

1500 years ago, animals roamed free, accounting for 99% of the biodiversity and humans were the 1%. Today, there are only 2% of animals roaming free on the land and humans account for 98% of the biodiversity.

It’s time to wake up and realize that raising and killing animals for food, is precisely what is killing the planet. Meatless Monday’s aren’t enough, its time for a global shift. We are in the middle of the largest mass extinction of species in the last 65 million years. We have to change, we have to evolve.

by LJ Vanier



Comprehensive Studies Show How Cannabis Can Cure Migraines

Many of us suffer from headaches, unfortunately, conventional medicine helps in only a few cases and only if the medication is consumed immediately following the first signs of a headache. It is important to note, however, that all of these various medicaments are accompanied by side effects or harmful consequences. Luckily, according to numerous research efforts, there is a universal and harmless cure that is a product of nature itself – cannabis.

The latest work of Dr. Eric P. Baron from the Headache Center in Cleveland is a review of randomized, controlled researches that estimate the role of cannabinoids in pain management. Moreover, the study point out that cannabis is potentially therapeutic in healing headaches.

cbd in marijuana

Also, the summary denotes that the use of cannabis plays an important role throughout history i.e. it was once the primary tool of medicine, and it was recommended by numerous, eminent doctors for various diseases, especially headaches and migraines.

Throughout the decades, this plant made a fascinating journey from a legal and prescribable cure to an illegal plant according to political and social factors rather than science.

Nonetheless, with an ever-growing support for a multitude of medicinal uses of cannabis, the misinformed conception of cannabis fades away, and a dramatic pressure for the legalization and research of medicinal cannabis has emerged.

Dr. Baron points out that doctors receive education with regards to history, pharmacology, clinical indications, and proper clinical use of cannabis since patients will inevitably ask questions about how to treat numerous diseases, including chronic pain.

Furthermore, she adds that 71 percent from the review of the 38 published randomized and controlled research efforts concerning the effects of cannabinoids in pain management deduce that cannabinoids have an empirically provable and statistically significant effect on pain mitigation.


Hence, this study is supported by human biology itself. In fact, CB1 receptors (cannabinoid receptors) are 10 times more concentrated that the-opioid receptors in the brain. Continue reading

Happening Tonight ~ The Blood-Supermoon Eclipse & the Closing of the Great Window (When to see, and what it Means!)

You can find a lot of information about the Eclipse happening tonight across the web, there is a lot of information out there from many different sources. I’m going to do my best to consolidate all of it here in one place, and show you where to go to learn more.

What is it?

The significance of this celestial event tonight is the rarity of all of these different items happening at once. These are the Supermoon, Blood-Moon, and Eclipse phenomenon. For those interested in the prophecies connected with this event, scroll down past the diagrams. For those new to the subject, here’s a brief description of each! You can click the titles for more information on each of them.

supermoonimageSupermoon -The Moon appears slightly bigger than average because of the rotation and orbits between the moon and the earth. We only see a perfect full-moon supermoon once every (roughly) 14 full moons, however because of the constant orbit around the earth, there may be as many as 3 supermoons in any given full moon cycle. They’re just not full, sometimes you don’t even see it because it happens on a new moon.

Eclipse – There are two kinds of eclipses, Solar and Lunar Eclipses. What we’re talking about here is a Lunar Eclipse, when the light from the Sun is blocked from reflecting the light of the full moon, but the moon still appears visible (Images below). While not all eclipses are blood-moons, typically they do make the moon appear slightly red… So then, what is a blood moon? I’m glad you asked!!

lunar-eclipse-december-2010-nasa-keithburnsBlood Moon – The Blood Moon used to be a name describing a total Lunar Eclipse, which would make the moon appear red in the dimming of the reflection of the light from the sun combined with the shadow of the earth. However, in modern days it has become a widespread name in the media for a Tetrad of eclipses, when you see 4 blood moons in a row without any other eclipses happening between them.

There is actually a prophecy I’ve taken some time to write about below, regarding the 4 blood moons in a row and the end times of our great cycle.

When is it happening?

Obviously a great many of us will want to see this great event! Fortunately, some wonderful people across the interwebs have put together these great images describing the how, where and when. Take a look.

First, here’s a time-table for all of the timezones it will be visible in. Courtesy of Space.comSupermoon1Next, here’s a diagram of how its going to appear from a 2D diagram perspective. The times given are Mountain time, so feel free to adjust it using the timetable above as needed. Image courtesy of County10.


Continuing these images, here’s a 3D image showing you exactly how it works, as the earth, sun, and moon all line up with each other during this important celestial event. Note – this is not to scale. Image courtesy of thelucidplanet.com


Finally, here’s a graphic showing where this eclipse will be seen over the surface of the planet. Image courtesy of timeanddate.com. Unfortunately, the entire world won’t be able to see this event. Nonetheless, it shall affect everyone, just as full moons always do. 

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The Blood Moon Prophecy

Back in 2013 a book was published by Christian pastor John Hagee, who wrote about a prophecy from the book of Joel & Revelations. It was actually this book that popularized the term “Blood Moon” meaning the 4 successive deep-red moons in a row. Of course, it was not without many bible quotes:

supermoon3The sun will be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood before the great and dreadful day of the LORD comes.

If the ancients had truly seen a vision of the future, then one could observe these successive blood moons and connect them to these events that are happening today. Is any of it definitive? No, but the connections, along with the state of the human race currently truly paints a picture of what is to come (see next section for more).

Another interesting phenomenon (if you hadn’t noticed on that image above), is that every single one of these 4 successive and rare blood-moon events took place on a jewish holiday.

I don’t know about you, but that is a WILD synchronicity. Maybe there is something more to this.

What does “Closing of the Great Window” mean?

As it is embedded in the Mayan Calendar, the great window was a window of opportunity between (roughly) 2009 and 2015, in which December 21st, 2012 fell right in the smack middle of this window. During this time, Mankind had an opportunity to learn and grow with all of the information that had become available thanks to the internet.


Information became widespread because it was at everyones fingertips for the first time in history, easier than it has ever been before in the infant stages of the world wide web. There was new discussion, new awakenings, and shifts that occurred in the hearts and minds of the many as they began to see the world in a new, more connected way. It was a brief, mini golden age of information.

KindConnections-franckreporter-lowrezWhile this information is no doubt not going anywhere anytime soon, it is also a signal of greater things to come. This is just the beginning for mankind, for we face the trials that we have set before ourselves. No, literally. We have set ourselves up for it by building technologies that are counter to our very existence. Meaning simply, they hurt us, pollute our bodies and limit our capacity to think clearly.

We have a bunch of trials to face, almost as if a test to see if we are fit to live on this planet, or if we will destroy ourselves in the process. The question is will we come to know the Consciousness of Christ through that special compassion only known in the heart? That is up to all of us.

Understand this is not an immediate danger or signal of the end of the world all at once, but a time of great caution, preparation, and using resources effectively and efficiently. Those who are wasteful will run out. If not beyond that – it is a time when we must practice true, genuine compassion with each other.

For that… and only that, is the way through.

What does it mean for you?

Here are some things I’ve read about this particular moon cycle we’re going through right now. This is some of the most helpful and insightful information I’ve been able to find, and I’ve highlighted the best parts for you.

The potential here is to harmonize the I and WE Consciousness. To embrace being assertive and cooperative so that all parties involved feel at peace and are honored as best as possible.

-Dipali Desai (click name for full article)

 “With this last Aries Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse, it’s time to integrate the endings, awakenings, transformations and death and rebirth experiences related to the balance of Self and Other, completing our initiation into a more balanced exchange between the masculine and feminine energies of life as well as between women and men.”

Cathy Pagano (click name for full article)

“First and foremost we want to dramatically change our relationship with ourselves- as anything we want or need or desire OUT THERE can only be fulfilled and truly experienced when we have found it IN HERE.

“Any relationships that are on solid footing are fine- you may experience things that rock your boat, but if your ship does not have holes in it and you are both willing to do the work to row to a safe harbor you will be fine.

“For others who have issues up and perhaps have large holes in their boat- this final Eclipse may be a time to think about whether those issues/holes can be fixed and if both people are willing to do the work necessary to fix them- or if it’s better to jump ship before you go down with it…”

-Divine Harmony (click name for full article)

To read more stuff like this, check out this article on MysticMamma!

In Closing


(No really, slow down… calm down. Breathe, and Meditate)

I know personally that these past few weeks have been particularly trying and incredibly difficult. “God… How far will you test us?” I actually asked only the other day, both referencing Gurren Lagann and genuinely feeling the strain of “What do I do?!” 

All I can say is, trust in your heart. Listen to what your heart is telling you, listen to the heart of others… Grow from your mistakes, and above all else: Compassion.

Compassion is always the key. That means compassion for your loved ones, compassion for you, and compassion for others. Feel free to do a search on Spirit Science for articles about compassion. Here’s a particularly good one by Deepak Chopra. 

Here’s a video we made about just that.

Whatever awaits us moving forward, know that you are always in our hearts.

May great change take place. To a new era of peace and prosperity!

With love,
Jordan, Ray, and Alexandria

This 105 Year Old Man Just Broke The World Sprint Record for Oldest Participant

What?!? This man is a boss. Hidekichi Miyazaki started taking up running as a 90 year old. Yes, he started running at the age of 90. He is a prime example that age seriously does not matter, if you persist, you can do it.

Doctors have described him as a medical miracle, and we can see why. He has become the worlds oldest competitive sprinter, and he just broke his own 100m record!

His final time was 42.22, but for this man, that time just wasn’t good enough.10508213_1652317945053730_413606800_n

“I wanted to shave off a few more seconds, as I ran it in 36 seconds during training,” Miyazaki told reporters after the competition in Kyoto.

His nick name is The Golden Bolt, respectively named after Usain Bolt, one of the fastest men of all time.  

How Your Blood Type Determines Your Personality

In Japan, ketsu eki gata or blood type is a popular metric that is used to determine the temperament of people and their suitability for various tasks. They are like the zodiac signs but with a twist: the Japanese take them very seriously and have even made dating services according to blood type!

Furthermore, the blood group question pops up in places such as job interviews, auditions and marriage. To make things even more serious, companies in Japan spend fortunes on researching the correct blood type for a particular product, like soft drinks, chewing gums and even calendars.

This Japanese obsession began in 1972 when a professor of psychology, known as Furukawa Takeji, began to observe evident differences in the temperaments of his students. From his observations, he concluded that children with blood type A were more intellectual, while the most stubborn and temperamental belonged to the B group.

blood type

From that moment on, everyone in Japan started focusing on blood groups. They started enjoying great importance as the biological factor that holds to the key to your personality, subsequent compatibility and
even future.

Let’s look at some common blood groups and what Japanese research has to say about the people who have them:

Blood Type Atypea

  • It is believed that people with blood type A are quiet, serious and with a good temperament. They have a strong character, are reliable and sometimes even a little stubborn. They are also shy, introverted and have a perfectionist air about them. In addition, they are considered as people who can have the potential habit of lying but at the same time be loyal to their friends and colleagues. Continue reading