All posts by Sam B

Cut Cords To Your Ex That Are Blocking You From Your Soul Mate

I am NEVER EVER talking to him or her again!  They are the worst person I have ever met and I hate them so much!!  Have you ever found yourself saying those words to your friends about you’re most recent ex? Of course you have, we all have!!  We have all had our heart broken at least once in this life time and if you are the lucky one to not have had your heart shattered into 10 million pieces at least once then I am sure you have already stopped reading this article anyway.

This article is for the broken hearted or once broken hearted souls of the world!  Why would you want to read an article about getting over your ex if you are long over them and in a happy relationship now?  The answer to that question is very simple…. So you don’t relive the past over and over and over through a new relationship with a different face…. Regardless of how pretty or handsome that face is in the beginning!

Let’s play a game!  I need you to use your imagination for a few minutes. Even if what I’m writing seems silly, it will all make sense in the end; you may just end up with the tools to put that ex or that nasty relationship you are stuck in behind you, so you can once and for all meet your soul mate/twin flame and live the life you have been wanting for as long as you can remember.

So in this game, let’s just assume that we are all spirits, having a human experience here on earth.  In this experience, we, as spirits, live in human bodies that have something around them called a “torus” or electromagnetic field.  In that field, everything we are and everything we will ever be is programmed into it. This information drives us  until we spiritually awaken.  It is all in the subconscious; we are not aware of what our field of energy around us is causing us to think or do.

To clairvoyants, people with the ability to see auras, spirits, and other non-visual energy patterns like me, the torus around a human body looks like a snow globe . The statue in the middle of the snow globe represents the human body.  The programming, thoughts emotions, feelings, and memories stored in the electromagnetic field of a person look like the snowflakes that swirl around when you shake up a snow globe.


When you as a spirit are born into a “human snow globe” you are still connected to your higher self who resides as a big bright ball about 6 feet above you. The higher self burns bright and directs the statue in the snow globe to turn right or left, cry or sleep, the higher self is completely in control of the snow globe below it and the snow globe knows it.  This is why so many toddlers and young children are reported to have imaginary friends… they are actually Angels or the higher self appearing in a way that the child will receive them.

When the human snow globe starts to grow up, it’s a bright, shiny, clean, and clear snow globe with white snowflakes. It begins to experience life, feel disappointment, and the snow globe starts to see Mom and Dad as their source of survival, forgetting about their higher self and the strong connection they have to it.  That is when the snow globe separates from the higher self, free will sets in, and the connection that once was where they received divine direction is now connected to Mom and Dad’s human snow globes instead.

Now instead of having brilliant beautiful energy coming into the top for the snow globe from the higher self,  the child is pulling energy in from their parents who don’t, for lack of a better description, have super bright, shiny energy.  Let’s say Mom is an angry person, so she has red snowflakes. Dad is depressed, so he has blue snowflakes.  The child, therefore, pulls in blue and red snowflakes. This is about the time that children begin to act up… they call it “the terrible twos.” I, However, have seen many  UN-terrible two-year-olds who have parents that clear their energy using the technique I will be teaching you, or other similar ones.

The child does not have defense mechanisms to deal with anger or depression that an adult has, so they build defenses for them and block anger and depression to the point where they don’t see it or feel it anymore.  The child grows up thinking that their parents are normal, until about 12 to 14-years-old, when the child begins developing emotional relationships at school with peers, when these red and blue snow flakes come back to the surface.

What if everyone knew that once an emotional, sexual, or physical bond is made with another human, hose, or cord,  this bond then connects the two people’s snow globes?   What if everyone knew that if you are connected to someone else’s snow globe, that their snowflakes then effect you and the way you live your life?  If everyone knew this, I can assure you that I would not have formed some of the emotional bonds I formed when I was young… if you know what I mean!  I think people would be much more aware of the energy they took on from their parents when they were young, because they would know that it could very easily ruin a perfectly good relationship.

Once all cords are cut to old relationships, life takes on new shape, new form and you are no longer controlled by the past.  Cords are not only attached to past love relationships, but they are also attached to bosses, friends, jobs, habits, places, etc….  Cutting cords is easy and super effective when you do it safely!


Cords are ugly things when you don’t know they exist, but once you can see the patterns they bring, and you take control over them,  it’s actually pretty amusing to see how controlled we are by the energy around us!

On my web site,, I have a $1 cord cutting meditation that is typically $10 so check it out!

I also have a FREE guided meditation video that will walk you through clearing your parental imprints, or in other words, your parents snow flakes!  Check it out!!

By: Marisa Moris



Do You Keep Seeing Repeating Numbers? Here’s What It Means..


Has this ever happened to you? You’re zipping around, living your life and for some reason your eyes happen to look at the clock at 11:11, 1:11, 4:44 or some other similar sequence to this?  For most of us this may go on for days, weeks, and maybe even months until we begin to wonder why we keep seeing these same numbers.  Others may not see repetitive or consecutive numbers but will see the same number, or the same word over and over and over until it just seems silly that it’s happening.

The guides explained this phenomenon about two years ago when my dad and I started doing weekly channeling sessions for the book we published called “Answers – Heaven Speaks”.  I asked them why so many people see things like this and explained that I had heard TONS of theories but wanted to hear from them if any of those ideas were real or just superstition.  I thought their answer was pretty cool!

Continue reading

Morse Code Messages Have Been Discovered in the Dunes of Mars

You’ve probably heard about Morse code, the secret way to communicate using dots and dashes. It’s always being used in spy and action flicks by one person to relay a message that they don’t want to be readily obvious. Sometimes it’s used because that’s the only way they can communicate at the time.

It turns out that NASA has discovered a series of Morse code-like dunes that consist of dots and dashes on Mars. While scientists have noticed patterns similar to these in the dunes before, this dune field is unique in that it sits just south of Mars’ north pole, creating a much clearer image than ever seen before.

If you were hoping that aliens had a part in this, you’re going to be disappointed. These dunes formed simply because of natural causes, specifically, the wind. Continue reading

This Man Rescued 1,000 Dogs From Being Killed at the Yulin Meat Festival

Sometimes the customs and norms of a particular culture can be appalling to others who do not share the same beliefs or views. What might seem right in one culture is often taboo or frowned upon in others.

So, it might shock you to hear that over in China there is a week-long event every year dedicated to eating dog meat. Known as the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, the event flies in the faces of every person who has ever loved or cherished a canine companion.

It is estimated that every year about 10 to 20 million dogs will be killed for their meat. Many are sharing articles similar to this one to promote awareness of the subject, some are even infiltrating the festival so they can save dogs before they are butchered. Continue reading