All posts by Alexandria

Sagittarius: The Sign of The Bold Soul

Okay, your turn Sagittarius!

THE-EDUCATION-OF-ACHILLES-James-Barry-1772Sagittarius is in the 9th house of the zodiac. Tucked in between Capricorn and Scorpio, Sagittarius is symbolized by the archer Chiron. In Greek mythology, Chiron was a half man half centaur who practiced medicine, archery, healing and hunting. Interesting mix isn’t it? 

The Sagittarius sign is also represented by an image of a bow and arrow. These energies are direct, quick and sometimes sharp.

Sagittarius’s are known for that double side of them – where they are the life of the party, humorous and the center of attention, but only if they feel comfortable.

If they feel awkward, out of place or uncomfortable in anyway, a Sagittarius can shift into exactly the opposite of wanting attention. As many people are becoming increasingly sensitive to energies, many Sagittarius’s can easily pull back from these intense social situations.

group of friendsRuled by Jupiter, the planet of transformation and opportunity, Sagittarius’s can be quick to spring into action. Strongly pulled by the desire to explore, there are a lot of cultural, philosophical and even cosmic thoughts in the brain of a Sagittarius. Continue reading

Pisces: The Sign Of The Old Soul

Oh, Pisces. I’m a Pisces so this will be fun to write. I’m actually a Pisces and Aquarius cusp, so it get’s a bit interesting.

Screen Shot 2016-05-09 at 1.09.21 PMPisces is the 12th, and last astrological sign in the zodiac. This means, it is one of the oldest and most wise signs. People who are Pisces tend to be considered “old souls” and act much older than their age.

Growing up, I always had people assume I was much older than my actual age. I was much wiser than children my age, but for me that came out through frustration for the world.

I was born with a sense of purpose and an inner knowing that the system of society was inherently hurtful.

Pisces, as it is a fish, is of course a water sign. It is ruled by Jupiter as a primary planet, and Neptune as a secondary. Jupiter is the thinking planet. It is the abstract mind, the higher learning both intellectually and spiritually.

Neptune, on the other hand, is about fluidity and illusory nature. It is all about dreams and abstract thoughts, making a great combination with Jupiter. Combined, the two planets create the Yin Yang of male and female energy. Continue reading

The Cereal Brands That Are Labeling Their GMO Products As “100% Natural”

Do you feel like you’re being fooled every time you go to the grocery store now a days? As you walk down the isle passing organic canned food, organic plastic wrap pre-made meals, healthy food with “natural flavorings”, it can really make you start to wonder. Hawaii-Just-Banned-Plastic-Bags-At-Grocery-Checkouts

It’s no secret that many companies in the food industry have money as a priority over the general public’s health. A lot of large and powerful brands like coca-Cola and Pepsi actually own a lot of companies that claim to be small and organic.  This makes it more and more difficult to navigate through grocery stores.

The word natural has lost all meaning, most food is genetically modified or is sprayed with pesticides. Food like corn and bananas have been so heavily modified, the idea of them being organic almost seems impossible now.

Many of these natural brands you find in the grocery store have their own section of expensive organic products. They are double, if not triple the price of all the other non-organic products, the problem is some of these food items are just as bad. Sure, compared to Lucky Charms, most of these are a better choice, but there are still many unnecessary chemicals in these products that are being sold to you for an extremely high price.

Some of these products include brands like:


Unfortunately owned by Kellogg, the multi-billion dollar corporation responsible for Cornflakes and Rice Crispies. This company purposely paints a natural, family owned company picture on their merchandise. “Kellogg acquired the Kashi brand in 2000, but the Kashi website continues to paint a picture of being a small company: “We are a small (after 25 years, still fewer than 70 of us) band of passionate people.””

 Bear Naked 

Bear-Naked-Honey-Almond-GranolaAnother supposedly small company that’s actually owned by Kellogg. Continue reading

This Video Shows How The Universe Grows Like A Human Brain

We are merely a reflection of the universe in so many ways. From our brains neural pathways and how our cells spilt, to literally being made up of the same fundamental energy; we are the universe experiencing itself. This video shows the growth and evolution of our universe, which is very similar to the growth of our brains!universe-brain-672x372

It is mind blowing to imagine the size of entire galaxies within galaxies all colliding and merging together to create something that is alive. It grows, contracts; our universe literally breathes with life of all kinds.


This video is mesmerizing to watch, and to think, we’re all somewhere in that cosmic soup watching a simulation of it grow.

The Ancient City of Heracleion Has Been Found & Is Now Going on Display

Over a decade ago, French underwater archaeologist Franck Goddio had discovered something amazing submerged in the River Nile. In 2000, they found massive structures making up the lost city of Heracleion, also known as Thonis. Over 1000 years after they were submerged in the Mediterranean sea, these incredible artifacts are now going to be revealed to the public in a British Museum exhibition.

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Found right beside the ancient city of Alexandria, these discoveries change the game for the possibilities of our past.

There is so much we haven’t found and because we haven’t discovered it yet, it is considered to have never existed in the first place.

It is more than likely that there are many different ancient societies that have been too destroyed or too difficult to find; that doesn’t mean they didn’t exist. It is possible there was advanced technology that, over thousands of years, have little left remaining.  Continue reading

5 Things You Learn When You Spend Time Alone

You Reflect on Yourself

When you spend time alone, the only person there to bounce ideas off of, reflect from and be with, is yourself. It is a perfect time to reflect on past experiences, feelings and thoughts you’ve had but haven’t fully processed yet.

When you are living with The Now as much as possible, there still needs to be time to look back on the patterns of your life to help you see a head. What are the experiences that have made you who you are?

Who do you want to be? What steps can you take to fully embody your most authentic self?

You Appreciate Relationships More 

When you’re alone for too long – you start to miss people! We are naturally social and community based creatures. We need each other to stay alive from a survival perspective; humans have always existed tribe like communities together. It’s great to spend time with yourself to have it help remind you how much fun and enjoyment you get from being around your friends. If you really don’t miss any of your close friends in your life, take this time to reflect on what you truly want out of your friendships and how it can happen.

You Become More Creative

002-mirror-of-selfAlone time can be some of your most crazy times! Everyone likes to sing and dance when they’re alone… Or is that just me? Take the time to do what you love if thats art, crafting, singing, dancing, yoga; whatever it is!

I love playing music and painting in my room. When you’re really enjoying yourself and just flowing with your creations, you really are channeling ‘Source’ energy. It is purely creation, enjoyment and being lost in the moment. Continue reading