All posts by Arjun Walia

US Government Finally Admits Americans Have Been Overdosed On Fluoride

Original Article Source: Collective Evolution

The US government has finally admitted they’ve overdosed Americans on fluoride and, for the first time since 1962, is lowering their recommended level of fluoride in drinking water.

The CDC reports that around 40% percent of Americans have dental fluorosis, a condition referring to changes in the appearance of tooth enamel — from chalky-looking lines and splotches to dark staining and pitting — caused by long-term ingestion of fluoride during the time teeth are forming.

fluoride-bottled-waterThe optimal fluoride level in drinking water to prevent tooth decay should be 0.7 milligrams of fluoride per liter of water (mg/L), the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced Monday, down from a accepted previous fluoride level of 0.7 to 1.2  of water mg/L.

The HHS has stated that the newly recommended change is because “Americans now have access to more sources of fluoride, including toothpaste and mouth rinses, than they did when municipal officials first began adding the mineral to water supplies across the United States.”

Federal health officials say the new recommended level will maintain the protective benefits of water fluoridation and reduce the occurrence of dental fluorosis. Continue reading

A “Mystery Human” Species Completely Changes Our Theory Of Evolution

Article originally written and published by

Evolution is something scientists have observed at several different levels in nature, and when it comes to human ancestry, they’ve been able to collect bits and pieces of the giant puzzle that is human evolution.

It’s important to remember that there is still much we do not know, and the evolutionary tree is far from understood, let alone complete.We do know that some form of evolution (scientifically speaking) has occurred on various levels, but there are still many missing links to our evolutionary journey, and new discoveries made every year are continuing to re-write what we previously believed to be true.

A New Species Discovered?



One great example is a discovery that was made just over a year ago where researchers found what looks to be an entirely new species of hominin that is currently unknown to modern day science. The discovery was made in a Siberian cave. Continue reading

This Study Might Make You Think Twice About Who You Share Your Sexual Energy With

Scientists have discovered that a sizeable minority of women have Y-chromosome gene sequences in their blood. This is interesting because as you may know, Y-chromosomes are the chromosomes that belong to men, so ladies, what are they doing there, and where did they come from?

An obvious answer would be from pregnancy with a male son, since every woman who has been pregnant still carries cells from her fetus within her bloodstream. Cells from the pregnancy will reside within the mother’s bloodstream and organs for the rest of her life, even if the pregnancy was terminated or if there was a miscarriage.

There is a name for this so-called condition, it is called microchimerism (1), which is named after the Greek chimera, a mythical, monstrous fire-breathing animal that is composed of the parts of three animals (a lion, a snake and a goat). So that explains things for women who have given birth to sons. But what about the women without sons that still carried male cells in their bloodstream?

The Study


This called for a study (2) that was done by immunologists at the Fred Hutchinson Caner Center in 2004. In the study, they took samples from 120 women who had never had sons. Continue reading

Our Emotions Can Cause Physical Pain; Here’s The Proof:

Article written by Christina Sarich and originally posted by

In the ancient arts of Chinese Medicine, Yoga, and Ayurveda, there was no doubt among practitioners that anger could cause a heart attack, or chronic sadness could cause dementia. It was not unusual for a master to exterminate chronic pain in different joints and muscles, or even to cure liver, kidney, or stomach diseases by addressing deeply held emotions like fear, frustration, jealousy, and anxiety.

These feats have been dismissed by modern medicine as placebo, or simply glazed over with the latest pharmaceutical prescription at most doctors’ offices, but new evidence has emerged that proves our emotions directly affect our physical health.

Is Your Sadness Causing Your Symptoms?

The phenomenon of emotional health being inextricably linked to physical health has been negated by modern medicine repeatedly, with only small allowances made in integrative medicine, and extremely few studies which support this idea making their way into mainstream publications.

Nonetheless, the Pharmageddon trend plagues this country. We’re quick to admit that we are depressed, too. The makers of depression drugs are raking it in, enjoying over $14 billion in annual sales, with antipsychotics remaining the top-selling therapeutic class of prescription drugs in the US. But the sick-care industry doesn’t really look into how our emotions cause sickness in the body.

I’m not talking about the idea that stress can cause disease, either. Modern health practitioners have largely accepted this general fact, with stress having a noticeable affect on heart disease and obesity rates. Continue reading

Is Your Dog Telepathic? This Cambridge Scientist Thinks So

Article originally written by and published at

If you’re a dog owner, you probably already believe that your dog and you have some sort of telepathic connection, and you’ve had some experiences which strengthen that belief.

Below is a video that was done by Rupert Sheldrake, a biologist and author of 10 books and more than 80 scientific papers. He studied natural sciences at Cambridge and philosophy and history of science at Harvard, where he was a Frank Knox Fellow.

He took a PhD in biochemistry at Cambridge and was a Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge, where he was Director of Studies in biochemistry and cell biology. He was also a Research Fellow of the Royal Society. From 1974 to 1978 he was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Hyderabad, India, where he worked on the physiology of tropical legume crops, and remained Consultant Physiologist until 1985.

He is one of many world class scholars who have dived into the realm of parapsychological (PSI) phenomenon. Continue reading

How To Rapidly Expand Your Consciousness Without The Use of Psychedelics

“The door to the soul is unlocked; you do not need to please the doorkeeper, the door in front of you is yours, intended for you,  and the doorkeeper obeys when spoken to.” -Robert Bly

What if you found out there was a key that would enable you to open and close your doors of perception at will, void of psychedelics? What if you found out you not only held the key, but you were the key? Would you unlock the doors, or keep them shut?

Well, you are the key, and whether or not you choose to enter through the doors is a choice that, although invisible, is life changing. You are the vehicle for the trip, consider this but a mere travel summary.


And for a detailed itinerary?  Well, that can only be fetched by you -not the part of you reading this, but the altered dream state part of your consciousness that will travel beyond the doors of perception to the wildness of the world where there is a livingness to all things- as it can only be found in a place with exclusive access. A place where you can travel, but no one may follow -not even the conscious, waking state version of yourself scanning these very words.

If you have experimented with psychedelics, you most likely know what it is like to sense the type of “livingness” to all things of which I speak. Even if you haven’t used psychedelics, though, you almost certainly have still experienced this same livingness to all things in the world around you to a noticeable degree at least once, but probably various times as a child -a moment where the world around you took on a shimmery glow, colours suddenly appeared brighter, sounds louder and clearer, physical sensations amplified and, most notably, you could FEEL the world around you.

I am not referring to the physical, touching type of feeling, but to the intangible, energy sense of feeling where you could almost feel the luminosity of the world around you within, and you and the luminous rested in harmony as if you were one. You were present, your perceptions altered, your senses heightened. In short,  your sensory gating channels opened to some degree, a process more commonly referred to as opening your doors of perception. Continue reading