All posts by Indigo Moon

7 Anti-Anxiety Herbs That Are More Effective Than Medication

As someone who struggles with Anxiety, I am always looking for new ways to help myself have less attacks and to remain calm. Taking prescription medication is not something I do very often, and I personally choose to combat my anxiety with a more natural holistic approach.

Modern medicine most certainly does have a place in the world, a very important one at that, but where possible, a natural alternative usually works incredibly well, if you are willing to give it a try!

That said, herbs are potent too, just like pharmaceutical medication, you need to take care when using them, some can be highly toxic in large doses and many people are sensitive to certain herbs. If in doubt, consult your medical professional before trying any treatment, even natural ones!

Many herbs that are good for anxiety have a sedative effect, so please be cautious when you need to be alert and awake, like when driving.

While using your herbs to treats your symptoms, it is still important to find the crux of the problem, what causes your anxiety? Avoiding and removing the cause is important, otherwise you will never fully get rid of the issue. Sometimes situations that cause an anxiety spike are unavoidable, but if they are, remove yourself from the situation!



Lemon Balm has been found to reduce anxiety and increase calmness. In the middle ages, it was used for just that!

Lemon Balm increases stimulation of the GABA receptors which produce a sedative and calming effect, which is what makes it so great for those suffering from anxiety! Continue reading

A Test To Find Out What Kind Of Energy Do You Have

Each and every one of us, our bodies and minds, are ruled by a life energy, this energy is what we give to the world.

We are all different and unique, and so is our energy. Perhaps you have a happy and positive energy, attracting people with your joyful abundance, or maybe you have mana earth energy – a strong sense to be in and amongst nature. Some of us contain the divine energy, being very spiritual.

Take our quiz to find out which energy you embody!


6 of The Biggest Regrets People Have When They Look Back On Their Lives

Isn’t it ironic? Most of us live each day doing things we don’t want to do, waking up each morning to go to a job we secretly hate, forgetting about all the things and people that make us happy because we have barely enough hours in a day left to do what we actually want to do?

And then, once we reach retirement age not only are we too old and unhealthy to do the things we loved when we were young, but we end up looking back regretting how we lived, regretting not making the time for ourselves, and thinking about how we would do things differently, if we had another chance.

We need a reminder before it is too late, what is important to YOU? You still have the time to do life your way! These are the most common regrets people have when the look back at their lives, when it’s too late to go back and change it:

Not being courageous enough to be themselves

Of course, in today’s society who is real? Who is really themselves? Pretending to be who we are not, just to fit in. Doing things they felt they should do rather than the things they wanted to, or loved to do.

Staying in an unhappy job and not taking risks


While similar to number one, this regret is based on our careers, many of which are chosen for us by pressurizing parents, or, if things did not go well, we end up in a job just to have one.

Usually one we really don’t enjoy. Working 40+ hours a week, having a less than a month off in a year to vacation, our jobs are clearly a massive part of our lives. Continue reading

Studies Show The Interesting Links Between Your Birth Month & Your Health

Modern science has mostly dismissed the link between disease and date of birth, despite evidence in recent studies.

The seasons were once a huge influence in medicine, and many doctors believed your birth month would affect your health, both mentally and physically.

This study at the Columbia University had a look at medical records of 1.75 million people, born between 1900 and 2000, there was compelling evidence showing that many diseases and disorders like ADHD or reproductive complications, were strongly linked to month of birth.


Birth Month And Health

Summer babies are generally healthier and this is believed to be because of peaked vitamin D exposure.

This study published in the journal Heliyon states that those born in June, July and August had higher birth weights, and most grew up to be tall adults. While those born in December, January and February weighed less at birth and reached puberty earlier, they were also shorter adults.

Children born in fall/autumn are more susceptible to asthma, this is linked to the fact that these children are still very young when experiencing their first winter cold and flu season.  This  2008 study claims that those born in September, October and November had 30% more chance of being asthmatic.

More than 6 million deaths related to heart disease were looked at in this 2011 study which showed that that most of these individuals were November born.

Those born in early spring are more likely to develop cardiovascular diseases while those born in early fall are more likely to suffer from respiratory illness.

What alignments are you most at risk of?



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Why You Should Remove “Sorry” From Your Vocabulary Right Now

Are you one of those people who says “Sorry” a lot? Do you say it even when you aren’t at fault?

This 2010 study in the journal Psychological Science has a theory: “women have a lower threshold for what constitutes offensive behaviour”.

Basically this means that we feel that we should apologize for situations that don’t really warrant an apology, everyday situations especially those requiring you to be more direct, like when asking for a raise or even asking someone to pass the salt. Sometimes we say sorry because we want to avoid or end conflict or confrontation.


Here are some really great reasons why saying sorry should be rethought and used less often:

Saying sorry all the time actually devalues its purpose. Saying sorry too easily or too often or when something isn’t your fault turns the word into something meaningless.

A sincere apology is powerful and from the heart, and saying or hearing it too often will eventually cause the word to hold no value. You want an apology to happen when it’s important, not because you think it’s rude to have an opinion or want someone’s assistance. Use the word when it’s meant to be used. Continue reading

How to Grow Your Own Bismuth Crystals at Home

Bismuth is an elemental metal and number 83 on the Periodic Table. It is a brittle metal which is silvery white with a shimmering hue.


Despite often being created in the lab, this awesome rainbow stone is good to help you focus. It’s also an excellent stone for visualization and it helps increase energy levels allowing you to more efficiently deal with overwhelming situations.

Bismuth also helps relieve and resolve feelings of loneliness and helps you adapt with change as it is the stone of transformation.

Bismuth is great for reducing fever, helping to ease degenerative muscle issues and assisting you to recover after a major surgery or injury.

With their expansive colors and interesting formations, Bismuth Crystals are an awesome addition to your rock and mineral collection. In the video below, Taras Kul, the “Crazy Russian Hacker” shows us how to grow our own Bismuth crystals!

Video Via Crazy Russian Hacker

Sources: Laughing Squid | Healing Crystals