We Never Actually Die: The Science Behind Eternal Consciousness

 A book called “Biocentrism: How life and consciousness are the keys to understanding the true nature and the universe” stirred the Internet, stating that life does not end when the body dies, but it lasts forever.

The author of this book, scientist Dr. Robert Lanza, who the New York Times pronounced as the third most important living scientist, believes that this is entirely possible.

Beyond time and space

Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of the Company for advanced cell technology. Before he became famous for his research on stem cells, he was known for the successful experiments of cloning endangered species.

However, the scientist has recently started to deal with physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. This interesting mix created the theory of biocentrism, which the professor now engaged. Biocentrism teaches that life and consciousness are the basis of the universe and that consciousness creates the material universe, and not vice versa.

Lanza indicates the structure of the universe and how that the laws and constants of the forces of the universe are tuned for life, suggesting that intelligence existed before matter.

He also claims that space and time are not objects or things, but tools of our animal understanding. Lanza says that we actually carry space and time with us as turtles wear their armor, meaning that we exist even outside of time and space.

The theory suggests that the death of awareness is not possible, but is only a thought because people identify themselves with their body. They believe that the body will disappear sooner or later and that their consciousness will die with the body.

If the body creates awareness, then awareness dies along with the body, but if the body receives consciousness in the same way as cable TV signal reception, it is clear that consciousness continues to exist when it leaves its physical shell. In fact, consciousness exists outside the boundaries of time and space. It can be anywhere: in the body and outside the body. In other words, it is not local in the same manner as quantum structures.

Lanza also believes that there are several simultaneous universes. In one universe, the body is dead while in another one it still exists, absorbing the consciousness that moved to this universe. This means that a person who dies does not end up in heaven or hell, but in a similar world that was once inhabited, but is alive again. It so happens again and again. Continue reading

Spirulina: The Best Natural Superfood You Probably Don’t Know About

Spirulina is packed with a variety of nutrients, especially proteins which take up 60-70%. Therefore, it represents an excellent source of protein for vegetarians. Quantitatively, taking one teaspoon of spirulina, you are entering 1.2 grams of protein into your body.

Spirulina has a lot of iron, about 28 grams per 100 grams of powder.

To enter 50% of the recommended daily intake of iron, women younger than 50 years should take 5 teaspoons of spirulina per day, while women over 50 years three teaspoons a day. Continue reading

3 of The Most Important Things To Remember When You Feel Like Giving Up In Life

Depression is something we all experience at some point in our life.  If you are reading this, chances are you are either depressed, were depressed, will be depressed, or you know someone who is.  It’s a part of the ebb and flow of life and evolution just as much as happiness is.  It’s kind of the elephant in the room for a lot of people, and I know that talking about depression is something a lot of people feel uncomfortable and sensitive about.

I’m not speaking about something that is currently outside of me that I am looking back on.  As someone who is currently experiencing depression in their life, I want to share some insights that have arisen to me to help others who are in a similar situation to me.

First off, don’t be ashamed that you are suffering, and don’t beat yourself up for not being able to get over your depression.  Honestly.  It’s not un-spiritual to admit to yourself that you are depressed or feel like giving up in life. It’s actually more spiritually mature to be completely honest with yourself and face your demons without running from them.  Let’s take a look at some things that can really shift your perspective during times of depression: Continue reading

How To Heal The Pain After Leaving A Dysfunctional Relationship

If you are like me, you know what it’s like to suffer from broken heart syndrome.  I call it this because it is literally a medical term used to describe how the physical heart reacts to stress hormones during traumatic/stressful situations like failed relationships.  Your heart chakra will be impacted on a spiritual and emotional level, and this translates into your physical organ in a way that is now being recognized as a medical condition.

If you have a broken heart, don’t play it off as something that will just fade with time.  You are one of the luckiest people on the planet if you have a broken heart right now because you have the greatest opportunity for evolution that you could possible have as a soul.  You also get to experience once of the most emotionally rich and meaningful moments of your entire life.

That being said, there are some things that are important to keep in mind if you are looking to heal from relationship trauma.

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This Scientific Explanation Shows Us How The Soul & The Afterlife Exist

There is a wide array of data that exists that would be best explained by inferring the existence of a non-physical soul, but a large barrier people often come up against is trying to understand how the soul could even fit into our scientific understandings of consciousness.

How does it work? Where is it located? How does it interact with our consciousness? Thankfully, we now have a theoretical framework that explains the existence of the soul and even the afterlife!

The soul is quantum information

According to Dr. Stuart Hameroff, a professor at the University of Arizona, a near-death experience happens when the quantum information that inhabits the nervous system leaves the body and dissipates into the universe.  Contrary to materialistic accounts of consciousness, Dr. Hameroff offers an alternative explanation of consciousness that can perhaps appeal to both the rational scientific mind and personal intuitions.

Consciousness resides, according to Stuart and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose, in the microtubules of the brain cells, which are the primary sites of quantum processing.  Upon death, this information is released from your body, meaning that your consciousness goes with it. They have argued that our experience of consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects in these microtubules, a theory which they dubbed orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR).

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ADHD Does Not Exist; Here’s Why:

Take this in:

In the United States alone, at least 9 percent of kids are diagnosed with ADHD and are being treated with different kinds of pharmaceutical medications. The design of our school system is horribly outdated and provides little benefit in comparison to how transformative it could truly be.

adhd-kidsImagine schools like this, which funnily enough James cameron created; that allow you to create whatever you want.

Your teachers should be in support of what you want to do in life. Classrooms should be outside or at least in different, stimulating places.

Children should not be forced to sit in class rooms every day – it is completely keeping them from understanding their full potential.

This education system is in place for a very specific reason, and it’s all connected to the pharmaceutical and governmental systems.

Now, the percentage of children with ADHD in France is dramatically less at less than .5 percent. 

So what is going on here? Continue reading