5 Ways To Create The Bridge Between Science & Spirituality

Since the dawn of ages, throughout cultures and civilizations, there have always been those who were considered enlightened. Prophets, Messiah’s and Sages throughout the ages, were able to tap into the eternal energy of the universe. Bringing forth ancient wisdom of the cosmos and creation. Bestowing upon all who would listen, the understanding of our very existence. Some were ridiculed and others were murdered for what seemed to be at the time, irrational views.

jesusTake for example Jesus Christ. He was known to be one of the most radical of enlightened masters in history. To onlookers, a man walking around telling everyone that he was the son of God, would have seemed so irrational and ‘blasphemous’ that just by speaking the words ‘I and my father we are one’ had already had made him a prime subject for public scrutiny.

In the life and times of Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), we understand that his teachings were very radical, in the sense that they did not fall into the mainstream of Buddhist regime. This lead to his closest disciples writing down accounts of his teachings and hiding away many of his direct works, prior to Buddha being poisoned to death.

Thankfully, we are at the point in history where through advancement of technology and scientific observation, we can finally bridge the gap between spiritual philosophy and scientific reality. Continue reading

There is Overwhelming Evidence For Human Telepathy – Why is it Being Ignored?

This article was originally written and posted at Collective-Evolution.com. Posted here with their permission

Why is it that extrasensory perception, like human telepathy, remote viewing, psychokinesis and more are commonly shunned by a large portion of the mainstream scientific community? The answer is simple, it’s our inability to understand or develop a sound scientific theory to explain phenomena that, so far, is completely unexplainable, but real.

Despite the fact that they are unexplainable, these occurrences (telepathy, remote viewing, psychokinesis, etc..) have been observed in laboratory settings by scientists all over the world for decades. It’s a troublesome thought that experiments, showing repeatedly significant results, continue to be ignored by the mainstream just because we can’t explain them. Again, It’s important to remember that just because we cannot explain them, or figure out (in modern day scientific terms) how they are happening, does not mean that they are not happening.

“Some materialistically inclined scientists and philosophers refuse to acknowledge these phenomena because they are not consistent with their exclusive conception of the world. Rejection of post-materialist investigation of nature or refusal to publish strong science findings supporting a post-materialist framework are antithetical to the true spirit of scientific inquiry, which is that empirical data must always be adequately dealt with. Data which do not fit favoured theories and beliefs cannot be dismissed a priori. Such dismissal is the realm of ideology, not science.” – Dr. Gary Schwartz, PhD., professor at the University of Arizona (source) Continue reading

Has Spirituality Become Another Egotistical Identity?

Originally written and posted by Collective-Evolution.com. Posted here with their permission.

Spirituality in the West has been severely distorted; being a marketplace of trinkets, self-help gurus, healers, a huge variety of spiritual practices, substances and so on.

Somehow this culture has taken something very pure and simple and turned it in to something commercial, something competitive and into that which it is not. Our western mind is moulded into wanting to attain something and some people on the spiritual path have spent their entire lives trying to attain, only to be as stuck and bound as they ever were.

It’s this very desire to attain something, this wanting to reach a ‘higher state of consciousness’, which is what keeps people bound and seeking. By definition, to be a seeker, you have not yet sought, and therefore those who are always seeking do not find. One of the great Tibetan Buddhists Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche who played a crucial role in bringing Buddhist teachings to the West during the Chinese occupation has this summary to say about awakening/meditation/enlightenment in Meditation in Action:meditation

“Meditation is based on three fundamental factors: first, not centralising inward; second, not having any longing to become higher; and third, becoming completely identified with here and now.”

So in context with the rest of the chapter this is in, he is referring to our ego, or our idea of who we are, the “me”, the “I”, has no solidity to it, and not to uphold the belief that it exists.

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6 Ways Processed Food Can Damage Your Brain

  1. Junk Food is designed to seamlessly hack your brain chemicals

‘Serotonin hack’ – Junk Food is shamelessly taming & abusing your brain chemicals, especially the good – happy ones – Serotonin & Dopamine. Giant food corporations end up spending millions of dollars in researching the most addictive level of crunch in the French fries and the right amount of salt-sugar combination so that you can have a sudden rush or flood of serotonin in your brain.

brain on food cover

Serotonin rush is a ‘high’. A high that suddenly elevates your mood & makes you feel better emotionally. You end up emotional eating. And unlike Endorphins or Anandamide-induced ‘high’, a Serotonin-induced high doesn’t last long. So your brain desires more of that; ending in a perpetual cycle to crave for unhealthy junk food.

‘Memory response hack’ – After a really stressed out day atwork, your Serotonin levels were really low causing you to feel withdrawal or anxiety and sending you in search of food. What better than junk food that gets you chemically high? You eat a very satisfying burger meal. Your brain suddenly starts feeling so good. And you are trapped in a ‘memory response’ hack now. Whenever you will smell, see, hear or read about that particular food, your brain will trigger those happy memory responses that came when you ate it; ending in a perpetual cycle to crave for unhealthy junk food. Continue reading

3 Reasons Why Our World is Waking Up

It seems all the craze is about how to have a spiritual awakening and the awakening movement. And it’s true, the number of awakening people are rising in mass numbers across the globe and what could be more exciting! Yet, while all of the focus has been “its time to wake up” “it’s time to remember who you are and where you come from”. We seem to overlook an important question. Why are we waking up?

1. We are destroying the earth. Obviously we can’t fight the scientific data of global warming. It’s a fact. As well as the detrimental effects of pollution in our oceans and the massdeforestation of our natural rain forests. However, should the human race carry the weight of this guilt?

That, we are such horrible care takers and “its all our fault”. Shame on us? Absolutely not. You see, guilt is a powerful emotion and fear is an infectious virus. Next to fear, guilt is a number one motivator and today I am here to tell you it’s not your fault, so lose the guilt. If you think because you like/need to consume things that you are to blame for the state of the world, forget about it!

Do you control the world? No, you control your world, so be conscientious and always try to give back to the earth as much as you take.

To put this into perspective you are an organism and in biological science there are three types of organisms. The first class are organisms that give as much as they take. The second class are organisms that give more than they take, and the third are known as viruses, that take and do not give back.

Humans as species, can also be divided into these three classes. There are those who exist on the planet who always make the choice to give back to the earth and then there are those who take and take and do not give back.Whichever you decide to be is your own free will. Be a virus or be a caretaker the choice is up to you.

2. Other Species are Helping in Our Ascension

There is some merit to this theory, as there have been many accounts of inter-dimensional beings assisting in our evolutionary process. And many accounts by those who have undergone the spiritual awakening process of these beings communicating with them. In fact, throughout history there are several accounts of this and are known as stair step evolution. As in the history of Ancient Egypt dating back to 4500 BC where there are unexplained leaps in educational advancement of the civilization.

3. We are Going to Have Open Contact

For over 50 years humanity has been spoon fed little by little, tales of alien abductions and UFO invasion stories. Almost as if we are being prepared for something…..From popular movies such as Judgement Day, to media reports of spotted UFO in the skies.

The number of accounts is increasing by the day. There are also many accounts of abductees, and unexplainable cases where people have clear memory of being taken against their own will.

Whether you believe that another species is here to help in our ascension or another species is here to invade us. The framework of this theory has been embedded so far into the psyche of human kind, that if an event of this magnitude happens for all to see, it will not come as a huge shock to society as a whole. And whether or not these theories have credible proof, we need to understand the motives behind them and associate a better understanding of that in which we exist in to see where they are derived from.

So here is the spiritual science of it all.

The earth itself is a body of consciousness, just as all other planets in all solar systems, in every galaxy; in the entire universe.

What does that mean?

It means that the earth itself is an expression of its own being. In the same way that your body is composed of billions of atoms; aliving breathing organism. The earth is expressed in this same way. There is the common phrase that describes this and I am sure you have heard of it, that “we are the universe experiencing itself in every moment” But how can we truly understand this with clarity?

I AM presence.

What does this mean to you? To me it means I AM nothing and in that nothing, I become everything. I am every planet, moon, star and galaxy. I am every stone, pebble and mountain. I am every drop in the ocean, because I am the ocean. I am everything all at once and when I see that I am everything, I who I think I am, have become nothing.

When I look out into the night sky, I see the same reflection of myself as if I were looking under a microscope viewing the cells of my being. And if you can change your perspective you too might just see how everything is connected.

From the smallest cell to the largest galaxy everything is the same representation of itself. This, the true meaning of ” The Kingdom of God is All Around You”

So let’s get down to the major question at hand here. Why are we waking up?

Throughout the works of Dolores Cannon, a wildly popular author and hypnotherapist specializing in past life regression, we find a common theme. In the last five years of working with thousands of clients for over four decades what Dolores discovered was astonishing.

She began to come into contact with those who had not previously incarnated in the earth. And surprisingly, what she found was that these people had come directly from source itself or other dimensions of reality.

These dimensions of reality are what we understand as cells or circles when we associate them with the flower of life and when she posed the question to each of her patients “why have you come?”. In astonishment, many replied with the same answer “we heard the call”.

Have no fear there is a new world arising. Mother earth must shed her skin to ascend and transform and every ending is a new beginning.  A new world is arising, a new earth, a pure earth. An earth where love is at the very core.

By: LJ Vanier

How to Know if You’re Existing Beyond The Limits of Our Five Senses

This article was originally posted at at Collective-Evolution.com. Posted here with their permission.

The five senses provide information in a way that allows the majority of people to understand the world around them. Some people, however, are certain they’re able to receive information beyond what they see, taste, smell, hear, and touch. If information is actually received beyond what the everyday physical world reveals, how can we be sure we’re able to recognize, receive, and understand that information?

One of the first signs is that a major life-changing event normally precipitates the ability to know something that cannot be explained with the five senses alone. These life changing events can be in the form of Near-Death-Experiences (NDE), Out-of-Body Experiences (OBE), trauma, catastrophic illness, or any other life event that causes one’s world view to change dramatically.  Continue reading