5 Tips To Staying Calm and Stress Free Through The Busy Holidays

To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, “You have done what you could—some blunders and absurdities have crept in. Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day 

During the holidays, many people struggle with feelings of hurt, shame, grief and loneliness along with good cheer. Stress can translate into physical ill health, emotional confusion, reduced productivity, all greatly interfering with you doing what you need to, in order to get though the holiday season.

So here are some tips to feel calm and more balanced during the holiday season.

1. Less is more.
Meditation_2070026bYou can’t do it all and shouldn’t have to. Set boundaries to stop people and too many arrangements from draining your energy. Remember, only you can look after your emotional and physical self.

Practice saying “No.” Spend less money, go out less, eat less chocolate or cheesecake, drink less and limit endless arrangements. Continue reading

Harvard Scientists Explains How A Past Version Of Earth Exists Inside Of Present Earth

Scientists working for Harvard University have found evidence of an ‘early world’ concealed under the crust of the planet we know now.


New findings from the Earth’s mantle might have revealed that our planet collided with other planetoids, which ultimately resulted in the creation of our moon. The remnants of these findings may be from a former version of our planet that existed 4.5 billion years ago.

There are at least four major theories regarding the formation of our moon.

The most accepted theorizes that the heat produced by a crash with another planetoid caused debris to fly off and become captured by our planet’s gravitational pull, eventually coalescing and forming the moon.

The Harvard team, directed by Associate Professor Sujoy Mukhopadhyay, believes that they have found evidence to support a theory that only a portion of the Earth melted during these events, and that an ancient ‘pre-crash’ region exists within the Earth’s mantle. Continue reading

The Alliance That Is Taking Down The New World Order

Quite a bold title to an article, huh? Maybe you clicked on this because you were interested and hopeful that there is indeed a positive alliance systematically taking down the banking cabal, or NWO, as some like to call them. Maybe you already know of this alliance or maybe you do not. One thing is certain though, whether you believe it or not, this alliance is very real… and is winning.

                                                                                                       Neil Keenan

Neil Keenan, JFK and President Soekarno of Indonesia

Neil Keenan, JFK and President Soekarno of Indonesia

After publishing a recent article titled, “The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and the Global Collateral Accounts,” I had many requests come in to investigate things even deeper and write about what I find.
The most fascinating part in that article to many people was the notion of the global collateral accounts soon to be opened by Neil Keenan, which are to be used for several humanitarian projects to truly help transform our world for the better.
Neil will also be refiling a previous lawsuit (implicates the U.N. and several other prominent figures) that shows how these global collateral accounts have been illegally used by The Federal Reserve, the E.U. and many well known and wealthy families throughout our world. Continue reading

10 Realizations That Happen When You Fall In Love With An Old Soul

An old soul is a spiritual person, wise beyond their years. They typically will have strong emotional sensibility. Sometimes, they have memories from past lives, or have acquired knowledge from past lives to apply to their present lives.

Old souls are out there. So, what happens when you find yourself falling in love with one? Here are 10 ways that you can understand your reincarnated partner better.


Old souls are captured by simplicity.

This may seem ironic, but simple pleasures ground the old soul and make them feel warm and comfortable.

Extravagant gifts may work for some, but not the old soul. To impress them is simple: think intimate conversations on the beach, a night of camping under the stars, etc.


Old souls are intense and spiritual. To stay connected to themselves and their spiritual path, they need time to meditate and generally decompress. Don’t take it personally if your invitation to a social event is declined. They just need some time alone.


shutterstock_150945596Old souls dream constantly, not just while asleep. Continue reading

3 Ways to Bring More Light into a Dark World Right Now

There is so much fear and horror being wrought on the world right now, and many of us are wondering and asking what we can do to help turn the tide. But you don’t have to feel helpless and hopeless because there are three extraordinarily easy and powerful actions that you can take right now to help.


1. Find time to align.

Let us set aside some time every day to turn off the chaos, get quiet, meditate and align with the God-Self within.

This is the first and most important action step you can do for yourself, the world and any noble purpose such as bringing in the Light of Love, Peace, Harmony, Safety, Perfect Health, Freedom and Abundance for the benefit of all.


There’s a wealth of information already written about the benefits and various techniques of meditation, so I won’t go into that here, although I encourage you to find the ones best for you.

But I like to begin my morning meditations by getting quiet (no cell phone, TV, computer or interruptions allowed!), being grateful for something in my life and saying this while breathing in: “I AM THAT I AM.”  Continue reading

What It Means to Be Born on The Cusp of A Sign

Most of us know our astrological sign. After all, we can only have one Sun sign.

However, if you were born a few days from the sun’s movement from one astrological sign to the next, you are considered to be ‘on the cusp,’ and this has special meaning for you from an astrological perspective.

Capricorn-Aquarius (between 1/16-1/22) – The Cusp of Mystery & Imagination

Capable Capricorn and quirky Aquarius combine to form a highly unique individual. There’s never a dull moment with these vivid dreamers of rich fantasies…read more Continue reading