April 3rd Divination – Thought is the Key

Today the card to represent today is the Ace of Swords – the Essence of Thought itself.

Lets have a look, shall we?

daily divination swords


The Ace of Swords is the Essence of Thought, as Swords is a representation of the Mind.

It is the most raw, essential aspect of the Mind that there is. A pure thought.

Thought is what compels us to do all manner of things, in almost every aspect of our lives, our mind governs our actions and behavior from moment to moment. It is the storage bank of thought, the wisps of ideas, the analysis of the cosmos.

The Ace of Swords is the seed of the intellectual knowing,  which implies thinking, analysing, realizing through logic and mind.


Today is also Sunday, the day of the Sun – the 7th Day, the day God Rested, and the day you shall as well.

Today is the day to meditate and be one with your thoughts and mind. Please, consider taking some time today to meditate and allow your thoughts to crystallize in your mind. It will set yourself up beautifully for the week to come.

With love,


Daily Divination is an ongoing series and is posted daily around 5:30 am PST! See you tomorrow!



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