All posts by Alexandria

Need Some Inspiration? Here’s The Most Intense Motivational Video Ever

The design of our world is not an accident. Society is engineered to keep us busy, distracted, constantly moving in an ever-shifting direction towards success. What is success? It is a matter of perception. Money, power and popularity can be a tool for incredible transformation when used in the benefit for humanity. 

It’s easy to feel like giving up; who wants to live in this world? A world where the politicians argue in front of millions about immigrants, when this Earth belongs to everyone. A world where the most brilliant minds don’t have the time to change the world; they have bills to pay. A world where children are taught to still in school and given ADHD medication when they want to move their bodies; it’s only been 7 hours.

A world where getting up to work in a concrete jungle is not only normal, it’s desirable. It’s not our fault we’ve been programmed, yet we have forgotten we are the programer. We can shift our global systems, but just like the video says: You have to want it bad enough.

They who say they can and they who say they cant, are both right. Which are you? 


“Pain is temporary – it might last for a minute, or an hour, or a day, or even a year; but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit however, it will last forever.”

Scientists Show How Parallel Universes Overlap And Affect Our Own

The idea of parallel universes has been the baseline of many science fiction films and series for decades, but this idea has been a challenge for theoretical astrophysicists who try to explain the nature of subatomic particles, atoms and planets.

Now a group of cosmologists, who study the early universe, believe that they have found a way to find those signs that definitely prove the existence of other multiverses. Experts say that parallel universes basically inhabit the same physical space as we do and when they collide, they leave behind traces in the cosmos which we can detect.

parallel worlds

After looking at the background echo radiation of the microwaves, which exists from the beginning of the universe, researchers have found unusual holes or “hot spots” that could be indicative of a disruption caused by “friction” with other universes.

Dr Eugene Lim, a lecturer in theoretical particle physics and cosmology at King’s College London, explained that other universes exist in the same physical space as ours.

He said: “Indeed, they inevitably must collide, leaving possible signatures in the cosmic sky which we can try to search for. The exact details of the signatures depend intimately on the models – ranging from cold or hot spots in the cosmic microwave background to anomalous voids in the distribution of galaxies. Continue reading

This Girl Asked Her Fighting Parents To Be Friends; Her Amazing Wisdom Will Touch Your Heart

…Wow. This girl has got some seriously truth to tell the world. Children are brilliant, they come from the heart; she say’s she does in the video!

This six year old sweet heart named Tiana was recorded by her mom last week, and since then this has video blown up – for good reason. She was asking her mom to get along with her ex-husband, and the way she delivers this message is mind blowing, heart warming, intelligent and compassionate.

Just wow. She understands emotions intuitively as being ‘high’ and ‘low’ and she wants those emotions to come down, but not too low! She says she wants to be steady, from the heart. Truly incredible. Listen to your children, they are brilliant.

“If I can be nice, I think all of us can be nice too.”

This Image Sums up the Effects of Global Warming in One Photo

This picture of a polar bear in Svalbard had many people concerned, creating a realization within many of us. We’ve known about global warming for decades, and yet nothing seems to change. No picture, movie or breaking news story seems to compel us enough into extreme action. What’s it going to take for everyone to feel that sense of urgency to really come together and create a shift on the planet?

Photographer Kerstin Langenberger loves taking pictures of polar bears and the Arctic region. What he started noticing in the past few years was packs of ice disappearing and bears starting to starve and die early.

global warmingI see the summers being so pleasant (and warm) as never before. I see the glaciers calving, retreating dozens to hundreds of meters every year. I see the pack ice disappearing in record speed.

Yes, I have seen bears in good shape – but I have also seen dead and starving polar bears. Bears walking on the shores, looking for food, bears trying to hunt reindeer, eating bird’s eggs, moss and seaweed. Continue reading

Still Drinking Milk? This Doctor Speaks a Truth You Need to Hear

Do you still drink milk? The experiencing of drinking it has changed drastically from the past. The act of owning a farm with your own cows, occasionally drinking their milk is something many of us don’t experience. Most of us buy processed, sterilized milk from companies that pump out gallon after gallon.
Health aside, imagine the cow you’re drinking the milk from. It’s locked up in horrible conditions, constantly producing milk for the ever-buying consumer. The animal we’re drinking the fluid from is in pain, the source of the milk is hurting; and we are putting that into our bodies.  

8 Powerful Images From Around the World Show The Damage We’ve Done To Our Planet

Our world is beautiful; we’ve filled it with magic, life, love and unfortunately, a lot of pollution and garbage. These pictures from around the world capture the problems we’ve created for our planet. These are massive problems that have been going on for so long, that it seems like we’ve forgotten about them.

Even seeing these pictures isn’t enough to compel us into action. The good news is it’s never too late to take action – it would have been a lot of effective 10 years ago, but we can still remedy our global mistakes. It takes a passion so fiery that we stop at nothing to reverse these effects – and it’s going to take all of us to make it work.

planet-pollution-overdevelopment-overpopulation-overshoot-12A landscape of trash in a Bangladesh landfill.

planet-pollution-overdevelopment-overpopulation-overshoot-10This horrible looking machine straight out of a nightmare at the Tagebau Hambach strip mine in Germany.

planet-pollution-overdevelopment-overpopulation-overshoot-11 Continue reading