To quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, “You have done what you could—some blunders and absurdities have crept in. Forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day“
During the holidays, many people struggle with feelings of hurt, shame, grief and loneliness along with good cheer. Stress can translate into physical ill health, emotional confusion, reduced productivity, all greatly interfering with you doing what you need to, in order to get though the holiday season.
So here are some tips to feel calm and more balanced during the holiday season.
1. Less is more.
You can’t do it all and shouldn’t have to. Set boundaries to stop people and too many arrangements from draining your energy. Remember, only you can look after your emotional and physical self.
Practice saying “No.” Spend less money, go out less, eat less chocolate or cheesecake, drink less and limit endless arrangements. Continue reading