The Secret Influence of Sanskrit On Our Modern Languages

Etymology is the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. Etymologists are finding evidence of Sanskrit being layered in with Greek, Latin and Germanic Languages. This is interesting because the languages on either side of a particular mountain range don’t look anything a like.

This shows that there was not only extensive travel (and probably trade to fund the travel) but mutually beneficial relationships between various races and kingdoms. For them to be communicating this thoroughly, on multiple personal and familial levels, is extraordinary. It shines more light on the beautiful differences between us all, while highlighting the unmistakable similarities.shutterstock_98494304

Language is the agreed upon sounds for mutually understood ideas and actions. Every word and phrase is a contract of understanding between the people who speak and hear the agreement. You show me an apple. I see the apple. We agree on the enunciation of the word apple. Trade, travel and war spread words and the ideas they represent across the globe.

The similarities are witha number of common words I never would have guessed were influenced by Sanskrit. See a List of Greek/Latin/English words that have been influenced by Sanskrit here. I found that the Sanskrit word ‘aadim’ (the first or most ancient man) had influenced Adam’s name pretty cool. The name Korea was influenced by ‘Gauriya’ meaning Gouri, a Vedic Goddess mind blowing.

To Break down the idea of language a little we’ll say a word has a particular meaning in England. That same word carried across the ocean to Canada, still carries the same meaning. A new agreement is made between the traveler and a Canadian. Lets say the word is ‘hunger’, and the people in England are experiencing a drought. This means, in England, the word holds unique connotations.

While a little of the history is inferred by the Canadian, as he sees the thin Englishmen talk about home, there is no drought in Canada. As this new word for hunger circulates through Canada, the connotation changes. The change in its meaning means people use it in a different context, and the pronunciation begins to vary.

shutterstock_243358807 (1)Today the Internet makes a secure intellectual net, holding together languages and ideas. Without it, geographical separation and time would have a more visible wear on our shared terms. The change in our languages now comes as a very slow movement, powered more but social stresses and attitudes toward certain topics. Any previously regional form of speech is still present but there not as much word spontaneity as there was in the past. Most language changes are influenced by technological advances.

This influence happened because of the popularity of the Vedic culture. To keep up with the most current terms and agreed upon ideas cultures wouldn’t try to create their own version of Sanskrit words. They would just use the original word. The same thing happens in modern times with words like processor, internet, and other technical names. At first there is no translations of these words, until people feel comfortable enough with their end of the agreement.

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