All posts by Alexandria

The 10 Facts About Anxiety Nobody Talks About

1. You can be social with anxiety. Many people love being around friends and family but still aren’t able to fully control the feelings of anxiety. They are put into a sort of stuck position of wanting to be alone but also around people.

2. You are hyper aware. Even if you don’t want to be, when you are in a state of panic your body forces you into a state of hyperawareness. anxiety560bf5cc1b00003000dfdeb0

3. It looks different for everyone. Some people are very extroverted about it and will verbally let you know. Others, it’s completely inside them and you would never know unless they told you.

4. You can feel guilty after. If you opted out of a group event, party or fun opportunity, after the anxiety wears off is when you can start feeling like you regret your choices.

5. Medication doesn’t always work. For many, they are misdiagnosed and given wrong medication that only worsen the effects. For some, they don’t even need pharmaceuticals, just time in nature and support people in their lives.

6. The fear of anxiety can sometimes cause it. When you are focusing all your energy on not being anxious, you are still feeling that emotion and creating it within you.

shutterstock_1553494107. It feels like it will never end. Trust yourself that it will. You are stronger than you know and if this isn’t your first time being anxious, then you know you can get through it.

8. Anxious people might have higher IQ’s and heightened sensitivities levels. A few studies have shown that people with anxious minds have also been linked to better IQ tests and having more empathy. Continue reading

Chuck Norris Calls Out Chemtrails, Accusing “Sky Criminals” Of Waging War on The Public

Chuck Norris calls chemtrails “sky criminals” in an op-ed examining different pieces of evidence to show there is global geoengineering.

In a World Net Daily editorial, this classic star speaks out against one of the most controversial subjects out there. This topic is immediately shut down by the many who couldn’t even fathom our government doing something like this, and if you’re in that position, get ready for some serious truth. 

Norris highlights one of the reasons for geoengineering in a 2003 National Center for Biotechnology Information abstract. It concludes that “aerosol immunization seems a promising method of vaccination,” He believes the US government probably already tested these kinds of methods on the population.


Chuck Norris, who I never thought would be defending the idea chemtrails, brings up some really great points. He speaking to the truth that even if what’s being sprayed isn’t that dangerous, why is it being sprayed in the first place? That’s something I’ve always tried to keep the focus on whenever I ever talk about chemtrails with people.

It is because people blindly defend something they don’t even understand is how these things get perpetrated. There is no conspiracy that there is some sort of chemical trail being sprayed in the sky that lasts hours and spreads across the sky. There is a fundamental difference between contrails and chemtrails.

Norris goes on to raise the question: “Over the past 13 years since the study, does anyone think it’s possible that such mass vaccinations or immunizations have occurred by air in trial locations in the U.S.?”  “How many plane-dropping chemical cocktails have already been sprayed around the world in the name of securing public health?” “Whatever the intent or justification, and whether or not the purpose is for mass vaccinations or some other devious plot, if you don’t believe there’s some smoke-screening in the sky trails above you, I have a London Bridge to sell you in Lake Havasu City, Arizona.”  Continue reading

This Virtual 3D Paintbrush Turns Your Room into A Canvas

This mind blowing drawing program is going to take your doodles to the next dimension. I found this video the other day and absolutely freaked out. Of course the first thing that came to my mind was you can draw yourself in a magical, light filled forest and actually walk through it?! 

Google just released The Tilt Brush as a game on the platform Steam for those who have a VR headset. For all the artists out there, this is a dream come true. The drawing style has a lot of brightness to it, like you’re painting with pure light. It looks quite magical and endless fun to use.maxresdefault

We need to use VR in a way that brings us together, instead of distract and isolate us. If this game and similar creative games can include multiple people simultaneously playing in a virtual world that requires teamwork and cooperation, then that is something worth being excited about. I’ve always loved video games; the atmosphere, the intractability and story lines always intrigued me.

As I’ve grown, I’ve really longed for something interactive, engaging and exciting that is more than just sitting at your computer alone. VR gives us the ability to literally transport our minds to a different world. When we can exist in that world together and create productively through VR then that is the perfect merging of realities!

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Happening Today: For The First Time in A Decade, Mercury is Crossing Our Massive Sun

On this coming Monday, May 9th, something spectacular is going to happen. This event only happens 13 times every century! For the first time in about a decade, we’re going to witness Mercury make a rare transit across the massive face of the Sun. A transit across the Sun is when a planet passes directly between the Sun and a superior planet and becomes visible against the solar disk. During a transit, the planet can be seen from Earth as a tiny black disk moving across the sun. sdovenustransit_007b363a451b83e04db5c510e130c0a8.nbcnews-fp-1200-800

This is an amazing experience to really see the massive size of the sun and what a planet looks like in front of it! This is something that won’t happen again until 2019 and then 2032. So make sure you’re watching!

This astronomical event is easier to watch than most. It’s viewable from most places on Earth, and unlike most cosmic events, this one lasts at least 7 hours to see! It’s easy to know where to look, just go to the light!

The transit is suppose to begin at around 7am EDT and will last all day. Depending on where you live, this is either in the middle of the day, or in the dead of night:

If you live around the Eastern Asia area, it will be in the middle of the night for you unfortunately!  Continue reading

The Boy Who Remembers His Past Life as His Own Grandfather

This is a bizarre one. Gus Taylor remembers his past life as his own grandfather. At the young age of one and a half he had told his dad, while getting his diaper changed “Y’know, when I was your age I used to change your diaper!” His dad a had pretty humorous response, remarking “Whoa… This is.. weird.”

Gus was named after his grandfather, of course, which is actually short for August. Whenever his family would talk about his grandpa, Gus had a very clear insistence that they were talking about him. When children remember past experiences, many parents will immediately dismiss their claims as their imagination.

It’s understandable when this happens, but when kids have such a consistent story that sometimes comes with such emotion, it’s vital to really listen to them. Some children cry in missing their old families because it is so real and to them, it was pretty recent. Most children start talking about past lives as soon as they are able to speak. hqdefault

In Gus’s case, he is able to pick out distinct details, like recognizing his grandfather as a child in a large group photo. He also identified a picture of a car as the first car his grandfather ever owned. But this is really where it gets freaky. Gus claims that his sister (his aunt) died and became what he called a fish.

What actually happened is that she was murdered and her body was dumped into the San Fransisco Bay! How would any child know that? He wasn’t told by anyone in his family; this completely stunned everyone.

This story is truly remark and unique in that his grandpa died a year before he was born, and just seemingly came right back. This child has access to information that would be other wise impossible to know unless he was told. To say such things at the tender age of one and a half is mind blowing.

If  you have a child that talks vividly about past experiences, really listen to what they’re saying.

Gus excitedly told his mom “You know, when we die, we get to come back! I used to be big, and now I’m a kid again!”


Jupiter Has Shifted Into Libra: 5 Reasons Why This is A Sensitive Time For Libra’s

Libra’s are interesting creatures. Every sign has their own quirks and combined with your unique personality, each sign is really specific to you. Libra is the 7th sign in the horoscope, and it is an air sign.

This sign is special because it cares immensely about balance, harmony and justice in the world. There’s something about them that makes them extra sensitive and full of care, even if they don’t show it.

They Are the BalancerScreen Shot 2016-09-06 at 10.16.06 AM

The symbol that represents Libra is a scale. They are always trying to get closer and closer to perfection in their lives. Usually, they enjoy the challenge of creating something and adding to it, trying to get it to be more than what it is.

They love beauty and notice the amount of care thats gone into their environment.

Because of the scale-like nature of Libra’s, many of them are one way or the other; black or white; left or right.

Many Libra’s are either incredibly neat in their lifestyle or very messy. Libra’s are considered lazy, but in my experience it’s been the exact opposite.

They Are Perfectionists

Because Libra’s find enjoyment in creating solutions, being a perfectionist is in their nature. Problem solving is one of their favorite past times. They love bringing harmony, understanding and balance to the world, which can sometimes leave them feeling defeated. They take on large tasks usually too big for them to do alone and that’s something they are learning to include other people in.

Their perfectionist nature can make them feel like they are the best for the job, and leave them overwhelmed. Just as everything is, it’s a balancing act for them to include people while still being in a leader position.  Continue reading