All posts by Alexandria

2016 Full Moon Calendar: The Dates and Meaning of Each Moon

Did you know each full moon has a name? I actually didn’t know that before this! I had heard of the harvest moon but that was all! The native americans named each full moon to help them track the seasons. It was a representation of a time of year and the energies that came with it.

Although the early native americans did not record time the way we do, using the Gregorian calendar. They watched the skies, trees and stars and observed a change over time. Some tribes had 4 seasons, some had 5 based on what they experienced. Sometimes there was 13 months in a year because of the variation in lunar cycles, leap years and so on.

The names for each moon apply to the entire month.Full Moon Clouds

January, known as the Full Wolf Moon was named after it appeared when wolves would howl outside of the villages. It was also known as the Old Moon to some tribes.

February is known as the Full Snow Moon, because that month typically has the heaviest snow fall of the year. Other tribes had named this moon the ‘Hunger’ Moon because it was the most difficult to hunt for food in this season.

March is called Full Worm Moon, because it is the beginning of spring! It is when everything comes alive again; things start growing, birds and bugs come out, especially worms. It was named after the representation of rebirth of nature. Also known as the Sap Moon because of the maple trees sprout once again.

April is the Full Pink Moon. Slightly more abstract, this moon is named after the appearance flowers as spring continues on. Also known as the Egg or Fish Moon, it all represents the birth, sprouting and life of a new cycle.

May is called Full Flower, or Milk Moon. As spring brings new plants, flora and life forth, the tribes named this month after the continuation of growth from mother Earth. Continue reading

3 Delicious Turmeric Smoothies That Instantly Boost Your Energy

Turmeric has become increasingly popular around the world, and for good reason! There are so many studies showing it’s amazing benefits to our bodies. It’s easy to include in your food and smoothies to help boost your immune system.

turmeric-roots-and-a-jar-of-turmeric-powderStudies have shown that turmeric has the strongest anti-inflammatory effect in the plant world. Curcumin (the main ingredient in turmeric) inhibits the enzyme activity of COX-2 (cyclooxygenase), which is responsible for the creation of molecules that cause inflammation.

Turmeric is also one of the most thoroughly researched plants today. Its medicinal properties and components (especially curcumine) has been the subject of more than 5,600 published reviews and biomedical research.

In fact, in the five-year research project on the sacred plant, scientists discovered more than 600 potential preventive and therapeutic applications, as well as 175 different beneficial physiological effects.

This plant is good for our brains as well as our bodies! It aids our consciousness. So without further adieu, here is a beautifully delicious recipe for you!


Just combine all of these in a blender and blend it until completely smooth:

Tropical turmeric:

  • 1 cup hemp milk or coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup pineapple or mango chunks
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/2 – 1 teaspoon turmeric (or more if you love it!)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds Continue reading

The Only “Positive” Outcome Of A Donald Trump Presidency

Alright, let’s get real here.

I wanted to write an article on this for about half a year now, but I kept putting it off because political articles always got met with frustration from people who follow Spirit Science to specifically get away from politics. This article isn’t about politics, the policies of candidates or the logistics of our legal system.

It’s about the future of mankind.

The current design of our system has a single person representing an entire, diverse nation of people. As time goes on, it’s clear that the reactions and results the government creates are explosive; most people are either patriotic or resistant to the idea of an over arching governing body.

The very definition of the words politics and government expresses the desire to exercise control over others.


“The activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power.”


“The political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.”

It’s no secret that people are angry. It’s no conspiracy that the government has turned into an oligarchy and millions of people want a radical revolution; a shift in consciousness; a fundamental realization that changes the way we interact with each other.

nature5When did the idea of global cooperation, living naturally and sustainably from the Earth with interconnected communities who governs themselves become a “New Age Movement”?

When did it become a pipe dream to believe that our world can exist harmoniously? Continue reading

This Man Beautifully Describes The Experience of OCD Through A Breath-Taking Poem

I found this video a few years ago and love revisiting it from time to time. I haven’t made an article on Spirit Science for awhile and thought I could start again by sharing something I love. I’ve always enjoyed watching slam poetry or live, intense bearings of the soul through beautiful words and body language.

I can’t ever watch this video without tearing up! It speaks to me so loudly even though I don’t experience OCD to this degree. I think a lot of the causes of things like ADHD and OCD are direct results of the disconnection in our society. It’s how we read the brain, how we’re just starting to understand consciousness scientifically, how we dismiss what we don’t understand as mentally ‘ill’.

We’ve constructed a world that is the fundamental cause of experiences like OCD. Where sitting still for half of the day in a classroom is the best way to learn; where we’re shown constant stimulation from the media and get sucked into a continually rushed system of living.

This man so beautifully describes what he experiences everyday. every time I watch it I get a shiver that radiates throughout my body. It makes me reflect on who I am and why this world is the way it is. I hope it does the same for you.


Eight Powerful Habits To Practice In The New Year

 As the new year is upon us, it is that time again for self reflection, introspection and understanding. 2015 was different for everyone, there will always be positive and negative aspects in each year as our world is infinitely vast and our actions differ drastically.

Many had a great year while many did not. It’s time for us to collectively come together and ensure our future is filled with joy. It is up to each of us to take responsibility for what is happening on this planet and create a solution together. 

One: Practice meditation

By now, most people should know the positive effects of meditation on both their physical health and mental state. Yet many of us still can’t seem to find the time to sit peacefully for a few minutes.
It can only take 5 to 10 minute to focus on our breath, clear our minds and raise our emotional state. Meditation is perfect for reflecting on who we are, why we do what we do and how we shift out of behaviors that will no longer serve us in the new year.

It is a chance to completely reset our vibrational states and then act within that mindset of understanding. incorporating this into your routine even just a few times a week will drastically change how you interact with the world. Make 2016 the year of mindfulness!

Two: Practice Movement

Similar to meditation, walking can be used as a meditation of motion. It is a vital exercise, not just for our bodies but for our mental and emotional well being too. Countless studies show the positive effects on how our brain processes information when we’ve taken a 20 minute walk. Continue reading

What It Means to Be Born on The Cusp of A Sign

Most of us know our astrological sign. After all, we can only have one Sun sign.

However, if you were born a few days from the sun’s movement from one astrological sign to the next, you are considered to be ‘on the cusp,’ and this has special meaning for you from an astrological perspective.

Capricorn-Aquarius (between 1/16-1/22) – The Cusp of Mystery & Imagination

Capable Capricorn and quirky Aquarius combine to form a highly unique individual. There’s never a dull moment with these vivid dreamers of rich fantasies…read more Continue reading