The Juan Navarro Museum in Paracas Peru has the mummified head of a 20 month old baby from the Paracas culture that has been radiocarbon dated at 1950 years old. When found, it was wrapped in ornate textiles, showing that it was a person of nobility.
Under the supervision of archaeologist Aaron Judkins, the baby was unwrapped, very carefully by Joe Taylor, who is a master at making castings of skulls and bones. A Peruvian archaeologist was also consulted during this process, and was the one that packaged and labeled DNA skin and hair samples that were recovered.
Once unwrapped, as shown above, the baby clearly had a very elongated head, as compared to a normal skull of about 16 months of age shown to the left. Whether the shape of the elongated head was the result of artificial cranial deformation is likely, but has not yet been fully determined.
Photo above of a very proud Sr. Juan Navarro holding the baby skull just after it was unwrapped. We were all shocked to see that it had reddish blonde hair; which was not the result of age or exposure to outside environmental influence; the baby was BORN WITH THIS HAIR COLOUR, and thus was likely genetically different than indigenous Native Americans of the area.
DNA testing was conducted by Lakehead University in Ontario Canada of the hair of the baby. The results came back as haplogroup U2e1, which is NOT Native American, but European, and more specifically proto-Germanic or proto-Slavic people. Further DNA test will be done on other samples in the near future. See more about the DNA results HERE.
Complete video of the unwrapping process can be seen HERE.
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Come and see the Elongated Skulls of Peru with us, when we explore in August 2017. Full itinerary and details HERE.
Many thanks to Brien Foerster of Hidden Inca Tours for this information