The Science of Your Favorite Color: What Does It Say About Your Personality?

Color psychology is the fascinating science of how the colors of the light spectrum influence our mood and behaviour.  For example, placebo pills that are hot-colored tend to produce a stronger effect when patients believe they are taking stimulants, and light blue pills produce a stronger effect when they believe they are taking medication for depression.

According to a 1997 survey by Cooper Marketing Group, 35% of Americans say that their favorite color is blue, followed by followed by green (16%), purple (10%) and red (9%).  It is believed that blue and green have such a calming and positive effect on people because of what we would have associated these colors with in our ancient history.  50,000 years ago, blue and green would mean water, food sources and shelter.

You may have noticed that in different seasons of your life you have been drawn to different colors.  This is quite normal and represents the transition of your life from one phase to the next.  As our psychology evolves, so will our preferences.

So what does your favorite color (or colors) say about you? Find out below!

Black, Red, Brown or Gray

These colors all represent the protective root, or base chakra.  Those who are drawn to these colors usually have a tough exterior, and may be hiding a soft heart.  Strength and passion are characteristics of people who associate with these colours, and they are usually very energetic.


This color represents the sacral chakra.

Those who are drawn to the color orange are usually very creative and have a healthy sex life.

They love spending time on adventures, and tend to be very down-to-earth people.


Yellow is the color of the solar plexus chakra. People who wear a lot of yellow tend to be powerful, action oriented people.  Because of this, they tend to make good leaders and good business people.  Although they are wise, they can also be very stubborn.


Green represents the heart chakra.

If green is your favourite color, then you are likely very connected to your heart and your emotional center.

Because of this, these people tend to be very good healers and listeners.

They’re greatest joy in life comes from helping other people.


Blue is the color of the throat chakra.  Those who appreciate the color blue are often avid communicators, and can talk to anyone.  People who associate with blue are also tend to be more emotional and more empathetic, and may be introverted.


shutterstock_127274552Purple represents the third eye chakra.

If you love the color purple, chances are you are somewhat intuitive, and are able to sense what isn’t readily here in the physical dimension.

You may have enhanced psychic abilities because you identify with a higher mental or spiritual plane.

People who prefer purple are usually thirsty for knowledge.


Pink represents the crown chakra.  People who like pink tend to be joyful and eager to make other people happy.  They try to see the best in everything, and make the best of every situation.  They are light-hearted and outgoing.

Do these interpretations resonate with you? What is your favorite color?

10 Toxic Things To Stop Letting People Do To You

It’s time to…

1. Stop letting people force THEIR truth on you. – Everyone’s truth is their own and we need to respect that. When someone is pushing their belief on you, remember that is their truth, not yours and you do not need to accept it.

Sad little girl2. Stop letting people’s negativity bring you down. – Sometimes we all feel low and can’t help but put forth that vibration onto other people. Remember if you’re feeling anxious or stressed, check if it’s coming from an external source. People’s thoughts and feelings are separate from you and don’t dictate who you are.

3. Stop letting people drag you into arguments. – An unneeded argument is the worst, don’t feel like you need to reply in those moments. Sometimes the best thing to do is say nothing and walk away. You’ve lost nothing and there’s no regrets in holding your space.

4. Stop letting people distract you from your dreams. – When people say you can’t do something, that’s their limited perception of what is and isn’t possible. Show with your actions how you can do anything you believe you can and their words will stop.

5. Stop letting your friends talk behind your back. – This one is simple. A true friend doesn’t need to say anything negative to your back because they care enough to say it to your face. If your friends do this, they might not be as truthful as they think they are. Continue reading

7 Of The Most Common Synchronicities We Don’t Pay Attention To

Synchronicity is the phenomena of meaningful “coincidences” that occur in life that simply cannot be explained in ordinary terms.  They defy a natural explanation due to their impeccable timing and how they coincide perfectly with other areas in our life.  This is literally a sign from the Matrix that you are on the right track and that you are aligned with the flow of the universe.

Here are seven common synchronicities that people experience when they are highly aligned. Next time you experience one, pat yourself on the back, because you are in alignment with the spirit of the universe.

1) Seeing repeating numbers like 1111, 222 or 333

This is probably the most common sign people receive from the universe.  Some people even believe that these are signs from our spirit guides or angels, letting us know that we are moving in the right direction or providing us guidance.

2) Thinking of someone, then immediately receiving a call or text from them

This is an extremely common synchronicity that most people believe is simply coincidence.  You can tell that someone has had this synchronicity when they tell you “I was just thinking of you!”.  This is synchronicity that is grounded in the energetic connection we have to all things around us.  We can literally tap into the thoughts and intentions of other people, regardless of the distance.  The number of minds that exist in the universe is one.

3) Hearing the first few bars of the next song to play on the radio in your mind right before it plays

Have you ever sung a song in your heard and then it plays on the radio or in the shopping mall right after you were thinking about it?  We have all experienced this, many times.  It would be naive to think that this is just one big coincidence that every single person experiences.  When your are attuned to the moment, your psychic abilities increase.  Our minds have pre-cognitive abilities, meaning that they sometimes respond to stimuli before the stimuli is even present.  What does this tell us about the nature of time?

4) Answers to questions you’ve been asking suddenly make themselves available to you

Perhaps you’ve wanted to know what your next career move should be or you’re in need of some advice for a big project.  Maybe you are waiting on a sign about a relationship you are in.  Without even consciously looking for the answer in the moment, synchronicity can simply bring answers to questions about issues like these in the most unexpected ways.

5) Ridiculously good timing

Perhaps you are flowing easily through the traffic and hit every green light, or you’re showing up somewhere at exactly the right time.  When your timing is good and you are going with the flow of the universe, you can be sure you are conducting yourself in a way that will open you up to more synchronicities.  When you are working with the universe, it seems to work for you in return.

6) Randomly receiving a gift that you’ve been wanting, even though you haven’t told anyone that you wanted it

Perhaps there’s a book you’ve been wanting to read, or a new gadget you’ve had your eye on, but you haven’t told anyone about it.  It’s on your bucketlist of things you want to treat yourself to.  Suddenly, your partner, relative or friend simply gives it to you as a gift out of nowhere.  “Hey, I saw this and figured it would be something that would interest you”.

7) Randomly meeting someone who has the ability to help you through your biggest challenge or current need

Simply put, the universe hooks it up.  People that you need in life often manifest synchronistically at the right time and place when you are properly aligned with the moment.  Someone you’re chatting with in line at the grocery store or meet at a party might be exactly the person able to help you with what you want or need in life.

The number one tip I could offer if you are looking to manifest more synchronicities in your life, is to meet the universe halfway.  Don’t sit back and expect the universe to hand you a lollipop.  If you are putting in the effort, have a vibration that matches the reality you want, and are doing your part to make sure that your heart, mind, and spirit are aligned with the results you are looking for, then the universe can’t help but guide you along your way.

Feature picture: Android Jones

15 Reasons You Need To Drink Lemon Water Every Day

If you’re tired of drinking plain old water and want to take your physical, mental, and spiritual health up to the next level, here are 15 reasons why you should be drinking lemon water every day:

1) Clears Skin

One of the more convincing reasons to drink lemon water for most of us is that it can help keep our skin clear. Water on its own can help flush out toxins to keep skin clear, but the added vitamin C in lemons helps purge toxins from our blood to keep skin clear of blemishes and decrease fine lines and wrinkles!

2) Balances Your PH

There’s a lot of talk about balancing the pH in your body and lemon water does just that! Lemons taste and appear to be very acidic, but they actually have a very alkalizing effect on our bodies. Keeping your body in an alkaline state also prevents diseases and pathogens from surviving, so it’s a pretty important to drink!

3) Boosts Immune System

Another fab benefit of drinking lemon water is that helps boost our immune system. Who has time to get sick these days, right? The potassium in lemon juice helps control blood pressure, stimulate brain and nerve function and vitamin C helps fight colds. If you’re already sick, try sipping hot water with the juice of one lemon and some honey.

4) Weight Loss

Aside from helping our skin stay clear, balancing and boosting our health, lemon water also aids in weight loss! That’s right, drinking lemon water helps boost your metabolism, fight cravings, flush out water weight and curb hunger. Those are some powerful benefits from such a simple drink that we can have anytime!

5) Help a Hangover

What’s your go-to drink when you’re nursing a hangover? Save yourself a trip to the store and make yourself a mug of warm lemon water instead. Yet another benefit of drinking lemon water is that it can help soothe your stomach, which can be somewhat irritated or sensitive after a night of drinking. Drinking hot water with lemon can act as an antiseptic and help detox your system from all that booze!

6) Freshens Breath

We now know that lemon water has an abundance of benefits, and another one of my favorites is that helps freshen your breath! This is really effective for those times you want to freshen your breath after having some drinks, a spicy meal or if you smoke. All these things can dry out your mouth, which can lead to sour breath, so wet your whistle with some lemon water!

7) Boost the Brain and Nervous System

Another one of the impressive effects of drinking lemon water is that it contains lots of potassium. Low levels of potassium have been linked to depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and brain fog. As mentioned previously, lemons are also chock full of vitamin C, which gets depleted when you’re under a lot of stress.

8) Helps Respiratory Problems

If you experience respiratory problems like asthma or infections, lemon water is the ideal drink for you! Lemon water has antibacterial properties and helps get rid of infections of the chest and relieves coughs. Lemon water is also said to be a helpful natural remedy for allergies as it helps keep the body alkaline and more balanced.

9) Helps Digestion Problems

There are tons of different powers that lemon water has. Did you know that it can actually assist you with any digestion problems that you are having? Trust me on this one, if you are having a lot of stomach aches, start drinking lemon water and you’ll see a huge difference in how your stomach feels!

10) Powerful Cleansing Powers

While we might clean our skin and we might actually keep our faces and hair clean, did you know that we also need to keep our organs and our insides clean? That’s exactly what drinking lemon water can do! It’s a natural cleansing agent that will help keep you extremely healthy.

11) Less Mucus

If you are a dairy eater, especially drinking milk, you probably notice that you have a ton of mucus in the morning. Don’t worry, once your start to drink lemon water, you’ll notice that it cuts through the mucus and will leave your throat uncoated and unirritated!

12) Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation can actually really hurt, especially if you are noticing it all around your body. Well, one of the biggest benefits of drinking lemon water is that it helps reduce inflammation and it calms down any irritation completely!

13) Energy Boost

Do you need that cup of coffee in the morning and then around 2:30pm, you are crashing and burning with being tired? Well, if you happen to drink hot water with lemon in it instead of coffee, not only will you cut your caffeine, but you’ll notice there is absolutely no more crash!

14) Helps You to Stay Healthier

Overall, lemon water is a good way to keep hydrated and improve your health in all areas.  It’s not a taboo form of alternative treatment.  It’s a great way to up your health game on all ends of the spectrum.

15) Great Source of Potassium

Finally, the last benefit if drinking lemon water is all about that potassium I mentioned earlier! If you aren’t a huge fan of bananas, but are still missing those potassium levels, why not indulge in a few glasses of lemon water a day?

There you have it, ladies and gents, if those fifteen reasons don’t convince you to have some lemon water, I don’t know what will! Seriously though, lemon water has some fantastic benefits. It’s easy to make, it’s inexpensive and tastes great.

Note*: If you’re concerned about the effect of the lemon juice on your teeth, try drinking it through a straw.

Source: This article was written by Jesse Herman and was featured on Powerful Primates, and was used with direct permission from the author.


7 Common Spiritual Symbols. Do You Know Their Meanings?

Symbols are one of the amazing things that can leave a strong psychological impression in our minds just from their appearance.  Just from looking at some symbols, we feel love.  While others, we feel darkness just from being in their presence.

The list of symbols with spiritual significance is endless, but here are 7 commonly used spiritual symbols and their meanings.

1) The Hamsa

Hamsa is the Arabic word for “five” and represents the five digits of the hand.   The Hamsa is universal sign of protection, and is often combined with the Evil Eye to ward anyone who wants to harm you.  According to the history of this symbol, if anyone looks at you with evil intentions while you are carrying this symbol, they will be unable to cause you harm.

2) The Tree of Life

The tree of life has been represented by a number of different cultures and religions across the world.  In Christianity, it is seen as the tree in the garden of Eden that Adam and Eve picked the forbidden fruit from.  Generally, the tree of life is seen as a having a connection between the four earth elements (earth, wind, air and fire), and is a representation of the infinite connection of all things in creation.

 3) The Flower of Life

One of the main symbols of sacred geometry, the Flower of Life is seen to contain all of the patterns of creation within it.  Consisting of 7 or more overlapping symbols, the flower of life dates back to almost every ancient culture and is considered to be one of the sacred formations that creation arose out of.  Here is an awesome video Jordan made containing all of the information you need to know about the flower of life:

4) The Yin Yang

This signs represents the harmonization of duality.  It signifies the unity between masculine and feminine energies. The yin yang is a spiritual reminder that balance between the light and the darkness provides the most holistic approach to living a meaningful life.  The universe abides by the law of balance.

5) The Lotus Flower

A very important spiritual symbol in Buddhism along with several other religions, the lotus is generally seen as a sign of enlightenment.  The lotus flower has grown out of the dark, muddy water of materialism to open it’s petals to the sunshine of enlightenment.  This symbol represents the journey out of darkness and into transformation.  It is also a sign of the importance of detachment, as water droplets slide easily off the pedals.

6) The Ahnk

This is a well-known ancient Egyptian symbol of life.  The ahnk essentially looks a lot like a cross, but with a loop for the top arm.  It’s meaning is a bit debatable, but the most accepted meaning of the symbol is that it is a symbol of eternal life and regeneration.  It was often used in funerals and tombs in ancient Egypt.  Today, it is often carried by people as a sign of life and spiritual wisdom.

7) The Pentacle

This symbol is often used in the Wiccan religion, and is essentially a 5 sided pentagram with a circle around it.  This symbol is believed to be a protection against evil.  The top point represents the spirit, while the other four points represent the four elements.

Post any other spiritual symbols you can think of in the comments!

Steven Bancarz,

Team Spirit