Facebook & Curiosity

Anyone wondering what happened to the Spirit Science Facebook page and where my previous article went? If so, I have some information for you!

I’ll post a link to updates in the previous articles regarding this issue.

Click here for the latest update regarding this issue!

Based on the data I’ve gathered thus far, it seems as if we aren’t the only ones that got hit. There are a bunch of pages down and it seems to be a glitch. (link to some data)

We currently don’t know if or when the glitch will be fixed. Some people have reported their pages coming back within 48 to 72 hours. The last time this happened to us, it was resolved within 5 hours… I will post an update once we know more.

As for my previous article… Ray asked that I unpublish it until the glitch is fixed. We don’t want to give them any reason not to fix it…

We’re currently working on a means to stop relying on Facebook. If any of you remember my previous article, I mentioned centralization and said that I’d speak more about it later. Well, now seems like the perfect time to do exactly that!

This Facebook glitch has made something painfully clear… If we (this community) really want to “improve the world”, large change will be a result of our actions. However, there are many people that don’t like change. That being said, if somebody wanted to attack a large community/group of people, communication would be one of the first things that they’d want to disrupt. Without Facebook, we don’t currently have a means of reaching the majority of you.

Do you see the flaw yet? Centralization – the action or process of bringing activities together in one place. When everything is reliant upon one thing, if said thing should happen to fail, the whole thing will collapse.

Light is most powerful when it’s focused. Without communication, there is no focus. It’s the difference between a prism and a magnifying glass. While light may travel through both, what happens afterwards is very different!

Ultimately, the world is as it is simply because we allowed it to be. Donald Trump lost the popular vote and yet still became the president of the United States of America. I’m not saying that I like him or dislike him, I’m asking if our votes really matter and if they don’t, why haven’t we done anything about it? Did you know that there is already a city that exists and functions without money religion or government? (check it out here)

I’m really curious to see if we (humanity, you and me) can actually unite. A lot of “spiritual” people talk about “uniting the masses”, but I’ve been hearing that most of my life and I have yet to see very many people actually coming together. Are you as curious as me? If so, would you like to satisfy that curiosity? Consider this a simple call to action, share this post!

Government… Hmmm, lets have a closer look at that word…

Govern – To limit or control.
Ment – The action or process of doing something.
-and just for kicks-
Slave – A person who is strongly influenced and controlled by something.
Revolution – A forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system.

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”

Think you’re too small to make a difference? Try sleeping with a mosquito in the room.

“If not us, who? If not now, when?”

16 thoughts on “Facebook & Curiosity”

  1. We should get to a point where even if all communication is cut off completely(physical sense)…i can see it happening soon…or the forces in power start to become aggressive…i think each and everyone of us enlightened, should plan some kind of exit strategy or rally point….different forms of communications…maybe like having everyone meditate in a certain direction…maybe sing a certain song with a message of hope…maybe see certain shapes or follow the direction of the wind…communication will hold us back in the end if we cant find the ability to connect with lost souls and spirits…otherwise they will slaughter us dreamers…the chosen few will have to bring peace for the innocent and the fallen favored…if not us?? if not now?? then…who? and when? its a gift to be enlightened…to know…a gift that cannot be squandered on little magic tricks…it is an opportunity to fix what is wrong…and nobody can say nothing is wrong…everything has taken a turn for the worse…cuz just being a good person is not enough…just being enlightened fully maybe will be…but show me that one who is fully enlightened…until we can achieve this…the days are numbered and time is almost up…we must become one with ourselves…not just spiritually,…mentally and physically…i want to figure out how the atlantians,somallians, mayans and the Egyptians used the power gifted to them…not for evil purposes…to save and protect…pure intention…positive vibrations and Hope God will provide to protect HIS/HER own…for the journey to becoming untainted is a long Journey…i intend to fight the evils that desecrate The Creators Home…(creation)…even if it was not what the creator wanted….i stood for the creator so much bigger than i…why should innocent people suffer at hands human Judgement…NO!! wrong!. who the hell gave humans the right to judge each other.(let he without a tainted soul be the first to spit in my face)..no more hiding…question your very existence…What did you do with your time here on earth?? do you like who you are?…and if you want change….you going to have to put in a little way more effort…and if you dont want things to get better and change…step aside and watch it all change anyways…positively speaking…would you die for your creator? i would if it meant that would benefit all of mankind…Jesus Christ is my biggest roll model(churches remember how he died for us……i’d rather tell you how he lived for us)(mohammed,buda,krishna, halieselasies its all the same….different….but still the same) who are you??

    1. So very true and wise. My thoughts have wondered in that direction too. I feel an urge to connect across borders.

  2. YES lets all Unite to a Higher State of Consciousness and awareness… Shall we go within? What are we really focusing on…
    Unity, We Are All One, Love, Namaste

  3. i’ll admit, i found this page about 3 years ago and it completely opened my mind and changed my life. i’ve shared it with many, discussed many ideas with curious people. i have always had a feeling deep in my chest about what more i can do and how i can do it. over time i allowed the world to suck me in and even though my intrigued spirit was still within, i’ve been stuck in my head with thoughts of many paradoxes. whether i should make the persistent effort to do my part to help the world or not. this world tries to make you feel small, but we are much greater than all of this chaos. i have returned to this website in a while but i’m happy it’s still around with the same vision and heart here as back in the day. i would love to contribute in anyway i can as well as connect with other people on the same wavelength. we don’t need to face the world alone. there is meaning behind the evolution of communication on this earth. let’s use it positively ? thank you for everyone taking care of this precious website.

    1. We’re about to launch the new thing we’ve been working on and we’ll be looking for the first 300 people to participate <3

      1. Where do I sign up ? I have felt so alone for to long ,I swear they have been busy stoping people in Canada from waking up. I am just so grateful that I have wokeup ,however it has been rather hard for me to get anyone around men to see anything in the light that I do so it makes me so happy to read about you guys . I love you all ,we are family . PS I Love saying be the change you wish to see ,I think it’s because our love for all people units us .we will unite the world together as one we shale fight to become universal one.

  4. How do you (spirit science) respond to the allegations of rape performed by Jordan “Duchnycz” Pearce?

    1. We have nothing to do with Jordan, he left over a year ago to do his own thing. Lexie left last year as well. I’ll eventually get around to posting something about it all. The Spirit Science is very different… We had a following of over 12.6m whereas Jordan has about 600k on YouTube. “Spirit Science” would never have become what it is or was in our case, if not for everyone involved. It was never about Jordan, it was and still is about a worthy idea and I intend to take it this to a whole new level. There is a bit of a long story and I don’t have a lot of free time right now, so I’ll leave this here for now.

  5. as of 1:30pm 4/29/2017 your facebook page is down and it doesn’t even show up in google search results for spirit science.

    As far as how to bring bring masses together I have a plan for that and would love your involvement to help spread the good word.

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